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Hugh Williams-Preece - Running Events. London, United Kingdom, , GB

Hugh Williams-Preece

Managing Director | Running Events

London, United Kingdom, UNITED KINGDOM

Using the achievement of running 50 Marathons in 50 Days, inspires audiences to set audacious goals in both work & play.





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Running does not discriminate nor does it give up. Running has a goal that includes the preparation, the training, the distance and the finishing line. Running offers a challenge where the reward is what you make of it.

A great speaker will be the highlight of your event and you need to feel confident that your speaker will relate to, engage, and inspire your audience.

For a personal challenge, Hugh successfully ran 50 marathons in 50 days, from Lisbon to London, and he tells of his experience to show others that they can achieve something extraordinary. With humility and humour, he inspires audiences of all ages to set audacious goals in their personal and professional lives. His audiences feel that they are on the journey with him and leave motivated to do more in their everyday lives.

Speaking engagements are usually around the following topics and are tailored to suit the goals of the host or the specific audience.

• Don’t be afraid of having an audacious goal
• Personal conviction and commitment
• Be prepared but be prepared to change your plans
• Deal with your problems early
• Do the things you HATE.....well!
• Take it one day at a time and you will cross the finish line.


Hugh was a keynote speaker for us at our Success is Not a Chance Event evening networking event and we had a rapt audience of over 150 attendees! Hugh’s story is quite simply inspirational and I think we all left feeling as if we could tackle any great physical challenge! He shared his journey with us from the inception of the idea to crossing the finishing line after running 50 marathons in 50 days and along the way he shared his experiences and showed us how we could map them onto our own lives and careers and achieve success. The atmosphere was so buzzy after the talk and I only heard glowing feedback from our attendees – a great speaker and one who we’d engage again!

Maggie Berry, Managing Director, Women in Technology
BP co-hosted event: Success is Not a Chance Event

Industry Expertise (3)

Events Services

Financial Services

Sport - Amateur

Areas of Expertise (2)

Inspirational Speaking

Endurance Challenges

Accomplishments (4)

Climbed Kiliminjaro, Mont Blanc, Aconcagua and completed Three Peaks Challenge (personal)

Endurance achievements over the years

Climbed Kiliminjaro, Mont Balnc, Aconcagua and completed Three Peaks Challenge (personal)

Endurance achievements over the years

Marathon Des Sables (personal)

6 marathons in 7 days across the Sahara Desert in the 'Toughest footrace' in the world across the Sahara Desert.

Winner of Prestigious PNE Development Award (professional)

Award for innovation in Fundraising for inspiring and innovative fundraising efforts for Marie Curie Cancer Care, raising almost £40,000.00

Education (1)

Gordonstoun: 1998

Testimonials (11)

Laura Paterson, 6th Form Co-ordinator | Gordonstoun School

Hugh’s talk gave a real insight into pushing yourself to the limit and it was interesting for our students to see how Hugh had applied our schools’ motto ‘Plus est en Vous’ to his life. Hugh’s dedication to charity is something we can all learn from and I know our students gained a lot from seeing what can be achieved when you put your mind to something.

Arun Sharma, Head of Corporate Fundraising | Marie Curie Cancer Care

Hugh Williams-Preece’s speech at our BT Tower event was engaging, inspiring and laugh-out-loud funny. His light-hearted and charming character belies a steely determination which is evident in his accomplishments. He tells his remarkable story in a modest and self deprecating manner and we were all hooked. This was an important event for Marie Curie Cancer Care with some of our biggest supporters and Hugh was a fantastic speaker. I am sure Hugh will be very much in demand for other events in the future.

Maggie Berry, Managing Director | BP & Women In Technology - Success Is Not A Chance Event

Hugh was a keynote speaker for us at our Success is Not a Chance Event evening networking event and we had a rapt audience of over 150 attendees! Hugh’s story is quite simply inspirational and I think we all left feeling as if we could tackle any great physical challenge! He shared his journey with us from the inception of the idea to crossing the finishing line after running 50 marathons in 50 days and along the way he shared his experiences and showed us how we could map them onto our own lives and careers and achieve success. The atmosphere was so buzzy after the talk and I only heard glowing feedback from our attendees – a great speaker and one who we’d engage again!

John R Baugh, Headmaster | Dragon School

Hugh’s talk to a mixture of Year 7 & 8 children, parents and alumni was engaging, amusing and truly inspirational. The children were captivated and keen to question Hugh on every aspect of his achievements. He told his remarkable story in a modest yet powerful manner and demonstrated to us all how with belief, determination and commitment, we all have the ability to succeed.

Sara Jane Woods, Head of Community Fundraising London & South East | Marie Curie Cancer Care

Hugh’s speech to our Corporate partners and Major Donors in the BT tower was the key to the success of the whole event. The audience were completely silent throughout and afterwards many wanted to speak to him directly to learn more about how he achieved such an incredible feat. We held the event to thank our donors and Hugh’s talk made everyone feel privileged to have been invited; it was everything we had hoped for.

Stephanie Davis, IT&S Project Manager – Alternative Energy, BP | BP & Women In Technology - Success Is Not A Chance Event

At our Success is Not a Chance Event networking event Hugh shared his inspiring story of running 50 marathons in 50 days with our audience of over 150 attendees. Sharing what it took to achieve such a challenging goal, Hugh was able to motivate and encourage our audience, one of the key objectives of our BP Women in IT&S Network. There was plenty to draw out from Hugh’s experiences for application in the business world and feedback during the networking after the event was extremely complimentary.”

Sarah-Jane Shellard, Director | Walton Business Group

Members of Walton Business Group come from a wide variety of professions including SMEs, banks, accountants, law firms and high-street names. WBG is in its 5th year and our guests expect very good speakers. We were delighted to invite Hugh Williams-Preece, following his recent success with 50in50. His talk was inspiring, uplifting and with elements of humour. He doesn’t take himself too seriously and he shared valuable and practical lessons for everyone in the room. Feedback has been excellent, which makes the event organising team feel good too – we’d certainly recommend him.

Matt Mockridge, Deputy Headmaster | Cumnor House School

To run one marathon is hard enough; recovery takes a week or two. To run two on consecutive days is asking a lot. To run 50 in 50 could be described as sheer madness but Hugh knew what he was doing, realized the enormity of his task, and so persuaded the whole prep school (aged 7-13), in his charming & self-effacing way, that he and we could do almost anything if we wanted. His talk covered everything involved from inception to aftermath and left us with a feeling that we too could be superhuman if we only believed.

Oliver Lee, Deputy Head | Packwood Haugh School

Hugh gave a totally engrossing account of his colossal achievement to our boarding community, who listened, spellbound, to his account. All of the audience were thoroughly impressed not only by this extraordinary feat of endurance, but also by the clear message he gave about the power of mind over matter, how one should try again and again to achieve one’s goals in life. It was interesting at the end that when the question was asked about who wanted to run a Marathon in the future, a forest of hands shot up, around 95% of those present.

Ann Williams, Director | Next Level Information

I hear many speakers in the course of my professional work and Hugh’s name was new to me. What a treat! His speech was very impressive – it was clear, helpful, informative and entertaining. His sense of humour and his descriptions of the challenges, setbacks and triumphs en route made it all the more inspiring. He’s an ordinary man with an extraordinary focus to succeed – and the ability to pass his infectious enthusiasm on to others. I’d happily recommend him!

Stephen Broadhurst, Group Director Sales | The Sunlight Service Group

Hugh, a great man who is seemingly blissfully unaware of the normal parameters that circumference the human form. An inspirational speaker with a presentation to lift attendees confidently from their seats in pursuit of boundless personal goals. In short an immensely talented leader who makes full use of life. A must see for those who need shove in the right direction.

Event Appearances (1)

Success Is Not A Chance Event

BP & Women In Technology - Success Is Not A Chance Event  BP Head Office, London


Sample Talks (1)

With the accomplishment of running 50 marathons in 50 days, inspiring others to set audacious goals in work and in play.

Inspiring others to push their boundaries to do something extraordinary, be it in their personal or professional lives. Speaking engagements are usually around the following topics & are tailored to suit the goals of the audience: • Don’t be afraid of having an audacious goal • Personal conviction and commitment • Be prepared but be prepared to change your plans • Deal with your problems early • Do the things you HATE.....well! • Take it one day at a time and you will cross the finish line.



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader


2500 to 3500