Healthcare is collapsing right before our eyes.
A new book by author, Michael Kalthoff called, Saving Private Healthcare identifies the coming collapse of our healthcare system under Obamacare and a comprehensive plan that will reform healthcare as a true, open-market system by driving down costs by two-thirds or $2 trillion per year by 2022.
Saving Private Healthcare contains a review of why our current healthcare system is such a mess, followed by a complete solution to our healthcare crisis, a well-constructed implementation plan, as well as an open-market, powerful movement to actually make it happen.
Saving Private Healthcare was written for all those who use our healthcare system; families, the elderly, veterans and the needy. The solution is simple, commonsense and contains a complete re-design of all sectors of our healthcare system including Medicare and Medicaid.
As a healthcare-technology entrepreneur, Michael was also the founder and CEO of LDT Systems, Inc., a software company that created the world’s first clinical organ donor Internet communications system, helping the organ-transplant industry electronically place 6,500 organs for transplant, while increasing organ availability and saving 500 additional lives in the process.
Working with the director of the transplant center at the University of Chicago, Michael designed a national organ-transplant infrastructure for the senior leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Health in Beijing and presented a high-level plan to create a modern-day organ-transplant industry for all 31 provinces in China.
He is dedicated to solving the financial crisis in healthcare and improving the lives of patients, doctors and other healthcare professionals across the globe.
If you would like more information on Michael or his new book, Saving Private Healthcare, please send an email to or call Amy at 630-281-2803.
Industry Expertise (3)
Health Care - Facilities
Health Care - Providers
Health Care - Services
Areas of Expertise (3)
Healthcare Reform
Health Care Reform
Affiliations (1)
- Xavier University Alumni
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Sample Talks (1)
Saving Private Heathcare