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James Wilhelm - James C. Wilhelm Media. Boynton Beach, FL, US

James Wilhelm

Executive Producer | James C. Wilhelm Media

Boynton Beach, FL, UNITED STATES

Charismatic speaker teaching individuals the process of self understanding to access and implement the power within each of us to create pea



James Wilhelm Publication



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Inside the Mind of James C. Wilhelm




Jim Wilhelm is an international spiritual teacher, self-development mentor, author, lecturer, philosopher, Emmy award-winning television producer, and successful entrepreneur. He has shared his experiences of practical mysticism around the world for more than 40 years.

At age 13, a life altering experience of Divine Consciousness led Jim on an inner journey, resulting in a succession of experiences that ultimately revealed to him a way to realize one’s True Nature: the God-Self that lives within each of us. After many years of practice and research Jim discovered a practical aspect of mystical consciousness. When he applied this revelation to his life Jim realized that he could alter his experience of what we call physical reality. Beginning with small accomplishments Jim progressively increased the scope of his choices thereby healing himself of several serious health issues and manifesting millions of dollars in personal wealth.

Jim learned quickly that the application of this knowledge was effortless and that the less effort he applied to manifesting his choices the quicker and more powerfully they became his living experience. It is not necessary to learn or understand how or why the Universal Creative Drivers turn our thoughts into physical experience in the world. The operation of the Universal Creative Drivers can be compared with the operation of the volume control on a television or radio. Most of us have no understanding of how the electronic systems inside a television increase or decrease the intensity of the sound coming from the speakers. We do, however, know how to make that happen: we either turn a knob or push a button. To someone who has never seen a television or radio this might occur as a miracle. To those of us who know, it is simply what we expect to happen when we push the button or rotate the knob. We do this with ease and without even thinking about it. This is how you will alter the course of all aspects of your life in accordance with your choices: with ease, expectation, and grace.

Jim has translated his spiritual understanding into practical knowledge that you can apply in your life. He works with individuals and organizations and facilitates workshops and seminars to help people discover and apply their inner power to manifest what they previously considered impossible.

Industry Expertise (3)

Management Consulting

Audio Visual

Professional Training and Coaching

Areas of Expertise (3)

Film and Video Production to Influence Decision Makers


Developing Maximum Potential

Accomplishments (2)

Emmy Award Winner (professional)


Have been awarded one Emmy, one Emmy nomination and many Tellys and Auroras for programming created and produced by James C. Wilhelm

Television Executive Producer/Director (professional)

Created and produced original, award winning television programming. Directed major talent including Ed Begley, Jr., Mark Hamill, Mariette Hartley, Kathleen Sullivan, Hunter Tylo and others. Co-founded and built the largest (by revenue, according to the South Florida Business Journal) television production company in South Florida.

Education (1)

California State University: Bachelor of Science, Philosophy and Relgious Studies 1987

Affiliations (1)

  • TV Interactive

Testimonials (1)

Maureen M. O'Rourke, Critical Care Pediatrician | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia-attended NYC workshop

I Am God and So Are You is a compelling story and philosophy. Upon integration of James Wilhelm’s flawless logic into my daily life, I have enjoyed fulfillment, tranquility, and meaningful relationships.

Event Appearances (7)

Manifesting Your Reality

New Life Expo  New York City


Pragmatic Mysticism

James C. Wilhelm and the Practical Value of Mystical Experience.   Theosophical Society of Miami


Peace, Power, Purpose

Team Building for 21st Century Buisiness  Ft. Lauderdale Hilton Hotel


Interactive Television and the World Wide Web

The Digital Frontier  Florida Atlantic University


Manifesting World Peace

Global Peace Initiative  Myrtle Beach, SC


Next Step for Humanity

Words of Peace  Madrid, Spain


Choose Peace

Community Peace Initiative  California State University Bakersfield, CA


Sample Talks (3)

Five Steps to Self Knowledge

Teaches the five step system I developed through 30 years of working with people and corporations. Awakens people to who they really are so they can change their thinking and achieve their biggest goals.

I Am God and So Are You

Presentation of philosophical and scientific information that creates a stream of logic leading to the reality that all of creation is One and each of us is that One.

Practical Mysticism

The History of Mysticism from 500 B.C. to the 20th Century explores the experiences and ideas of history's prominent philosophers, mystics, and scientists. Asks the question, "What is the value of mysticism in everyday life?" and provides answers from the speaker's personal life experiences. Interactively teaches the process and meaning of understanding one's inner self and the peace and power that result from this understanding.



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance


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