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L. Todd Wood - Creative Destruction Media/ Cheyenne, WY, US

L. Todd Wood

Editor-in-Chief | Creative Destruction Media/


Specialist in the National Security Threat from Economic Weakness and Sovereign Debt/The Russian Situation



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TWood NCRotary




Todd left Savannah in 1982 to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO where he studied aeronautical engineering. Upon graduation in 1986, he immediately left the Academy for flight school. His initial assignment was flying Combat Search and Rescue helicopters at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, where he flew local rescue missions and was also deployed throughout Asia. During this time he was credited with saving many lives and even more assists. In addition to flying exciting missions, Todd also managed to graduate from the University of Alaska Anchorage with an M.S. in Engineering Management. In 1990 he volunteered for Special Operations and went back to flight school. In 1991 he was assigned to the 20th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, FL, flying MH-53J Pave Low helicopters. Immediately he was deployed to Kuwait. Over the next three years he was active in classified missions in support of counterterrorism under the control of the National Command Authority and deployed throughout the world. His customers included SEAL Team Six and Delta Force. He left the Air Force as a Captain in 1994. He published an article in the Armed Force's Journal in 1994 on Special Operations Aviation.

1994 found Todd joining an investment bank and earning a chance to expand his knowledge of his other passion, Finance. During this second career he became highly knowledgeable in Emerging Markets Fixed Income and traveled a great deal internationally with a focus on the Caribbean. He has conducted business in over forty different countries. As a bond trader, he became acutely aware of the consequences of economic decisions and their effect on national and economic security.

He left the financial business in late 2011 to write. Currency was published in December of that year. His second novel, Sugar, which deals with energy policy and government corruption was published in June of 2013. Motherland and Lost Bastards were published in 2016.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of

He is a contributor to The Washington Times, Fox Business, The Moscow Times, Zero Hedge, NY Post, Newsmax TV, and others. He splits his time between NYC, DC, and Moscow.

Industry Expertise (3)


International Affairs

Capital Markets

Areas of Expertise (3)

Russian Issues

National Debt

Bond Market

Accomplishments (10)

USAF Special Operations Helicopter Pilot (professional)


Flew MH-53J Pave Low special operations helicopters globally under the National Command Authority supporting SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force for highly classified counter terrorism operations.

Emerging Market Fixed Income Trader (professional)


Ran a team covering offshore jurisdictions world wide for institutional fixed income trading with a special emphasis on the Caribbean and Latin America - conducted business in over forty countries. Worked on Wall Street for 18 years.

Published the novel, Currency (professional)


Currency is historical fiction but jumps to the future to deal with the national debt and its national security consequences. The novel has received national press (see press page on website) and extraordinary reviews. In fact, Currency has been endorsed by the Hon. David M. Walker, former Comptroller General of the U.S. and the founder and CEO of the Comeback America Initiative.

Published the Novel, Sugar (professional)


Sugar is the follow-on historical fiction novel to Currency. Once again, the book jumps to the future to deal with issues critical to our country's future. These include energy policy, government corruption, and the Middle East. See reviews!

Published the Historical Fiction Novel, Delta (professional)


Rafe Savaryn is happy. He's in Venice writing a novel on the Renaissance, enjoying being alone after a devastating divorce. He's trying to answer the question, what makes societies fail? Then a stunningly beautiful woman walks into his life and leads him on a horrifying journey back to the Dark Ages where the answer to his question is revealed. He is shocked as he must make a choice no one should have to make. I won't give away any more of the plot but I will say, "Fasten your seat belt! It's a

Foreign Correspondent for Newsmax TV (professional)


Traveling the world to geopolitical hotspots to discuss global issues that affect the United States. Many video hits on Youtube and Newsmax TV archives.

National Security Columnist - Behind The Curtain , Washington Times, Informing on Russia and Eastern Europe (professional)


Behind the Curtain is a weekly print column dedicated to educating the American public on issues relating to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Author of Threat Assessment portal, Washington Times (professional)

Threat assessment is a real time, daily, national security update portal at the Washington Times.

Creator of (professional)

Tsarizm is a website that provides all a reader needs to know about news from Russia, the former Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe.

National Security Columnist - Threat Assessment, Washington Times (professional)


Threat Assessment is a daily comment on global threats facing the United States.

Education (2)

United States Air Force Academy: Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Engineering 1986

University of Alaska Anchorage: Master of Science, Engineering Management 1991

Affiliations (1)

  • Air Commando Association

Languages (1)

  • Russian

Testimonials (8)

Fred Baker, Fire Chief, New Canaan, CT | CT Rotary Luncheon

Mr. Wood, Thank you very much for at speaking at our luncheon yesterday. Your talk about the different adventures you have experienced was fascinating. I am sure there is much more however, that you are unable to reveal. Although I have not read your books, I am sure that your first hand experiences introduces a higher level of relevancy to the story. Your discussion of our national debt and how it relates to our national security was very informative. I'm sure many of our members will be thinking about what you said for a long time. I can whole heartily recommend you as a speaker for other gatherings like ours. Thanks again for your time and your service to our country, FSB

Richard Amill, Past President | Kiwanis Club of Weston, CT

Todd--your appearance yesterday at the Kiwanis Club of Weston, CT was well received by the membership. Your description of how you were encouraged to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy by Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia, instead of matriculating at Georgia Tech as planned, and your ensuing career in the military as a helicopter pilot, was extremely informative and got the attention of the audience. Your subsequent entry into the financial world as an investment banker was fascinating as was your summary of where the country is headed in terms of sovereign debt. Our membership felt your presentation to be worthwhile. And all of this personal experience has led to your authorship of two novels which we look forward to reading!

Justin Bernier, US Congressional Candidate CT-5 | Fundraising Event

"Few Americans are as comfortable in a Wall Street boardroom as on a U.S. Special Operations team. Drawing on a rare blend of expertise in finance and national security, L. Todd Wood shines a light on what may be our nation's most dangerous blind spot. He is the perfect speaker for any audience that cares deeply about the future of America."

Andy Thibault, Columnist/Contributing Editor | 21st Century Media CT Group

Todd Wood’s speech culminating the 2014 Litchfield, CT Memorial Day parade was short, direct and powerful. There was a notable stillness about the crowd as Todd recounted his own military training and the sacrifice of a certain soldier who embodied the U.S. Military Code of Conduct for those captured by hostile forces.

Ken Schoolland, Associate Professor of Economics at Hawaii Pacific University, President, International Society for Individual Liberty | International Society for Individual Liberty

Todd Wood spoke at the ISIL World Liberty Conference in Tirana, Albania last week. It was one of the best presentations as it was clear, powerful, and very informative about the looming troubles due to economic policies of debt and poor fiscal irresponsibility of governments. I would gladly invite him to be a keynote speaker at future events. Aloha, Ken Schoolland

Cris Lingle, Professor Economics | Universidad Fancisco Marraquin

Resumes can be misleading and create high expectations that can lead to disappointment. However, this is NOT the case of Todd Wood. Expect persuasive delivery grounded in excellent preparation to support expert presentations. I highly recommend Todd on the basis of his impressive accomplishments, his energetic focus and deep insights into the world of finance and geo-politics.

Alexandria Lowry, Secretary | San Diego East County Republican Assembly

We had the great pleasure of hosting L. Todd Wood at our February 2017 Republican Assembly meeting. Todd had a very easy-going presentation manner as he talked of his past personal experiences while serving in the U.S. Air Force and then seamlessly segued into examples of real-time world situations and current financial areas of concern for our country. He was sharp and stayed on topic as he fielded questions from our members, and many of our members are looking forward to reading his latest book, Lost Bastards. We greatly appreciated him sharing his unique insights on relevant current events, and his kindness in going out of his way to accommodate our meeting schedule.

William Nelson, President | Chapter 75 Special Forces Association

L.Todd Wood was the keynote speaker at our March 2017 meeting. Todd’s speech covered not only his Special Operations Career but ran the gambit through current U.S. Russian relations, US Debt and antidotes of his Moscow experiences. Both his personable delivery and perceptive analysis of World Affairs brought forth many questions following his speech. Todd’s an articulate and gifted speaker and we were honored to have him give his presentation.

Media Appearances (9)

Fox 9 TV Boise, ID Ukraine Discussion

Fox 9 TV Boise, ID  tv


Discussion of Russia and events in Ukraine

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Hannity Live From Moscow

The Sean Hannity Show  radio


15 minutes into hour one - Live discussion on Crimea from Moscow

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Litchfield, CT Memorial Day Parade Keynote Speech

Litchfield, CT American Legion  online


Keynote speech for the Litchfield, CT Memorial Day Parade organized by the American Legion

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Newsmax TV Midpoint Interview on Ukraine/Russia Gas Situation

NewsMax TV Midpoint  tv


Newsmax TV Discussion on Russia cutting of natural gas to Ukraine

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How It Feels To Be Rocketed By Hamas

Western Journalism  online


While in Sderot, Israel, I came under attack by Hamas rocketfire...

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Newsmax TV Appearance Jerusalem, Israel

Newsmax TV  tv


On site reporting of Gaza War

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Newsmax TV Midpoint Interview from Seoul, South Korea

Newsmax TV, Midpoint with Ed Berliner  tv


Interview on the security situation on the Korean Peninsula

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Newsmax TV - Why Russia is Hoarding Gold

Newsmax TV  tv


Appearance on Newsmax TV discussing why Russia is hoarding gold.

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Russia and Syria

Newsmax TV  tv


Discussion of American involvement in the Middle East and Russia's actions in the region.

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Event Appearances (10)

The National Security Consequences of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt

Congressional Campaign Fundraising Event  New York City


The National Security Consequences of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt

Congressional Fundraising Event  Asheville, NC


The National Security Consequences of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt

Student Seminar  Quinnipiac University, CT Lerner School of Business


Litchfield, CT Memorial Day Parade Keynote Speaker

Litchfield, CT Memorial Day Parade  Litchfield, CT


The National Security Consequences of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt

U.S. Senate Candidate Fundraiser  Holiday Inn City Center, Sioux Fall, SD


The National Security Consequences of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt

Author Talk by L. Todd Wood  The Cornell Club, NYC


How the Overwhelming Sovereign Debt of the US Impacts Geopolitics

International Society for Individual Liberty, International Conference 2014  Tirana International Hotel and Conference Center, Tirana, Albania


The Impact of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt on Geopolitics

Student Lecture  Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala, City


California Republican Assembly

San Diego East CRA Meeting  San Diego


Republican Women of Clifton, Virginia

Monthly Meeting  Clifton, VA


Sample Talks (1)

The Impact of Overwhelming Sovereign Debt on National Security/The Russian Situation

History repeats itself. Throughout the ages, empires have crumbled due to financial mismanagement and currency devaluation. The United States is $18T in debt with no end in sight. How does this impact our ability to project power around the world? Does economic weakness lead to military weakness? How could this play itself out? Can we see evidence of this syndrome in events in Eastern Europe and Ukraine? What does Vladimir Putin want? What does Russia want? How can the West deal with Russian behavior? What does the future hold for Russia? We discuss these questions in depth with on-the-ground insight and expertise. Todd Wood is a contributor to the Moscow Times and lives part time in Russia.



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Author Appearance


0 to 5000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee

Articles (7)

Terrorists, Putin, and the Hubris of Sochi

NY Post


Discussion of motivations behind selecting Sochi as Winter Olympics venue

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Are We Fighting Past Wars?

National Review Onlin


Is the US military ignoring future threats?

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Why Bashar Assad is Staying

The Moscow Times


Why the Assad regime will not be removed from power in Syria

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U.S.A. Petrostate

Fox Business


The changing energy environment in the U.S.

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News of Russia's Death Greatly Exaggerated

Newxmax Insiders


Russia will stumble but then recover like a bull...

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Back The Truck Up For Russian Assets

Washington Times


It's time to invest in Russia.

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Russia's Population Is Being Weaponized


An article describing how propaganda is allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to act freely without regard to domestic pressure.

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