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Jody Holland

Owner | MuRF Systems

Amarillo, Texas Area, TX, UNITED STATES

Mover, Shaker, Success Maker - Entrepreneur and Innovator



I work with teams, individuals, for-profit, not-for-profit, and those who simply wish for a profit in order to help them achieve more success through their people. I have seen the power of having the right people in place and the devastation of having the wrong ones on a team.

I believe in the power of possibility when it comes to teams and work whole-heartedly to help organizations achieve their highest levels of potential.

I am a writer, a fighter, and a business ignitor. I work with entrepreneurs to help them put the spark in their eyes and the fire in their bellies to dig deep and find the will to push on regardless of whether or not anyone else is willing to work with them.

I challenge people to be true, to be strong, and to be positive in all that they do on moment by moment basis. In the end, none of our resume's will matter, but our actions will leave a ripple effect in our world. It is my absolute intention to leave as big of a positive ripple in this world as I can.

I work diligently at everything that I do and I am known for achieving results. I am a problem solver, a creative thinker, a proactive leader and a serial entrepreneur. I take ideas and make them into reality.

I have experience in coaching others on effective communication, organizational structure, pre-hire processes, individual performance improvement, and leadership development. I use testing, assessments, training, e-learning, and personal development as my tools to draw out the success in others as well as in myself.

Industry Expertise (3)

Health Care - Providers

Business Services

Human Resources

Areas of Expertise (5)

Training & Development

Leadership Development


Business Development


Education (6)

Wylie High School: 1990

Angelo State University: Ba, Communication 1994

Canadian ISD: 1988

McMurry University: Communications 1991

Angelo State University: B.A., Communications 1994

Graduated with Honors in Communications, Post-graduate work in Theories of Human Communication - Studied ethical changes in people through their lifetime based off of environmental factors

Angelo State University: B.A., Communications 1994

Graduated with Honors in Communications, Post-graduate work in Theories of Human Communication - Studied ethical changes in people through their lifetime based off of environmental factors

Affiliations (8)

  • Chair for the Christian Council on Youth Ministry
  • Society of Human Resource Management
  • Board Member of Butman Retreat Center
  • Brotherhood member of the OA (Order of the Arrow - BSA)
  • Board Member for the Abilene Chamber of Commerce
  • Padge-Mathes-Hale Black Belt Team
  • ASTD (American Society of Training and Development)
  • IMC USA (International Management Consultants)



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Author Appearance


2500 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee