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Michael Gaeta - Gaeta Communications. Boulder, CO, US

Michael Gaeta

President | Gaeta Communications


Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition





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Dr Michael Gaeta is a visionary educator, clinician, writer and publisher in the field of natural healthcare. He has distinguished himself in the areas of wholistic health, teaching, writing and music. Michael holds New York licenses in acupuncture, clinical nutrition and massage therapy, a Colorado license in acupuncture, and is a Doctor of Acupuncture in Rhode Island.

Michael earned his Master’s degree in acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions ( where he was a faculty member for ten years. Prior to that he received undergraduate degrees in massage therapy, health sciences and advanced Amma therapy (Asian Bodywork Therapy). Michael is a Certified Instructor and former state representative of the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (

In 1990, Michael founded the Hands-On Health Wholistic Centers (, a successful group practice with two locations in New York. Now practicing through Gaeta Acupuncture and Nutrition (in Forest Hills and Nortport, New York, and Boulder, Colorado), he combines clinical nutrition, acupuncture, herbal therapy and Asian bodywork to help people heal, grow and evolve. He is co-founder of Acupuncture for Veterans (, providing free and low-cost treatment in New York City to US veterans.

Michael is past president of the Acupuncture Society of New York ( He served on the ASNY Board from 1998 to 2004, earning awards for State Association President of the Year and State Association of the Year.

He appeared on the CBS Early Show, NBC News, WB11 News, and presents seminars nationally on business success, nutrition, medical ethics, herbal therapy and Chinese medicine. He has trained thousands of clinicians in his Success with Natural MedicineTM clinical seminars since January 2001, and his Love, Serve & Succeed® business seminars since 1996.

Michael is also a pianist and composer. With two friends, he released an album of original acoustic music, entitled Open Green, which is available on iTunes.

His passion is to give, love and serve through teaching, hands-on therapies and writing. He helps patients and health professionals live and serve from the place of their greatest potential. A New York City native, Michael now enjoys life in northern Colorado with his wife Deanna, an attorney and natural foods chef, and their two children.

Industry Expertise (3)

Health Care - Services

Health and Wellness

Alternative Medicine

Areas of Expertise (10)

Wellness & Healing

Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation

Preventative Medicine

Whole Food Nutrition


Western Herbal Medicine

Cancer Support and Prevention

Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain

Lab Analysis

Children’s Health

Accomplishments (4)

American Association of Oriental Medicine (professional)

Member, Award for State Acupuncture Organization President of the Year, 2002

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance (professional)

Award for State Association of the Year, 2003

American Association for the Bodywork Therapies of Asia (professional)

Professional Member, Certified Instructor, New York State Representative, Award for Outstanding Service as Editor of member newsletter

Acupuncture Society of New York-President, 2000-2004; Vice-President, 1999-2000; Board of Directors, 1998-1999; Professional Member 1996-present (professional)

- Led Board of Directors, worked closely with Executive Director, helped craft and implement effective legislative efforts, created legislative and membership materials, improved membership and vendor programs. Sent out frequent legislative e-mail updates to inform and mobilize professional community. - Met & spoke regularly with legislators. Key player in helping defeat harmful legislation six years in a row.

Education (1)

New York College of Health Professions : Masters, Acupuncture

Affiliations (1)

  • NSA

Event Appearances (15)


Cardiovascular  Alameda, CA



Lab Analysis and Clinical Nutrition, Vaccination Alternatives and Effective Immune Support  Colorado Springs, CO



Clinical Application of Laboratory Analysis  Billings, MT



Protomorphogens, Autoimmune Disease, Gastrointestinal Health  Los Gatos, CA



Growing the Circle: Integrating Clinical Nutrition & Western Herbs into an Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine Practice  Southern California



Lab Analysis and Clinical Nutrition  Boise, ID



Detoxification and Lasting Weight Loss  Oklahoma City, OK



Love, Serve & Succeed®: Connecting Spirit to Success for Health Professionals, Module Three: Legal Setup and Asset Protection and, Module Four: Effective Marketing on a Shoestring  Boulder, CO



Protomorphogens and Autoimmune Disease, Ten Essential Botanicals for Clinical Practice, Healing the Center: A Wholistic Approach to Improving Gastrointestinal Health  Pittsburgh, PA



Vaccination Alternatives and Effective Immune Support, Protomorphogens and Autoimmune Disease, Healing the Center: Improving Digestive Health   North Carolina



Integrating Key Western Botanicals in Clinical Practice  Minneapolis, MN



Wholistic Approaches to Cardiovascular Health  Syracuse, NY



Clinical Application of Laboratory Analysis  Sioux Falls, SD



Applied Nutritional Services  Northern NJ



Love, Serve & Succeed®: Connecting Spirit to Success for Health Professionals  New York, NY


Sample Talks (5)

A Wholistic Approach to Improving Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in the world. The greatest unnecessary disease of our time, it affects 81.1 million adult Americans (1 in 3, 25.7% of the entire population). There are some 850,000 deaths per year in the US alone. The World Health Organization estimates 12 million deaths per year worldwide–every second death globally is cardiovascular in men and women. CVD is essentially a deficiency condition. In nearly every person it is an unnecessary, preventable and reversible lifestyle-based condition. This engaging seminar demystifies CVD, provides clear insights into its causes, and gives clinicians powerful diet, lifestyle and natural medicine tools to prevent and reverse this devastating condition. Popular myths surrounding the alleged evils of cholesterol are soundly debunked, while offering far more relevant laboratory assessment tools for assessing CV disease risk.

Optimal Reproductive Health for Women & Men

According to CDC, 12% of US women of childbearing age have impaired fertility, with 7.3 million using drug-based fertility services. Fertility doctors estimate that 20% of infertility related to the male partner. Impaired reproductive health has many contributing factors, including nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, stress and exhaustion. This seminar will offer practical approaches to optimizing reproductive health in both men and women, using diet, lifestyle and natural medicine.

Cancer Support & Prevention

Most cancer, like most chronic disease, is preventable and unnecessary. The sole agent that can reliably prevent and treat cancer is a resilient, well-functioning bodymind. The wholistic approach to cancer does not treat the cancer, but the person who has or would like to prevent it. This remarkable seminar looks at the three primary contributors to cancer, and trains clinicians in providing low-cost, effective means of preventing cancer in healthy patients, using diet, inner work and natural medicine. Attention is also given to supporting optimal health, vitality and quality of life in cancer patients.

A Wholistic Approach to Detoxification & Lasting Weightloss

Obesity/overweight is the #2 preventable cause of illness and death, after smoking. This seminar provides clinicians with an effective, physiologically-balanced program to offer patients who wish to improve their health, lose weight or prevent future illness. It covers the need for regular clinical purification, explores the physiology of removing harmful chemicals, and how to successfully implement a powerful, 21-day detoxification program into one’s practice. The seminar deftly details this remarkable program, which combines a simple diet, food- and plant-based, non-synthetic supplements, exercise, inner work and a media fast, and its clinical application.

Love, Serve, and Succeed: Life and business success for AOM professionals

In this nationally-acclaimed program, participants learn the fundamentals of effective and ethical business management based in self-cultivation. A series of seven standalone seminars address all aspects of creating and sustaining a successful private practice from a place of spiritual awareness, integrity and world service. Program modules progress sequentially from awakening to the largeness of one’s own being, to the process of setting up your practice, to attracting new patients and walking them through a process of healing to long-term wellness care, to the ethical issues which invariably arise in practice. Although many of these skills can be learned by trial and error over many years, acquiring them prior to or soon after start-up can dramatically increase the rate and ease with which one can create a fulfilling and prosperous healthcare practice. This innovative program combines financial and spiritual education for life and practice success. Participants emerge more eager and less afraid of the often-daunting prospect of starting or growing a strong private practice. They will have acquired proven skills and techniques that will allow them to take the next steps toward reaching their goals, regardless of where they currently find themselves in the process. Appropriate for students, and all health professionals in private practice.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Author Appearance


2000 to 4500 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee