Do You MiP?
The MiP Movement is all about Make IT Personal. As we look to grow our business, our customer relationships and service, and our communities... there is a strong trend towards "Making IT Personal. MiP is the ultimate strategy for engagement generation, creating a point of difference and a unique value proposition, to creating loyalty and especially for protecting margins. The MiP Movement is what separates you from the competition. It's also the difference between selling a commodity and a MiP product or service with awesome value and longevity.
The MiP Movement is essential to building long lasting relationships in a world driven by mass and impersonal communication. I'm energized and looking forward to the opportunity of engaging your audience on Marketing, Sales and/or Personal/Professional Development.
Let's MiP!
Les Gagne
Industry Expertise (1)
Education (2)
University of Windsor: Business Administration - Commerce, Marketing and Finance 1997
Algonquin College: Business Administration, Human Resources Management 1992
Links (1)
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC
- Author Appearance
- Corporate Training