Microcomputer pioneer thanks to an Intel grant and first job working in a computer store. Then a formal computer science education at Carnegie Mellon with numerous jobs building expertise in applied artificial intelligence. After graduation enjoyed technology career at IBM and earned an MBA in Finance from NYU part time. What followed was a busy career on Wall Street from 1993 to 2004. Most of that time was spent building one of the pre-eminent technology research boutiques as an analyst and ultimately as Managing Director of Research. Starting in 2005 I founded my own firm focused on emerging technology research with an eye on business and investment implications.
Industry Expertise (8)
Media - Online
Computer/Network Security
Information Technology and Services
Social Media
Computer Software
Areas of Expertise (7)
Growth Companies
Big Data
Artificial Intelligence
Accomplishments (3)
Institutional Investor All Star (professional)
Awarded the "Home Run Hitter" of the year 1999 among all equity analysts on Wall Street.
Intel Educational Grant (personal)
Intel provided funding and materials for me to design and construct a new CPU card for their 8088 processor on the S-100 bus.
IBM Regional Managers Award (professional)
Awarded for the NYC area region for a suite of accomplishments including 1) a large network upgrade, 2) a new standard office software platform and 3) several sets of IBM Unix systems. The latter two displaced large installed DEC systems. There were also several branch manager awards around these activities but the RMA is much harder to get.
Education (2)
Carnegie Mellon: BS, Applied Math / Computer Science 1984
Worked for the CS department, notably John McDermott with Lanny Forgy of OPS fame.
NYU Stern School: MBA, Finance & International Business 1992
Testimonials (3)
James Donohue , Co-Head of Banking at E*Trade | GigaOM Roadmap Conference
Kris participated in a panel presentation on how technology is changing the capital market for small and medium sized companies. His insights into crowdsourcing, investor behavior and the latest technologies and trends for online collective action were highly valued by our audience. We plan to use him every year we do this event.
Allan Sorensen, Head of Analysis | Danske Medier
Kris gives a very insightful and inspiring presentation with some humor in it as well.
Akino Chikada, Marketing Manager | SharesPost
"Thanks for the fantastic presentation today. The feedback has been very positive. " Other comments: "great presentation" "wonderful presentation" "lots of great questions" "as always, great job!"
Event Appearances (5)
Sizing up emerging companies: Quora, Etsy and Workday
SharesPost Investor Presentation Webinar
Big Data Mapping Session
GigaOM Structure Europe Amsterdam
Software Defined Datacenters
GigaOM Structure Europe Amsterdam
Where is the S in SOA
Computer Associates Council Event Prague, Czech Republic
On Demand Air Travel
IPO Roadshow Support New York City
Sample Talks (2)
State of Cloud Computing
What started out as the internet plus virtualization has morphed into an all-consuming wave of investment and innovation that is disrupting many established businesses. We're only about halfway through the 20 year cycle and now we are facing new commercial factors like big data, sensor networks, machine intelligence, and big data. Presentations delving into the most recent shifts and strategic changes coming that go into specifics are a favorite topic.
Big Data in the Media Business
This presentation is designed to lead into a workshop where attendees work on their own projects with respect to big data. We start with examples of shifts in the media business, move into an overview of some of the underlying "big data" technologies and then go into different use cases within media. It's best to customize this sort of presentation to fit the specific technology and industry that I am presenting to/working with. That's our special ability.
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC