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Michael Ramsey-Musolf - University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst, MA, US

Michael Ramsey-Musolf

Professor of Physics and Director of the Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions | University of Massachusetts Amherst


Michael Ramsey-Musolf's work has contributed to several research directions in nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology.

Expertise (5)

Effective Field Theories

Collider Phenomenology

Fundamental Symmetries

Dark Matter

Quantum Chromodynamics


Michael Ramsey-Musolf is an internationally recognized leader in fundamental interaction physics,. He is also known for his involvement with LGBTQ issues within the scientific community and his role as the Director of the Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions (ACFI).

The American Physical Society recognized Ramsey-Musolf's work with the 2023 Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics.






Yale Wright Lab NPA Seminar: Michael Ramsey-Musolf, University of Massachusetts LGBTQ+ Faculty at UMass Amherst: Michael Ramsey-Musolf


Education (3)

Princeton University: Ph.D.

Episcopal Divinity School: M.Div.

Pomona College: B.A., Physics and Mathematics

Select Recent Media Coverage (3)

The Electron Is So Round That It’s Ruling Out Potential New Particles

Quanta Magazine  online


Ever since then, physicists have been on a hunt to find hints of new particles that could further tip the scale. Some do so directly, using the Large Hadron Collider — often touted as the most complicated machine ever built. But over the past several decades, a comparatively low-budget alternative has emerged: looking at how hypothetical particles would alter properties of known particles. “You see footprints [of new physics], but you don’t actually see the thing that made them,” said Michael Ramsey-Musolf, a theoretical physicist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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University professor wins top nuclear physics prize

China Daily  online


Michael Ramsey-Musolf, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst,, has been awarded the 2023 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics by the American Physical Society for his pioneering contributions "in precision electroweak studies of nuclear and hadronic systems, making fundamental symmetry experiments powerful probes of strong interactions and new physics", according to the APS.

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Q&A with Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Advocate for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Physics

APS News  online


Michael Ramsey-Musolf’s challenging experiences as an out gay physicist started in the 1980s and led him to become a firm advocate for sexual and gender minorities in the academic world. Ramsey-Musolf’s first encounter with physics came through a high school course. In that class, he says, a fantastic teacher turned him from hating science to enjoying quantum mechanics and special relativity. The experience was so transforming that he decided to study physics and math in college.

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