Michael Kang is a Korean American filmmaker currently living in Los Angeles with his two young daughters and a neurotic chihuahua mix. His first feature film "The Motel" premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. “The Motel” is the recipient of the Humanitas Prize as well as the top jury prizes from numerous festivals including SDAFF Best Narrative Feature, “The Motel” was also nominated for Best First Feature Film by The Independent Spirit Awards. Michael was honored with an N.E.A. Artist’s Residency Grant at The MacDowell Colony. Michael is the recipient of the Geri Ashur Award in screenwriting through the New York Foundation for the Arts. Michael also received a fellowship through the ABC / DGA New Talent Television Directing Program and the NBC Television Directing Fellowship. Michael’s other feature film credits include “West 32nd” starring John Cho and Grace Park and “4 Wedding Planners” with Illeana Douglas and Janel Parrish. Most recently Michael premiered his latest short film "Special Lunch" which won the "Best Director" prize in the Short Film Category at the IFS Film Festival. Michael is also actively working on making his bio funnier.