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Michael Miller - Primo Solutions, LLC. Phoenix, Arizona Area, AZ, US

Michael Miller

President and CEO, Professional Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, and Author | Primo Solutions, LLC

Phoenix, Arizona Area, AZ, UNITED STATES

Motivational Speaker, Business Trainer and Coach, Author








Michael Miller, President and CEO of Primo Solutions, LLC, a full service Sales, Customer Service, and soft skills business Training and Mystery Shopping company. He has more than 20 years of sales, customer service, consulting, management, and training experience. He spent 12 years in the United States Army, is a combat veteran of the Gulf War, and retired as a Captain. Prior to becoming the CEO of Primo Solutions, his experience includes working as a consultant for a top five consulting firm, and a contractor at the Pentagon for the Department of the Army Chief Information Officer, and the Chief Operating Officer of a full service research company.

Michael is the author of four books: “Selling at Combat Speed,” "Stop Selling and Start Caring," "Strong Finish" and “Maci’s Place.” His programs have been developed from the ground up and have been used in organizations across the nation to increase productivity and motivation. His speaking and training experience ranges from military and government officials at the Pentagon to several hundred sales and marketing people, keynote presentations, awards dinners, down to small group training.

He possesses a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems from the University of Phoenix where he graduated Cum Laude.

Industry Expertise (3)


Corporate Training

Corporate Leadership

Areas of Expertise (5)

Motivational Speaking

Business Skills

Inspirational Speaking

Sales Presentations

Leadership Development

Accomplishments (1)

Military Awards (professional)


Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Air Force Achievement Award, Southwest Asia Service Medal (three stars), Humanitarian Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Presented by Saudi Arabia), ), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Presented by Kuwait), National Defense Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Army Meritorious Unit Award.

Education (2)

University of Phoenix: Bachelor of Science, Business Information Systems 1999

Graduate Cum Laude

University of Phoenix: BS, Business Information Systems

Affiliations (6)

  • National Speaker's Association
  • Heart for the City
  • The Compassionate Friends
  • National Association of Homebuilders
  • Assisted Living Federation of America
  • International Speaker's Network

Event Appearances (11)

Increase Closing Ratios Regardless of the Economy

Ohio Health Care Association  Columbus, OH

Strong Finish

Virginia Assisted Living Association  Williamsburg, VA

Be a Hero - Cape Optional

Heart for the City Valentine's Day Affair Charity Event  Glendale, AZ

Strong Finish - Chaging Lives One Person at a Time

Admiral Byrd Middle School   WInchester, VA

Strong Finish - Your Legacy Starts Today

Northwest Christian HIgh School Chapel  Phoenix, AZ

Making a Difference One Lift at a Time

YoungLife   Glendale, AZ

Selling at Combat Speed

Lorts Furniture Annual Sales Meeting  Phoenix, AZ

Really...It's My Life

Aging Services of Maine and New Hampshire Annual Conference  South Portland, ME

Selling at Combat Speed

U.S. Tax Attorney Annual Meeting  Vail, CO

Leadership - In the Office or in the Trenches

Salt River Project Veteran's Meeting  Phoenix, AZ

Run Wild with Customer Service

Wild HOrse Pass Casino Grand Opening  Phoenix, AZ

Sample Talks (1)

Strong Finish

This speech based off of Mike’s Book, “Strong Finish" is motivational and inspirational. Mike will share heartwarming stories of his life and the life of those whom have crossed his path throughout his lifetime. Some of these stories will be about overcoming adversity. Some will display acts of heroism. Others will portray random acts of kindness and how the smallest gestures can make the largest impact. This speech works well as either an opening or closing session.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


0 to 10000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee