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Joantxo Llantada - Think Tank Travel. Valencia, Valencia, ES

Joantxo Llantada

promotion executive | Think Tank Travel

Valencia, Valencia, SPAIN

Marketer, digital storyteller, social media strategist, tourist trends @ DMO Land of Valencia, Spain.





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He studies the Bachelor of Business Management and Marketing at ESIC. He is a professional with over 20 years of experience in marketing and product development services, leisure, hospitality and tourism. Since 1989 he works in the marketing department of the brand of Comunitat Valenciana, working in the development and management of the Generalitat Valenciana Tourist Info net, and since 1996 he works in the Marketing and Promotion Department specially focused on marketing and promotion of the rural product, golf and gastronomic tourism. He has done courses about Operational Research & Systems, Project Management, Manager of Cultural Tourism, Tourism Policy… among others. He frequently participates in seminars and specialized training courses in sustainable development, rural tourism, and gastronomy, sports and nature tourism. He also collaborates with the following institutions on a regular basis: universities, companies, tourist labs, DMO's, hotels, and other companies. He has been speaker at training seminars and international conferences as professor EyesforTravel, Enter, WTM,... in Prague, Austria, Argentina,...He´s specialist in innovation, new business models, destinations management system, destination marketing, wine tourism and gastronomy, rural & nature and nautical tourism among others. He is currently responsible for familiarization programs of the brand Comunitat Valenciana and its promotion in the American markets: Canada & USA. He is also responsible of travel promotion 2.0 program, organizing SM events and travels. He is specialist in leisure society 2.0 and marketing and management tools of Web 2.0. As in transmedia storytelling and trainer in management development and content strategy for leisure and entertainment aimed at the tourism sector.

Strategist and technician responsible for developing the marketing plan 2.0 Comunitat Valenciana brand, along with the leadership of the area. Today the area is promoting Market Intelligence under the INVAT.TUR, the Valencian Institute of Technology Tourist-ups.

Member of expert committee of the Tourism Marketing Plan of Spain of the brand "I need Spain" in the areas of Product Marketing and Social Media and Destinations where he participates as an expert. He is Marketing Strategist of the City of Elche Plan and the Island of La Palma, La Isla Bonita. He is an expert advisor of tourism products and markets for the European Union program "Odyssey" which links the sea with entertainment inside.

Industry Expertise (3)

Travel and Tourism


Market Research

Areas of Expertise (5)

Social Media

Transmedia Storytelling

Destination Marketing

Leissure and Hospitality

Marketing Strategy

Education (3)

Universidad de Valencia: Investigación Operativa y Sistemas 1991

Fundación Cañada Blanch: Master en Gestión Cultural

ESIC Marketing:

Event Appearances (4)

Contenido generado por usuarios y su aplicación en los negocios online y offline

FICOD, International Forum of Digital Content  Madrid, Spain


Contenido generado por usuarios y su aplicación en los negocios online y offline

FICOD, International Forum of Digital Content  Madrid, Spain


Get One Step Closer to that Elusive ROI – Step Up Your Social Media Tracking & Analytics & Determine What Success Means for Your Business

Online Marketing and Social Media Europe 2011  Amsterdam


La unión hace la fuerza, también en Internet

FICOD, International Forum of Digital Content   Madrid, Spain


Sample Talks (1)

DMO Online Marketing and Social Media Travel Summit 2010

Closing conference DMO Online Marketing and Social Media Travel Summit 2010 held in Prague and organised by Eyefortravel



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance


1500 to 2500