Mack Collier is a social media strategist, trainer and speaker located in Alabama that specializes in helping companies better connect with its customers via social media. His goal is to help his clients create those connections with their customers, and nurture them into relationships that help grow their bottom line.
He has been actively immersed in social media since 2005, and in that time, has helped businesses of all shapes and sizes better connect with their customers via these amazing tools and sites. His first business book, Think Like A Rockstar: How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies That Turn Customers Into Fans will be published in 2013 by McGraw-Hill.
His clients include businesses of all sizes, from sole proprietorships, to Fortune 100 companies. While being passionate about the social media space, what truly excites Mack is the human connections that can result from the proper use of these social tools. His motto is “Don’t focus on the tools, focus on the connections that the tools help facilitate.”
Mack is a highly sought-after speaker on social media and customer-engagement topics and has presented at some of the top social media conferences and events, including South By Southwest Interactive, Blog World and New Media Expo, Marketing Profs Digital Marketing Mixer, and Social Media Optimization Summit.
Additionally, he founded and moderates #Blogchat, the largest Twitter Chat on the internet, where thousands of people meet each Sunday night on Twitter to discuss a different blogging topic. In 2011, he brought Live #Blogchat to some of the biggest Social Media conferences and events in the nation, including South By Southwest, Marketing Profs’ B2B Forum, Content Marketing World, and Dell’s #DellCAP event.
Mack’s thoughts and expertise on Marketing, Brand Advocacy and Social Media have been sought by some of the world’s most prestigious news sources, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNBC, ESPN, The Washington Post, CNET and MSNBC.
Industry Expertise (6)
Public Relations and Communications
Writing and Editing
Social Media
Direct Marketing
Media - Online
Areas of Expertise (9)
Social Media
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Social Networking
Community Building
Marketing Strategy
Search Engine Optimization
Personal and Product Branding
Accomplishments (1)
Founder and CEO – Mack Collier Consulting (professional)
Mack Collier Consulting helps businesses and organizations determine exactly which social tools are best utilized to meet their goals. These might include launching a presence on Twitter or setting up a fan page on Facebook. Some of the other services provided include a social media strategy audit, social media strategy implementation, and social media mentoring. If you would like to explore using social media, but aren’t sure how to get started, a detailed Social Media Strategy is available.
Education (2)
University of North Alabama: MBA, Marketing 2003
University of North Alabama: BA, Marketing 2002
Links (8)
- Company Website
- Think Like a Rockstar Book Tour
- When Popularity Turns Bad: 5 Things to Remember When Dealing With Criticism of Your Content
- Case Study: How Fed-Ex Responded to a Customer’s Viral Video…With Its Own Video
- The Beginner’s Guide to Blog Analytics
- Stop Chasing the Next Pinterest
- 10 Keys to Having an Amazing Marketing and Social Media Conference
Testimonials (3)
Michelle Brigman, Social Media Senior Operations Manager | Dell
“Mack's expertise in social media is widely known & respected. When we invited him to help facilitate a customer event, we knew that his integrity, reputation, commitment to his customers, & knowledge would make for a great partnership. We were right. Our customers trusted him to be fair, honest, but also ask the tough questions. Our event was a success & we continue to value to his ideas about building stronger customer relationships.”
Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer | Marketing Profs
“What I love about Mack Collier as a speaker at our events is that our audiences simply love him. Mack has a very direct, no-BS style. He doesn’t give a lot of theory or offer abstract concepts. Instead, he speaks directly about what works in social media and offers concrete ideas that attendees can take home immediately and implement.”
Adam Japko, President | Digital Sherpa
“Mack is an unusual talent in social media consulting circles since he spends a considerable amount of time understanding our unique business goals, internal systems, and unique challenges before designing programs that leverage his expertise. He also has the ability to connect with our teams in ways that gives him credibility beyond his credentials. Our experience working with Mack has been useful and we continue to work together as our needs become even more complex and nuanced.“
Event Appearances (20)
#Blogchat Live
Social Summit 2012 Austin, Texas
Think Like a Rockstar: How to Build Fans and Community Around Your Social Media Efforts
Bazaarvoice World Headquarters Austin, Texas
#Blogchat LIVE
Blog World and New Media Expo Los Angeles, California
Think Like a Rockstar: How to Build Fans and Community Around Your Social Media Efforts
Social Media Integration Conference Atlanta, Georgia
Blogchat Live
Social Media Integration Conference Atlanta, Georgia
#Blogchat Live
Content Marketing World Opening Reception at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Cleveland, Ohio
How to Handle Negative Blog Comments
Alabama Social Media Association Birmingham, Alabama
What’s the Big(ger) Idea? How to Create Blog Content That Connects With Readers
PRCA State Conference Birmingham, Alabama
Blogchat LIVE
South By Southwest Interactive Austin, Texas
CitiCards Webinar (Moderator)
Consumer Electronics Show Las Vegas, Nevada
Social Media Optimization and Mobile Media Opportunities
Social Media Optimization Summit Dallas, Texas
Think Like A Rockstar: How to Build Fans and Community Around Your Social Media Efforts
Social Media Optimization Summit Dallas, Texas
Blogging For Business
Learn About Web Kennewick, Washington
Blogging Hot Seat Lab
Digital Marketing Mixer Chicago, Illinois
What Rockstars Can Teach You About Kicking Ass With Social Media!
Social South Birmingham, Alabama
The Five Steps to Building an Online Community
Social Media Club Workshop Birmingham, Alabama
The Five Steps to Building an Online Community
Online Media Bootcamp King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Blogging For Business
Small Business Marketing Unleashed Columbus, Ohio
Blogging For Business
Small Business Marketing Unleashed Houston, Texas
Future of Corporate Blogging (Panel)
South By Southwest Interactive Austin, Texas
Sample Talks (5)
Think Like a Rockstar: How to Build Fans and Community Around Your Social Media Efforts
Why do rockstars have ‘fans’, and companies have ‘customers’? I’ll examine how rockstars embrace and interact with their customers to convert them to fans, and also give you several case studies of companies that are using social media to embrace, empower, and reach their evangelists. This presentation is perfect for any company that’s wanting to launch or improve a social media strategy that places a premium on customer-interaction, or launch a community-site.
How to Get Real Business Value From Your Social Media Strategy
Trying to find the value from social media is a big problem for many companies. This session walks you through how to build a solid social media strategy from the ground-up. I outline the exact steps to take, how to flesh your strategy out, which tools you should use. Then I show you how to accurately measure your efforts so you can tell what is working, and what isn’t. The end result is that you’ll have a solid social media strategy that you can manage, and see the bottom-line impact.
Twitter Might Be Good For Business But is it Good For YOUR Business?
Twitter is getting an awful lot of hype right now as companies are beginning to see the potential that the site offers them. But just because some businesses are benefiting from being on Twitter, does that mean YOUR business should take the plunge? This presentation walks you through how to decide if your business should be active on Twitter, as well as some tips for how to use Twitter as a tool to connect with your customers.
What is Social Media and How Can it Impact Your Business
Here, we dive into the social media waters and explain what exactly blogs, social networks, and micro-blogs really are. After covering exactly what these social sites and tools are, I’ll walk you through the unique advantages and challenges that are associated with using each one. Finally, we’ll wrap up by showing you which tools/sites you should be using, based on your unique business goals.
Monitoring the Blogosphere and Social Media
Even if your business isn’t blogging or actively using social media, you can still benefit from these tools by monitoring what is being said about your business online. In this session, we’ll talk about the importance of finding and responding online feedback (both positive and negative) that others are leaving about your business. We’ll cover the tools you can use to do this, and how to interact with people that are using these tools to communicate online with each other about your business.
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC
- Author Appearance
- Corporate Training