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Lisa Kember - Constant Contact, Inc.. Toronto, ON, CA

Lisa Kember

Regional Development Director | Constant Contact, Inc.

Toronto, ON, CANADA

Small Business Marketing Expert - Eastern Canada





#INDGTA - Power of Women Exchange (POWE): Tips for Networking Effectively #INDGTA - Donna Messer: How to Leverage Your Network #INDGTA - Power of Women Exchange (POWE): Founders Entrepreneurial Background #INDGTA- Cindy Mount: Background & Expertise




You thought you were busy? For Constant Contact's Southern Ontario Director, there is always time to support small business entrepreneurs.

Lisa is a veteran business development, marketing, and communications expert with a strong entrepreneurial background.

She represents Constant Contact in Southern Ontario and works to help small businesses build deeper and more profitable customer relationships by using the company's suite of online marketing tools.

Prior to joining Constant Contact, Lisa founded and managed her own marketing and communications agency where she developed strategic marketing programs for her clients. Prior to that, she held marketing management positions for a variety of organizations and has been honored with awards for entrepreneurship and business excellence by several organizations.

She holds a BA in Honours English from University of Waterloo, a marketing certificate from Ryerson University, and a Resource Development Management diploma from Sheridan College. Lisa is also a member of the boards of directors of several business and community groups.

Industry Expertise (9)


Events Services

Business Services

Information Technology and Services

Social Media

Public Relations and Communications


Direct Marketing

Writing and Editing

Areas of Expertise (7)

Email Marketing

Public Relations

Online Advertising

Digital Marketing

Engagement Marketing

Business Coaching

Social Media Marketing

Accomplishments (4)

Director – RIC Centre (professional)

The Research, Innovation, Commercialization (RIC) Centre was launched in 2008 as a not-for-profit organization supporting the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon. RIC Centre provides commercialization support to help new entrepreneurs and seasoned business people take technical innovations to market. RIC Centre offers a comprehensive range of supporting activities for entrepreneurs including practical training and networking events.

Marketing Consultant – Hyperactive Communications Inc. (professional)

Hyperactive is a B2B Marketing & Communications agency that develops results-oriented marketing programs to help companies increase sales and retain clients. Our marketing company only works with companies that market their products and services to other businesses – otherwise known as business-to-business or B2B marketing. We understand the need for B2B marketing to focus on leads – lead prospecting, lead development and lead nurturing. We make that our priority.

Board of Directors – Mississauga Board of Trade (professional)

The Mississauga Board of Trade (MBOT) proudly serves as a chamber of commerce for the sixth largest city in Canada, and represents approximately 1,500 businesses in Mississauga. MBOT is well positioned to address the needs of business by using its considerable influence at all levels of government, allowing for the opportunity to be part of a strong and unified voice in advocating and taking the lead in effecting change and growth in local, provincial, national and global markets.

Regional Development Director – Constant Contact (professional)

Constant Contact helps small businesses, associations, and nonprofits connect with their customers, clients, and members. Launched in 1998, Constant Contact champions the needs of small organizations and provides them with an easy and affordable way to build successful, lasting customer relationships. Today, more than 500,000 customers from all types of small businesses and organizations use Constant Contact for Email Marketing, Event Marketing, Online Surveys, and Social Media Marketing.

Education (3)

University of Waterloo: Bachelor of Arts, English, Rhetoric and Professional Writing 1993

Ryerson University: Marketing Communications 1995

Sheridan College: Certificate, Resource Development Management 1998

Event Appearances (23)

Supercharging Your Facebook Marketing

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Toronto, Ontario


Email Goes Social

Woodstock Chamber of Commerce Event Series  Woodstock, Ontario


Social Media Marketing for Business

Light Your Fire: Gearing up for Social Media Marketing Success  Toronto, Ontario


Social Media Plenary

Cosmopolitan: Connect. Cultivate. Create  Toronto, Ontario


Engagement Marketing

Kitchener-Waterloo: Spotlight on Small Business  Kitchener, Ontario


Email Goes Social: Extending Your Reach With Email Marketing

Women in Leadership and Business Conference  Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario


Social Media Marketing Made Simple

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Ottawa, Ontario


Winning With Email And Social Media Marketing

Canadian Franchise Association National Convention  Niagara Falls, Ontario


Event Marketing 2.0

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Vaughan, Ontario


The Power of Email Marketing

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Ottawa, Ontario


Making Social Marketing Work

Shifting Markets: Prepare for and Shift into the next Big Boom NOW!  Toronto, Ontario


Building A Successful Facebook Marketing Strategy

Advanced Facebook Marketing Seminar  Toronto, Ontario


5 Steps to Effective Email Marketing

Business Growth Learning Series 2012  London, Ontario


The Power of Email & Social Media

Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce Event Series  Fergus, Ontario


Supercharge Your Facebook Marketing

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Oakville, Ontario


Network More Effectively Using Social Media

Business Connects Networking Conference  Toronto, Ontario


Getting Started with Constant Contact Social Campaigns

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Oakville, Ontario


Engagement Marketing Best Practices

Engagement: Social Media Content Planning & Strategy Seminar  Toronto, Ontario


Engagement Marketing: How to Connect with Your Customers and Drive More Business

Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce Event Series  Richmond Hill, Ontario


Social Media Marketing Made Simple

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Toronto, Ontario


Social Media Marketing Made Simple

Constant Contact Speaker Series  Toronto, Ontario


Integrating Social Media and Email Marketing

Business Innovation in Changing Times  Aurora, Ontario


Social Media Marketing Made Simple: An Overview

Get Down to Business: Cracking the Code on Social Media for Small Business & Nonprofits  Toronto, Ontario


Sample Talks (5)

Event Marketing 2.0

Events are an integral part of how organizations market their small business or non-profit ventures. From sales meetings to fundraisers to performing arts and seminars, events help you attract new customers & members. Moreover, events deepen existing relationships, generating more revenue and long-term participation. This seminar will show you how online event marketing tools offer everything you need to set up online registration and promote your events – easily, affordably and professionally.

Supercharge Your Facebook Marketing

It’s no secret that Facebook has become a huge part of how people interact with each other, share ideas and recommendations, and interact with the brands they like. But too many businesses aren’t seeing results from their Facebook marketing efforts because they are posting content without a plan for turning “fans” into customers and advocates. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to run campaigns that make the difference in your success on Facebook.

The Power of Email Marketing

In this presentation, you will discover how email marketing works and obtain useful tips. Email marketing is about getting your message heard in a world of increasing email communications. Discover the nuts and bolts including email marketing strategy and techniques. Learn how to build your lists and use subject lines to get your emails opened. Maximize email marketing communications to develop content and find out how to create professional looking emails that will WOW your customers.

Social Media Marketing Made Simple

You know you should be looking at Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn as marketing tools for your business. And you’ve heard that online video is a powerful marketing tool. You might have heard that blogging or tweeting can propel your business to new heights. But maybe you need a kickstart. Or maybe you need help to improve what you are already doing to market your organization on social media. Learn how to leverage social media tools to increase visibility and reach new customers.

Making Social Marketing Work

Social media marketing isn’t difficult. But converting social connections into face-to-face appointments or creating conversations that lead to sales opportunities can be challenging. We will explore how to leverage the power of Social Media Marketing to dramatically grow your business, and how to build a vibrant community of customers and prospects that can impact your bottom line. We will also share real-life strategies and provide you with steps to enhance your online activity.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Corporate Training


*Will consider certain engagements for no fee