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Martin Mostert - Serving Strangers. Cape Town, , ZA

Martin Mostert

Missions Activist, Lecturer & Practitioner | Serving Strangers


Eccentric, funny speaker who helps people cross church thresholds the other way!





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I worked in Thailand for 13 years, living amongs Thai people, speaking Thai. I deeply miss being able to get a genuine green curry for breakfast. We brought our kids up between the slums and red-light districts of Bangkok and Haad Yai: an interesting excercise in raising bi-cultural children which I had to learn by the seat of my pants!

I work as a free-lance lecturer (up to honours level only so far - next step from my MTh is my DTh, which is not in the pipeline yet). My core subject is Mission: mission History; mission & culture; mission & evangelism; mission & creativity. I also work as a free-lance illustrator and artist, and as a free-lance evangelist.

From working in different parts of the world I have come to realise that visual communication is as important as the words I speak. I have always drawn and painted, ever since I can remember, and graphic elements form an integral part of any presentation I give.

Experience over 30 years has taught me that Christians are generally a shy and frightened bunch of people who need a lot of help to cross the threshold of their churches and enter their world with positive energy, creativity and general chutzpah. At the same time, I think that often those who evangelise are often extremely cringeworthy.

Industry Expertise (7)

Funeral Services

Religious Institutions

Fine Art

Corporate Training

Arts and Crafts


Professional Training and Coaching

Areas of Expertise (3)

Evangelism - Non-Cringe

Missions - From Genesis to Revelation

Missions - From Acts to Now

Education (3)

All Nations Christian College: Post graduate diploma in Missions, Cross-cultural Ministry 1987

Stellenbosch University: MTh, Mission & Communication 2003

cum laude

University of Cape Town: BA, English & Religious Studies 1981

Affiliations (3)

  • Bible Institute of South Africa (part time staff)
  • Cornerstone Institute (part time staff)
  • Methodist Church of Southern Africa

Event Appearances (1)


Christ Church Tygerberg  Tygerberg


Sample Talks (4)

Drawing Attention - graphic art for church neighbours

neighbourhood street-art groups help to dispel the fear of the street, brighten our neighbourhood, and help outsiders lose their fear of Christians...strictly not for evangelistic bullies!

Jesus: Crucified & Risen

A live painting on a 2x4m board of the core message of the Christian Faith

Evangelism - the one thing I don't want to do!

An interaction-rich presentation on finding your own unique style of relating to those who have a faith other than Christianity

Mission to and from Africa

An interactive lecture on the hidden early history of the church in Africa (before 1000 AD), the "second wave" of mission that came with colonialism, and the third wave - the surprising and widespread mission initiatives of the African Church



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader


200 to 2000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee