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Kiki Lu

Founder | Bangs on a Fivehead

Minneapolis, MN, UNITED STATES

Experienced presenter who has the ability to captivate an audience with her intelligence, wit and charm.

Industry Expertise (3)

Real Estate Services

Public Relations and Communications


Areas of Expertise (3)

Turning Craptastic Into Fantastic

Connecting is the Name of the Game

Infallible Schmallible

Sample Talks (1)

How to be Fantastic When Life Seems Craptastic

In the past three years, professionally, I quit a job in the real estate industry, went through a corporate hostile take-over, was laid off twice and was employed at a company that was part of a billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Personally, in the past three years, my family moved six times, one of my kids was in the hospital seven different times, we experienced financial problems, I lost my beloved grandmother and went through many other trials and tribulations that life threw my way. I teach people how to deal with situations by reframing the circumstance and finding something positive out of something negative. I show people how they can accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative both physically and mentally. I help people create a Fantastic Plan that will help them enjoy life and work which essentially will allow them to live a blissful life.