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Metin Duran, PhD - Villanova University. Villanova, PA, US

Metin Duran, PhD

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering | Villanova University


Metin Duran, PhD, is an expert on using beneficial microorganisms to re-mediate pollutants and remove harmful microorganisms from water.






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Areas of Expertise (6)

Water Polution Control

Water Quality

Renewable Energy from Waste

Wastewater Treatment

Water Treatment

Water Pollution


Solving the growing problem of how to treat and remove waste is one of today's most important environmental concerns. Dr. Metin Duran’s professional activities lay on the interface of applied microbiology and engineering. He uses microbiological principles to understand, design, and control biological processes for wastewater treatment, bioremediation, solid and hazardous waste management, and water quality control. Dr. Duran can discuss how to identify and remediate pollutants in waste, and the potential for wastewater reuse. Particularly timely is Duran's research on increasing methane yield at Philadelphia Water Department Water Pollution Control Facilities so that use of methane as a renewable energy source would be economically more feasible. He can also speak about microorganisms that live in extreme environments like thermal vents on Earth and possibly on Mars.

Dr. Duran also leads the Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (EMB) Laboratory at Villanova, which is engaged in research and education in the applied microbiology area as it relates to biological processes of environmental engineering.

Education (3)

Vanderbilt University: PhD

Vanderbilt University: MS

Istanbul Technical University: BS

Affiliations (2)

  • Visiting Scholar, Environmental Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2013
  • Visiting Scholar, Genomics and Microarray Facility, The Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania, 2006

Select Media Appearances (3)

Will the Seine be Clean Enough by the Olympics? Not Even the Experts Know Yet

Associated Press  online


In May, Paris officials inaugurated a giant underground water storage basin next to the Austerlitz train station aimed at collecting excess rainwater and stopping wastewater from entering the Seine. The basin can hold the equivalent of 20 Olympic swimming pools of dirty water that will now be treated and is the centerpiece of major infrastructure improvements that the city has rushed to finish in time for the Games, but to also ensure that Parisians have a cleaner Seine in years to come. “The Seine is not a special case,” said Metin Duran, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Villanova University who has researched stormwater management. “It really is a complicated and very costly problem.”

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Olympics 2016: Meet the fishermen of Rio's contaminated Guanabara Bay

Yahoo! Sports  online


“Just because there is fecal pollution doesn’t mean it’s 100 percent disease-causing,” said Metin Duran, a professor of environmental engineering at Villanova. “I wouldn’t say this is reassuring; there is definitely risk. It’s just not sure that everyone is going to get sick.”

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What a Villanova Professor Can Teach You About Sustainability

Green Philly  online


Driving home from Phillies games, I would watch the lights of the city race by in the backseat of my dad’s car. Along what seemed like an endless stretch of highway, I always knew we were close to home when I spotted the ever burning flame. About 10 years and half a civil engineering education later, I finally learned why there was a constant flame burning in an industrial park next to I-95. This is how the Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant (NEWPCP) used to handle the majority of methane generated from its wastewater treatment operations, a process called flaring. Thanks partly to a number of studies performed by Villanova University’s Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory (a group within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department), the Philadelphia Water Department can now generate 5.6 MW at the methane co-generation plant constructed at the NEWPCP. This is equivalent to powering 85% of the electrical requirements for plant operations ...

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Research Grants (3)

A novel, high temperature anaerobic digestion process for renewable energy from biosolids, animal manure, and cellulosic biomass

American Refining and Biochemical, Inc. $156,240


Villanova Researchers Receive Clean Water Grant from National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation (NSF) $246,942


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Pilot-scale investigation of sewage sludge and scum co-digestion

Philadelphia Water Department $38,660


Select Academic Articles (5)

Bacterial inactivation at a sub-stoichiometric titanium dioxide reactive electrochemical membrane

Journal of Hazardous Materials

Guo, L., Ding, K. Rockne, K. Duran, M.


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Human immunoglobulin Class G (IgG) antibody detection with photonic crystal fiber

Journal of Lightwave Technology

Rabah, J., Mansaray, A., Wynne, R.


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Comparison of overall resource consumption of biosolids management system processes using exergetic life cycle assessment

Environmental Science and Technology

Alanya, S., Dewulf, J., and Duran, M.


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Hyperthermophilic hydrogen production from wastewater biosolids by Caldicellulosiruptor bescii

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Yilmazel, Y.D., Johnston, D. and Duran, M.


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Is aceticlastic methanogen composition in full-scale anaerobic processes related to acetate utilization capacity?

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


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