Gerontologist. Social Entrepreneur. Teacher. I assist individuals and families successfully navigate the aging process. I designed and launched We Get Around! a program that encourages older adults to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Areas of Expertise (3)
Brain Health
Dating After 50
Education (3)
San Diego State University-California State University: Project Management Certificate Program 2010
San Diego State University-California State University: Certificate in Gerontology 2009
San Diego State University: Applied Gerontology, Gerontology
Affiliations (4)
- Women in Transportation
- Toastmasters International
- National Council on Aging
- American Society on Aging
Links (4)
Event Appearances (3)
The Intergenerational Workforce… Four Generations the Key to Success
Dress For Success San Diego, CA
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Get Connected! California State University, San Marcos
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Life Long Learning Vista Senior Center
Sample Talks (1)
Life's a Journey, Not a Destination!
Americans are living longer and for many the challenge is remaining independent. Judi Bonilla provides audiences with her unique vision of developing an active lifestyle by including travel in their daily lives. Her message of exploring, learning, and the power of rediscovering independence by using public transportation is improving lives.
- Panelist
- Corporate Training