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Jeanniey Mullen - Zinio LLC: Digital Publishing Innovation. Greater New York City Area, NY, US

Jeanniey Mullen

Global EVP, CMO | Zinio LLC: Digital Publishing Innovation

Greater New York City Area, NY, UNITED STATES

Global EVP/CMO at Zinio



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Global EVP & CMO at Zinio. A entrepreneur techie obsessed with style, beauty & fitness. Never without my 5" heels, iPad or Android smartphone.

Jeanniey Mullen is Global Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Zinio, the world’s most popular digital newsstand and publishing media marketplace.

Mullen is known for her entrepreneurial style and her ability to build, shape and grow brands into well known dominant and successful entities. An early player in the digital space, Mullen is renowned as a pioneer in email marketing and digital publishing. Her knack at being first in new markets gives her an edge.

Mullen has employed her penchant for building active and engaged communities by architecting processes and systems for delivering exceptional customer service and relevant content across multiple media. She is widely credited for her pivotal role in ushering in the new waves of digital marketing, connection and communications.

Today, she brings this extensive experience to bear in her role as the public face of Zinio, defining and implementing strategies to create explosive growth through strategic partnerships with publishers, technology companies, brands and consumers. These initiatives have commanded monumental growth for both companies in her four year tenure.

Mullen is an accomplished author with three books to her credit, as well as a regular columnist for ClickZ. she founded the world's first and largest email marketing organization, The Email Experience Council and is a frequent and highly sought-after speaker around the world.

Industry Expertise (10)

Public Relations and Communications

Corporate Training


Corporate Leadership


Consumer Services

Business Services

Media - Online


Direct Marketing

Areas of Expertise (7)

American Sign Language

Email Marketing

Direct Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Brand Building


Business Leadership Inspiration

Education (2)

Chartiers Valley High Scool: 1988

University of Pittsburgh: MATeaching, Teaching 1992

Affiliations (5)

  • Sybex Email Marketing An Hour A Day Author
  • BPA standards project member
  • DMA iDirect Member
  • Email Experience Council
  • ima (Internet Marketing Association)

Sample Talks (1)

Marketing to the Generations

Right now anyone who has a product must be marketing it digitally. This means you are reaching 5 different generations of device aficionado's. Each of these generations uses technology much differently in order to increase the level of convenience and immediacy in their daily routine. Learn how each of these generations responds to digital technology, and more importantly, to the way your brand is messaged, mentioned and sold within that context. Walk away with actionable ideas and inspiration .



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Host/MC
  • Corporate Training


0 to 25000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee