Ian Scarffe Bio
Ian Scarffe is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world.
As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe.
Ian is an Independent Expert at the European Commission - Horizon 2020
An expert in Startup, Investment, Fintech, Web3 and Blockchain industries. Ian currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.
Ian’s overall mission is to foster a society of economically independent individuals who are engaged citizens, contributing to the improvement of their communities across the world.
Ian Scarffe has outstanding entrepreneurial skills and commercial acumen with innovation and motivation. With the capacity to work at strategic levels, Ian possesses exceptional interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills.
A passion for customer service, wealth of knowledge and vast amounts of hands-on experience in almost every role, means Ian has valuable insight into millions of customers, proving him to be a valuable asset to companies across the globe.
Ian works with quality Blockchain companies, NFT Marketplaces and NFT Projects, Decentralised Finance (DeFi), Play2Earn Games that have a proven track record and are credible funding propositions. Ian is supported by a broad base of funders who include: Blockchain Angels, Blockchain Investors and Funds, Accredited investors, Institutional Investors, Venture Capital Firms, Business Angels and Syndicates, Family Offices, Corporate Venture Funds and Ultra high-net-worth individuals.
Ian is a Top Global Influencer in Blockchain and Fintech
Top Ranked Member of Global List - People of Blockchain
Number 1 Ranked top Blockchain Advisor
For Further details, contact:
Ian Scarffe
Industry Expertise (3)
Computer Gaming
Business Services
Management Consulting
Areas of Expertise (3)
Strategic Consulting
Accomplishments (3)
Blockchain Advising and Consulting (professional)
Blockchain Advising and Consulting (partial list) Scarffe advises and consults for a range of Blockchain companies with stake in various sectors including: European Commission - Independent Expert - Horizons 2020 OpenBiSea - Advisor Studyum - Advisor ICObench - #1 / #2 Top Ranked Expert of Global list - People of Blockchain International Deal Gateway - Founding Member - Ambassador. [11] European Digital Assets Exchange - Advisor / Consultant /
Marina Pods Clean Energy (professional)
Marina Pods and clean energy In 2017, Ian Scarffe founded Marina Pods, a concept design company in an attempt to redefine the marina industry. The ultimate goal is to bring sustainable and clean solutions to recreational boating on the coastlines of Europe. Pilot phases have explored a variety of innovative concepts which create environmentally friendly clean marinas. The demand for moorings and supporting tourism infrastructure is ever-expanding throughout Europe.
Ian Scarffe Philanthropy (personal)
Philanthropy Elvie Mary Foundation Ian established the Elvie Mary Foundation after his late mother passed away from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Elvie Mary was a woman who touched the lives of hundreds of people throughout her life. Her strong faith and belief in the greater good of humanity were with her throughout her entire life. The foundation in her footsteps aims to touch as many lives as possible through the philanthropic efforts of Ian Scarffe.
Education (9)
Adelaide, South Australia 2005:
2005 Studied and successfully completed the Proactive Trade Sale Strategic Workshop Training Program and Exit Ready Index. Presented by Australias Leading Professor Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr. Tom McKaskill. Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship Swinburne University and in conjunction with KPMG.
Adelaide, South Australia 1985: Business, Maths, Drama, Art/Design, Modern History, Marketing, Music, Science, Social Education,
; House Captain ; Pasadena Young Business Award
Adelaide, South Australia 2002:
2002 Studied and successfully completed South Australian AIM Institute of Management analysing financial information for Corporate Enterprise. 2002 Studied and successfully completed the Centre for Innovation and Business Marketing for Services Workshop program. 2002 Studied and successfully completed the Commonwealth Governments Growing Investment to Grow Regional Business workshop program. 2002 Studied and successfully completed the BDO - Strategic Planning for Growth Workshop program. 2002 Ian was employed to mentor a group of Adelaide University students in the Hewlett-Packard Adelaide University Entrepreneurs Challenge. As a result of Ians input his group FashionTech was awarded 2nd prize in the inaugural event 2002 Studied and successfully completed the Centre for Innovation and Business Successfully Contracting and Winning Tenders Workshop
Stanford Business School: Steve Blank's Lean LaunchPad, Lean Startup 2012
Steve Blank's Lean LaunchPad Steve Blank is a seasoned Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Translation: he has failed and--more often--succeeded, in a 21-year career building 8 Valley startups, including several with major IPO's. Along the way, he's learned an incredible amount, and has spent the last decade sharing what he's learned with entrepreneurs all over the world. Author of two famous books on entrepreneurship, The Four Steps to the Epiphany, and--new this year--The Startup Owner's Manual, Steve teaches entrepreneurship at Udacity, Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, and other major universities worldwide. He was named "Master of Innovation" by Harvard Business Review and is an advisor to many successful entrepreneurs. He is also an avid conservationist, contributing generously to preserve the California Coast. The Lean LaunchPad class is taught at Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, Caltech, National Science Foundation and Udacity, the best online digital university.
The University of Adelaide Adelaide:
2001 Studied and successfully completed the Centre for Innovation and Business – Negotiation Skills Workshop program. 2001 Ian Scarffe was employed to mentor a group of University of Adelaide students in the Hewlett-Packard University of Adelaide - Entrepreneurs Challenge. As a result of Ian Scarffes input his group Paravididya was awarded 2nd prize in the inaugural event see 2001 Ian Scarffe studied the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, released by the international renowned Kauffman Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership and the London Business School.
Adelaide, South Australia 1993:
1996 Studied and successfully completed the Strategems Improving Quality Systems and Processes Workshop Program including the Australian Business Excellence Framework Program 1993 Studied and successfully completed the Centre for Innovation and Hayes Knight Costing For Services Program 1986 Ian Scarffe studied and successfully completed the Success Motivational Institute Inc.- Professionalism in Selling.
Adelaide, South Australia 2003:
2003 Studied and successfully completed the Young Entrepreneurs Organisation Sydney University Presented by UBS Wealth Management and The Thomas A Edison Foundation 2003 Ian was invited by Business SA to become an acting panel member during the 2003 intake of the SAYES participant intake program. 2003 Studied and successfully completed the Young Entrepreneurs Organisation Horizons Leader Forum. 2003 Studied and successfully completed the South Australian Governments Centre for Innovation and Business Designing Smarter Projects. 2003 Studied the Business Vision 2010 Making a Difference through benchmarking
Adelaide South Australia:
2004 Studied and successfully completed the Life Pilot Workshop, presented by Peter H Thomas, Founder of Century 21. 2004 Studied and successfully completed the Young Entrepreneurs Organisation Switzerland – St Moritz University, presented by Boulder Quantum Ventures
Adelaide, South Australia 1998:
1998 Studied and successfully completed the MMA - Marketing for Services program.
Affiliations (1)
- Business Ambassador Adelaide - South Australia EO Entrepreneurs Organisation - Rotary – Adelaide South Australia Inventory of Skills – Global - Adelaide South Australia The Member Exchange –
Links (3)
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC
- Author Appearance
- Corporate Training