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John Wells - University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst, MA, US

John Wells

Senior Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning and Professor of Operations & Information Management | University of Massachusetts Amherst


John Wells oversees the strategic integration of online learning into the overarching educational mission at UMass Amherst.

Expertise (5)

B2C Electronic Commerce

Electronic Commerce Strategy

IT Innovation and Adoption

Online Consumer Impulsiveness

Website Design


As Senior Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning, John Wells oversees the strategic integration of online learning into the overarching educational mission at UMass Amherst. In this role, Wells’ primary responsibility is to provide instructors with the tools and techniques that are conducive to online learning, guide online program growth, and development, and enhance the online/off-campus student experience.

Social Media

Education (3)

Texas A&M University: Ph.D., Management Information Systems

Texas A&M University: M.S., Management Information Systems

University of Oklahoma: BBA, Management

Select Recent Media Coverage (2)

UWW Evolves As It Meets Needs Of Non-Traditional Students

BusinessWest  online


John Wells, senior vice provost for Lifeline Learning at UMass Amherst, discusses how the University Without Walls program has changed as it evolves to meet the needs of non-traditional students.

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UMass enters into collaboration for online training

MassLive  online


“Learning should not end when a person receives their college degree. By expanding our online offerings for our students and alumni, we can provide affordable, convenient ways for them to continuously upgrade their job skills,” said John Wells, UMass Amherst senior vice provost for lifelong learning.

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Select Publications (4)

Multi-Modality: How To Avoid Becoming Higher Ed’s Blockbuster Video

The EvoLLLution

John Wells


"While a number of the major online players in higher education are continuing to silo non-traditional students with stand-alone virtual campuses, UMass Amherst wants to blur the line between the traditional and non-traditional student experience...."

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Breaking the Ice in B2C Relationships: Understanding Pre-Adoption eCommerce Attraction

Information Systems Research


What Signal are you Sending? How Website Quality Influences Perceptions of Product Quality and Purchase Intentions

MIS Quarterly


Online Impulse Buying: Understanding the Interplay Between Consumer Impulsiveness and Website Quality

Journal of the Association for Information Systems