Jim Devine is a Professor of Economics at Loyola Marymount University.
Education (2)
University of California, Berkeley: Ph.D., Economics 1980
Yale University: B.A., Economics 1974
Areas of Expertise (5)
U.S. Economic History
Political Economics
Labor Economics
Money and Banking
Affiliations (2)
- American Economic Association
- Union for Radical Political Economics
Links (5)
- Website
- The Positive Political Economy of Individualism and Collectivism: Hobbes, Locke, & Rousseau
- Psychological Autism, Institutional Autism and Economics
- The Great Moderation and “Falling Off a Cliff”: Neo-Kaldorian Dynamics
- Roemer's "General" Theory of Exploitation is a Special Case: The Limits of Walrasian Marxism
Event Appearances (1)
Objective Needs, Neediness,and Health: a Positive Analysis (the Buddhist version)
Association for Social Economics meetings of the Midwest Economics Association conference Cincinnati, OH
Courses (3)
Introductory Ecomomics
ECON 1050
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 3200
Money and Banking
ECON 3220
Articles (6)
Radical and Marxian Approaches to Labor Economics: Labor Markets, Labor Processes, and Exploitation
Models of Labor MarketsBruce Kaufman, ed.
2020 Stanford University Press
Hidden Inflation An Estimate of the Cost of Living Inflation Rate
Capitalism: Radical Perspectives on Economic Theory and Policy2015-01-01
Despite seemingly low inflation in recent years and because of official recalculations of the inflation rate that reduce it even further, our measures of “inflation” underestimate the true increases in the cost of living. The official measures of inflation are market oriented, that is, ...
The Rate of Profit's role in Capitalism
Loyola Marymount University2015-01-01
The ROP's double role. For simplicity, the wealth of possible data on recent events will be ignored. Following the Marxian tradition, I'm going to focus the rate of profit (ROP), explaining the role of its fall in causing the “Millennium Crisis.” There are two main threads...
The Great Moderation and Falling Off a Cliff: Neo-Kaldorian Dynamics
Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationMay 2011 78(3) 366-373
The ‘Natural’ Rate of Unemployment
A Guide to What's Wrong with EconomicsEdward Fullbrook, ed.
London, UK: Anthem Press, 2004, pp. 126-132
Psychological Autism, Institutional Autism, and Economics.
The Crisis in Economics: The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: the First 600 DaysEdward Fullbrook, ed.
pp. 212-20. London: Routledge, 2003. (Originally published in the Post-Autistic Economics Review, issue no. 16, September 16, 2002