Dr. Heidi Eisenreich is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at Georgia Southern University and a 2017 STaR (Service, Teaching, and Research) fellow through AMTE (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators). Her interests lie in finding meaningful tasks that push beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning through discourse and reflecting on those tasks with preservice teachers, inservice teachers, and parents.
Areas of Expertise (2)
Math Education
Education (1)
University of Central Florida: Ph.D.
Links (3)
Articles (3)
Using School Choice to Connect to Mathematics Learning in a Statistics and Probability Course for K-8 Pre-service Teachers
Georgia Educational Research AssociationH Nguyen, H Eisenreich
2018 This pilot qualitative study explored K-8 pre-service teachers (PSTs)’ learning experience in a Statistics and Probability course and their ability to make connections between mathematics and their everyday lives when given opportunities to investigate mathematics through a social issue. Data from student surveys, assessments, and written reflections will be reported, analyzed, and discussed. The researchers also describe approaches and reflect upon experiences for PSTs while studying school choice voucher programs.
Using Notecards to Connect Area Formulas and Deepen Understanding
STEM ConferenceH Eisenreich, H Nguyen, T An
2018 This is a session for 5-7 grade mathematics teachers or instructional coaches. During the presentation, each participant will be given a notecard and use scissors to construct new 2D-shapes using that notecard. Participants will use the area of the notecard to connect areas of the shapes. This interaction will help them (and their students) conceptually make sense of area formulas for a triangle, parallelogram, and square, starting with the area formula for a rectangle. Through this activity and discourse around this activity, participants will be encouraged to collaborate and build on formulas explored earlier in the session to find possible formulas for the area of a trapezoid. This activity aligns with Mathematical Practice 7 (Look for and make use of repeated structure) and Grades 5-7 Geometry standards because students engage in visualization and spatial reasoning as they interactively compose and decompose shapes, and develop connections between area formulas.
Deepening Place Value Understanding in K-2 through Explanation and Justification
STEM ConferenceH Eisenreich, A Disney
2018 This session is designed for K-2 mathematics teachers and instructional coaches. During the presentation, participants will experience the development of place value concepts in the context of a candy shop. They will make sense of place value through a rich task that requires math talk focused on explanation and justification. Participants will discuss possible student solutions and identify potential student misconceptions. A video of the task will be shared to give insight on how young children might engage in this task. Finally, participants will make connections between the content and process of this task and their own classroom context.