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Lee Odden - Top Rank Marketing. Spring Park, MN, US

Lee Odden

Top Rank Marketing


CEO @TopRank Online Marketing, Author: Optimize, Public Speaker: Integrated Search, Social, & Content Marketing



Lee Odden Publication Lee Odden Publication


Future of SEO in a Social Content World - Madrid OMWeek B2B Social Media Marketing for Success - Moscow 2013


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Lee is the author of Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing (Wiley).

Founder and CEO of TopRank Online Marketing - a digital marketing agency that works with B2B and B2C companies to create better connections with customers and improve sales through an integrated approach to digital PR, search, content and social media marketing.

Assembled a super team of internet & content marketing specialists in online PR, content marketing, research/analysis, web design/development, search engine optimization, email marketing, social media marketing, online public relations, web analytics, conversion optimization and client management to help our medium and Fortune 500 clients attract, engage and convert more new business.

Lee has served on the board of advisors for Incisive Media's SES conference, DMA Social Media and Search Engine Marketing Councils and MIMA.

Lee publishes Online Marketing Blog (, one of the most popular marketing and PR blogs on the web.

Specialties: integrated marketing, online marketing, marketing strategy, content marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, public relations, B2B marketing, blogging, blog marketing, business blogging, social media, digital marketing, internet marketing, public speaking, event marketing

Industry Expertise (4)

Writing and Editing


Public Relations and Communications

Social Media

Areas of Expertise (9)

Integrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing & Public Relations

Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Future of Search Marketing

Future of Digital Public Relations

Future of Content Marketing

Future of Social Media Marketing

Accomplishments (3)

#1 Content Marketing Blog (professional)

Our blog,, was ranked the #1 content marketing blog three times by Content Marketing Institute.

#2 Social Media Blog (professional)


Our Blog, was ranked the #2 social media blog by Social Media Examiner.

LinkedIn Named Lee Odden a Social Media Expert to Know (professional)


In the January release of "The Sophisticated Marketer's Guide to LinkedIn", Lee Odden was listed as one of 25 social media experts recommended by LinkedIn.

Education (1)

SCSU: BA Interdepartmental Studies: Sociology, Sociology, Psychology, Business 1991

Affiliations (2)

  • PRSA
  • MIMA

Testimonials (4)

Karen Lew Bouchard, Executive Vice President | W2 Group/Racepoint Group/Digital Influence Group

We engaged Lee Odden to give a presentation during an event with our agency leadership team. The integrated marketing and PR insights he shared were exactly what we were looking for. Lee's name and many components of his presentation were referenced throughout our two day event. In the race to stay at the forefront of the marketing and communications world, Lee does a great job of illustrating what's next and the strategies to go along with it. I highly recommend Lee!

Jennifer Duval-Smith, Executive Director | 360 Digital Influence at Ogilvy

‘Lee Odden presented a keynote address and a full day workshop to 180 highly impressed communications practitioners at Social Media Junction 2 in Auckland, New Zealand. Lee’s breadth and depth of expertise are simply awe inspiring. In the potentially daunting and complex area of social media marketing and content marketing, Lee represents logic and a clear way forward. Lee presented not just excellent strategic advice but tip after practical tip. I would highly recommend Lee Odden to anyone who needs insightful, practical and systematic advice on how they should proceed in their social media marketing practice.’

Nikki Mitchell, Vice President of Public Relations | Baylor Health Care System

“I hired Lee to present to our public relations team at a recent retreat. He brought insight that caused us to completely rethink certain strategies. His expertise helped us take our initiatives to the next level.”

Missy Berggren, Founder and Director | Minnesota Blogger Conference

As the keynote speaker at the 2011 Minnesota Blogger Conference, Lee Odden met a significant challenge: engage, teach and inspire nearly 200 bloggers. In his keynote address “Blogs to Riches – a Journey from Blogging Luddite to Successful Business,” Lee was nothing short of impressive. His casual style of storytelling, infused with technical advice and tips (and a good dose of humor) was exactly the right tone for this group. I highly recommend Lee to organizations and event planners looking for a keynote speaker.

Event Appearances (7)

Content All Stars Share Their Secrets

MarketingProfs B2B Forum  Boston, MA


How to Harness the Power of Social Media

Dell SMaC UnConference  Austin, TX


Win More, Suck Less – How to Optimize Your Social, Search, & Content Marketing

Social Brand Forum  Coralville, IA


Attract, Engage and Convert: How PR Can Get Ahead With Content Marketing

PRSA International Conference  Philadelphia, PA


Keynote: The Future of SEO in a Social Content World

OMWeek Search Marketing Day  Madrid, Spain


Keynote: Social Media Smarts

Social Media Conference  Moscow, Russia


Keynote: 10 Marketing Lessons from 10 Years of Blogging

NMX BlogWorld  Las Vegas, NV


Sample Talks (3)

Attract, Engage, Convert - How to Be the Best Answer Wherever Customers Are Looking

The web has changed in remarkable ways and consumers are connected anytime, anywhere to discover, consume and act on information. Delivering answers and experiences will determine feast or famine in this age of information overload. This presentation provides an accountable marketing model that folds an understanding of the customer journey and the questions they seek to solve with meaningful answers from your brand. To become “the best answer” wherever it is that customers are looking.

The Secrets of Successful Content Marketing

How to achieve thought leadership, establish yourself as the leading expert in your field, and double response rates to your direct marketing campaigns with value-added content.

How to Integrate Social Media Marketing With All of Your Online Marketing Efforts

Companies are investing like never before in content, search, and social media. But are those efforts integrated? Are they aligned to create a consistent and compelling experience for buyers? The customer journey from awareness to purchase is by no means linear, so why should our online marketing be? This presentation offers proven insights, tips and tactics on integrating and optimizing social media, search and content marketing to attract more customers and grow your business.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


4500 to 18000