Karelle Aiken specializes in organic chemistry and is involved in programs that support broadening participation at the PhD level, mentorship and undergraduate research. She has served as the principal investigator (PI) for the GS Chemistry and Biochemistry NSF-funded REU program and as the Faculty Liaison for the GS McNair Scholars Program.
Areas of Expertise (2)
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Education (2)
University of New Hampshire: Ph.D. 2005
Williams College: B.S. 2000
Links (3)
Articles (3)
A simple and effective 1,2,3-triazole based "turn-on" fluorescence sensor for the detection of anions
New J. of Chem.Ghosh, Debanjana; Rhodes, Shannon; Hawkins, Karena; Winder, Domonique; Atkinson, Austin; Ming, Weihua; Padgett, Clifford; Orvis, Jeffery; Aiken, Karelle; Landge, Shainaz.
2015 A novel and effective 1,2,3-triazole based fluorescence chemosensor has been synthesized for the specific detection of anions in homogeneous medium. Notably, the molecule, synthesized in one step using “Click chemistry”, is a simple 1,4-diaryl-1,2,3-triazole, containing a phenol moiety.
Hydration of 5-Oxo-1-Alkynes by a One-Pot Oxy-Iodination/Reduction Sequence: Synthesis of Methyl Ketones with Anchimeric Assistance
Curr. Org. Syn.Trossarello, Julia; Egunjobi, Adegboyega; Morgan, Whitney J.; Ahamed, Rayaj; Aiken, Karelle S.
2014 Methyl ketone derivatives can be accessed from 5-oxo-1-alkynes in an iodine-initiated hydration of the terminal alkynes. Use of molecular iodine in this manner is novel, inexpensive and a greener alternative to the traditional use of transition metal catalysts. Herein, we report the results of a methodology study which sheds light on the underlying mechanism of this new, metal-free reaction. Our findings indicate that the hydration of the alkyne proceeds via an important anchimeric assistance in which the neighboring keto group participates with a 5-exo-dig cyclization.
Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis and Combinatorial Chemistry: A Laboratory Preparation of Oligopeptides
J. Chem. Ed.Truran, George A.; Aiken, Karelle S.; Fleming, Thomas R.; Webb, Peter J.; Markgraf, J. Hodge
2002 The principles and practice of solid-phase organic synthesis and combinatorial chemistry are utilized in a laboratory preparation of oligopeptides. A parallel synthesis scheme is used to generate a series of tripeptides. A divergent synthesis scheme is used to prepare two pentapeptides, one of which is leucine enkephalin, a neurotransmitter known to be an analgesic agent.