A senior level marketing and business development executive with a rare mix of creative and business experience in mobile marketing and entertainment, traditional entertainment, electronic entertainment, licensing & merchandising and technology. A frequent speaker and panelist at mobile, music, digital & social media events, with articles published in AdAge, Forbes, DMNews, Mobile Marketer, iMedia Connection and others. A founding Board Member of the Mobile Internet Content Coalition (MICC) as well as an instructor for the University of San Francisco's online mobile marketing program. An excellent writer with produced Film and Television credits, and a recognized blogger, selected as a Sony DigiDad and an Intel Advisor.
Industry Expertise (3)
Social Media
Areas of Expertise (3)
Mobile Marketing
Social Media
Education (1)
Cornell University: BA, English, Creative Writing, Theater 1980
Links (3)
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Host/MC
- Corporate Training