Areas of Expertise (12)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Cross-Cultural Management
Latin America
International Trade
International Management
Emerging Markets
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Business Ethics
Strategic Alliances
Dr. Jonathan Doh is Associate Dean of Research, Rammrath Chair in International Business, Faculty Director of the Center for Global Leadership and Professor of Management at the Villanova School of Business. He teaches and does research at the intersection of international business, strategic management and corporate sustainability. Dr. Doh has been a visiting professor at universities in Europe and Asia and served as a trade official with the U.S. Department of Commerce, with responsibilities related to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He has also served as Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Consulting Adviser to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International (DTTI).
Dr. Doh is an author or co-author of more than 75 refereed articles published in leading scholarly and practitioner journals, 35 chapters in scholarly edited volumes and a dozen teaching cases and simulations—and a co-author or co-editor of eight books. Since 1998, he has presented more than 80 papers and organized or served as a chair or discussant for more than 30 panel sessions at meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM), the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the Strategic Management Society (SMS).
Education (3)
The George Washington University: PhD
State University of New York - Albany: MA
State University of New York - Plattsburgh: BA
Select Accomplishments (7)
Ranked 12th Most Prolific International Business Scholar (professional)
Elected Fellow, Academy of International Business (professional)
Elected Executive Committee Member, Academy of Management (AOM) Organizational and Natural Environment Division (ONE) (professional)
Served as PDW Chair (2012), Program Chair (2013), Division Chair-Elect (2014), Division Chair (2015) and Past Division Chair (2016).
Grand Prize, Dr. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula (professional)
Richard Beckhard Prize for Outstanding Paper in Change and Organizational Development (professional)
Awarded for "The High Impact of Collaborative Social Initiatives," published in Sloan Management Review.
Second Place, Oikos Foundation Award for Corporate Sustainability (professional)
Gold Medal Award (professional)
Awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Links (2)
Affiliations (10)
- Fellow, Academy of Management (AOM)
- General Editor, Journal of Management Studies
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of World Business
- Consulting Advisor, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International (DTTI), Global Energy Resources Group
- Consulting Editor, Long Range Planning
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, MRN International Environment of Global Business
- Consulting Editor, Journal of International Business Studies
- Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- Senior Nonresident Fellow, Emerging Markets Institute, China-Europe International Business Schools (CEIBS) (Shanghai, China)
- Affiliate, Emerging Markets Internationalization Research Group, University of Sydney Business School (Sydney, Australia)
Select Media Appearances (5)
New U.S.-Japan Trade Deal Benefits Some Farmers and E-Commerce
APM's Marketplace
American beef and pork farmers will be some of the big winners. So will companies that sell digital software, content and data... But one sticking point isn't covered by the new agreement, says Jonathan Doh, a professor at Villanova University. "It doesn't address the largest share of U.S.-Japan trade, which is in the auto sector."
Bummed by Starbucks' Price Hike? Here's How Much It Costs to Make Your Coffee
NBC News Digital
The timing of Starbucks' price increase had me skeptically raising a brow. On May 29, Starbucks closed 8,000 locations for anti-bias training, an initiative that followed the wrongful arrest of two Black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks last April... "I highly doubt the price increase is directly related to the diversity initiatives," says Villanova University's Jonathan Doh. "I think these things are on two different tracks. My strong suspicion is these price increases are designed to recoup expenditures on employee benefits."
Why Are We Afraid of Cuba?
Huffington Post
"Cuba is at a crossroads. Yet it seems some in the United States are hesitant to take the next step, fearful of what could happen if we actively engage and participate in what will undoubtedly be a profound transition. Some of this hesitation appears to emanate from fear. In my view, this fear is wholly unfounded. On the contrary, Cuba poses no threat to the United States, but may provide opportunity, with great potential for commercial interactions, educational exchange and broader social integration between our two countries."
Don't Scapegoat Trade
Huffington Post
"This presidential election cycle has emerged as one of the most unusual in recent years, and not only for the obvious reasons. For the first time since before World War II, both candidates are seriously questioning the benefits of freer trade."
The World Is Their Workplace
The New York Times
International work-study is most common in business schools. Jonathan Doh, an associate professor of business at Villanova and director of the Center for Global Leadership, tells students to start early and intern often—at home or abroad. Promising freshmen are invited to take part in the Global Citizens Program, which includes a yearlong course geared toward understanding business practices in either London or Singapore, where they spend 10 weeks in classes (15 credits) and 6 weeks at a full-time internship (3 credits) during their second semester.
Select Academic Articles (5)
International Business Responses to Institutional Voids
Journal of International Business StudiesJonathan Doh, Suzana Rodrigues, Ayse Saka-Helmhout, Mona Makhija
Corporate Political Activity and Regulatory Capture
Journal of ManagementMichael Hadani, Jonathan Doh, Marguerite A. Schneider
Guest Editors' Introduction: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Developing Country Multinationals
Business Ethics QuarterlyJonathan Doh, Bryan W. Husted, Xiaohua Yang
Absorptive Capacity of Emerging Economy Firms: Rationalization, Professionalism and Isomorphism
Academy of ManagementKathleen Yi Jia Low, Jonathan Doh, James A. Robins
The World of Global Business, 1965–2015: Perspectives on the 50th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of World Business: Introduction to the Special Issue
Journal of World BusinessJonathan Doh, Fred Luthans, John Slocum