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Howard E. Johnson - Veracap Corporate Finance. Toronto, ON, CA

Howard E. Johnson

Managing Director | Veracap Corporate Finance

Toronto, ON, CANADA

A leading expert in M&A and shareholder value, Howard is renowned for his lively presentations without a lot of technical jargon.





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Howard is a Managing Director of Veracap Corporate Finance Limited, a member of M&A International. He has helped numerous business owners and executives in maximizing shareholder value through acquisitions, divestitures, private equity financing and corporate growth strategies.

Howard is the author of several books, including Business Valuation, Building Value in Your Company, Selling Your Private Company, Corporate Finance for Canadian Executives and The Acquisition Value Cycle™. Howard is a frequent speaker at conferences throughout North America on the subjects of business valuation, acquisitions, divestures, private equity financing and building shareholder value. In addition, he has acted as an expert witness on complex valuation matters before the courts and served on the Board of Directors for public and private companies.

Howard holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Concordia University (Governor General’s Award, 1988), a Graduate Diploma in Public Accountancy from McGill University (Kenneth F. Byrd Prize, 1989) and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from McMaster University (D. M. Heddon Gold Medal, 1992). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants of Canada and a member of the Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute and the American Society of Appraisers. Howard also holds the Corporate Finance specialization and the Chartered Director designation.

Industry Expertise (5)

Financial Services

Capital Markets


VC and Private Equity

Investment Banking

Areas of Expertise (6)

Mergers & Acquisitions

Business Valuation

Corporate Finance

Building Value in Your Company

Selling Your Company

Private Equity Financing

Accomplishments (3)

Chair - The Society of Management Accountants of Ontario (professional)

Howard was the Chair of CMA Ontario in 2006-2007, an organization that represents over 20,000 Certified Management Accountants in the province.

Managing Director - Campbell Valuation Partners Limited (professional)

Campbell Valuation Partners Limited (‘CVPL’) is Canada’s longest established independent valuation consulting firm. The firm has been involved in over 2000 business valuation, damages quantification and related engagements since it was founded in 1976. CVPL is renowned for its independence and objectivity in valuation matters.

Managing Director - Veracap Corporate Finance (professional)

Veracap Corporate Finance is a Canadian independent mid-market investment bank that helps business owners and executives maximize shareholder value through acquistions, divestitures, private equity financing and related services. Veracap is an exempt market dealer which allows it to raise private equity financings for its clients. Veracap is a member of M&A International, the world’s largest affiliation of M&A advisors, with over 500 partners in 40 countries around the world.

Education (4)

John Abbott College: Diplome d'etudes collegiales, Finance 1986

Academic Excellence in Finance Award

McGill University: Graduate Diploma in Public Accountancy 1989

Kenneth F. Byrd Prize

McMaster University : MBA, Marketing 1992

D.M. Heddon Gold Medal

Concordia University : Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting 1988

Governor General's Award

Event Appearances (9)

Building Value in Your Company

Financial Executives International   Toronto, Ontario

The Psychology of Mid-Market M&A

Chartered Business Valuators Conference  Halifax, Nova Scotia

Management Buyouts

Joint ASA-CBV Valuation Conference  Miami, FL

Business Sale and Succession

CMA Ontario   Toronto, Ontario

Business Valuations, Acquisitions and Divestitures

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta  Calgary, Alberta

Mergers & Acquisitions

CFO Core Concerns Conference  Chicago, IL

What's Your Business Worth?

Canada’s Credit Unions Seminar Series  Webinar

Buying or Selling a Business and Raising Capital

Halifax Chamber of Commerce Speaker Series  Halifax, Nova Scotia

Shareholder Buyouts, MBO's and ESOP's

Financial Executives International  Oakville, Ontario

Sample Talks (5)

Private Equity Financing

This presentation highlights how private equity financing works and what business owners and executives can do to attract the right private equity partner, whether for expansion capital, restructuring or buyouts.

Selling Your Company

This presentation addresses how business owners and executives can maximize shareholder value in the sale of their company. It covers key initiatives in pre-sale preparation through to finding the right buyers, valuation and pricing, structuring the deal, negotiating strategies and closing.

Strategic Acquisitions

This presentation addresses what buyers should do to ensure that the acquisitions they undertake will be accretive to shareholder value. It addresses key topics such as finding acquisition candidates, due diligence, deal structuring, negotiation and integration. It also discusses the common pitfalls in acquisitions and how buyers can avoid them.

Management Buyouts

This presentation focuses on how management buyouts (MBO's) work and the keys to getting an MBO done. It features the MBO Value Matrix, which illustrates the interplay between all the players involved and how to avoid the pitfalls.

Building Value in Your Company

This presentation is based on Howard's book, entitled Building Value in Your Company. Howard discusses how cash flow, risk profile and invested capital are the key drivers in measuring, creating and realizing shareholder value. In addition, Howard demonstrates how creating shareholder value stems from developing a competitive advantage that generates intangible value within a company, whether large or small, public or private.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


*Will consider certain engagements for no fee