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Justin H. Gross - University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst, MA, US

Justin H. Gross

Associate Professor of Political Science | University of Massachusetts Amherst


Justin Gross's research focuses on U.S. ideologies, political communication in mass and social media, public opinion and public policy.

Expertise (6)

Framing Public Policy and the News

Public Opinion and American Politics

Identity and political beliefs

Political Communication and Social Media

U.S. Ideologies

American Political Ideologies


Justin Gross is a sought after expert on many areas related to public opinion and American politics, including political communication and social media. His current research is focusing to how media activists and politicians invoke core values in order to frame arguments while at times contesting the very meanings and appropriate applications of these values. Skilled in front of the camera, he is a frequent guest on public television and in other multimedia.

Social Media






The State We’re In: Benefits of Ranked Choice Voting | Connecting Point | July 30, 2020 Celebrity Political Endorsements with Ryan McCollum and Justin Gross | Connecting Point


Education (5)

Carnegie Mellon University: Ph.D., Statistics and Public Policy

Carnegie Mellon University: M.Phil., Public Policy and Management

Carnegie Mellon University: M.S., Statistics

Salem State University: M.S., Mathematics

Brown University: A.B., Latin American Studies

Select Recent Media Coverage (4)

An anti-Biden meme for the whole family: 'Let's Go Brandon' catches on with conservatives

NBC News  tv


Justin Gross, an associate professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, explain why the meme has caught on. "It's a way to say the thing that people want to say and that people will actually say, but we can get grandma and the 11-year-old involved, because they're not saying a naughty word," he said, adding the ability to place "Let's Go Brandon" signs in places or businesses where the actual vulgarity would not be allowed has boosted its staying power too.

Media Appearance Image

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The State We're In: Ranked-Choice Voting, Press History

WGBY: Connecting Point  tv


UMass Amherst Professor Justin Gross, a supporter of the Mass. ranked-choice voting ballot question, explains what he believes are the benefits of ranked-choice voting. UMass Amherst Associate Professor of Journalism Joshua Braun details the history of the press in the United States and provides context about Twitter’s current policy of fact checking tweets.

justin gross

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Turning Out the Student Vote

WGBY: Connecting Point  tv


UMass Amherst Political Science professor Justin Gross joined Carried Saldo to discuss what’s being done to turn out the student vote for the midterm elections.

Justin Gross

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Celebrity Political Endorsements with Justin Gross

WGBY: Connecting Point  tv


Last week’s midterm elections captured the attention of high-profile celebrities like Oprah and Taylor Swift. Did celebrity political endorsements impact the high turnout rates or boost the campaigns of specific candidates? Host Carrie Saldo explores that and more with political consultant Ryan McCollum and UMass Amherst Political Science Professor Justin Gross.

Justin Gross

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