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Mireille  Paquet - Concordia University . Montreal , QC, CA

Mireille Paquet

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science | Concordia University

Montreal , QC, CANADA

I work on immigration in Canada, Canadian and Quebec politics, public administration, equality and feminism. Francophone et bilingue!



Mireille  Paquet Publication


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Les conférences de PROMIS - Mireille Paquet : Provinces et fédéralisation de l’immigration - Partie1 The Federalization of Immigration in Canada by Mireille Paquet



Bonjour et Welcome !

I am a political scientist with an expertise in Canadian politics, public policy and immigration. I also conduct research on provincial politics (Quebec but mostly all Canadian provinces) and am...

Areas of Expertise (14)


Immigration and Citizenship

Immigration Issues



Federalism and multilevel governance



Canadian Politics

Quebec politics

Public Administration

Public Policy



Accomplishments (3)

Concordia University Research Award (Person and Society) (professional)


Concordia’s University Research Award winners are selected for their exceptional achievements and their contributions to advancing knowledge, building a productive training environment for students and increasing the university’s visibility as a research institution

Expert Commentators of the Year (professional)


President’s Media Outreach Awards and Concordia University Communications Services

Prix Pierre Le François (professional)

Meilleure thèse en science politique, département de science politique, Université de Montréal

Education (1)

Université de Montréal: PhD, Political Science 2013

Affiliations (3)

  • Center for Immigration Policy Evaluation (CIPE)
  • Centre pour l'évaluation des politiques d'immigration (CEPI)
  • Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité (CRIDAQ)

Languages (2)

  • English
  • Français

Media Appearances (11)

Couillard distances his team from Normandeau

CTV News  tv


Interview regarding the Quebec Premier's reaction to accusations of corruption toward Nathalie Normandeau.

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Waves of feminism collide between Clinton and Sanders supporters

The Current (CBC Radio)  radio


In the wake of Gloria Steinem's comments about young feminist during Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidential nomination, I discussed the multiple streams of feminism present in contemporary politics.

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Justin Trudeau looks to maintain momentum, limit risk during French debate

CBC News  tv


Discussion of Trudeau's strategies in preparation for the French-language debate.

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5 themes to watch for at the leaders' French-language debate

CTV National News  tv


Discussion about what to expect during the 2015 leaders' French-Language debate.

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Quebec Election Campaign

CTV National News  tv


Discussion of the 2014 Quebec election.

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Ibbitson, John. Canada's electoral geography: Where parties are likely to gain seats; The country is comprised of five political regions: Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies and B.C.

The Globe and Mail  print


Interviewed as part of John Ibbitson's analysis of the geography of the 2015 election.

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Les travailleurs nés au pays avantagés en matière d'emploi (Jean-Philippe Boudreau)

La Presse  print


Discussion de l'impact des changements aux politiques fédérales de sélection des immigrants sur l'intégration économique de ces derniers.

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Plus difficile de devenir Canadien (Annabelle Blais)

La Presse  print


Interview sur les changements apportés par le gouvernement fédéral aux procédures de naturalisation.

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Les demandes de citoyenneté approuvées en baisse de 50 % (Annabelle Blais)

La Presse  print


Discussion de l'effet des changements aux politiques de naturalisation et de citoyenneté du gouvernement fédéral.

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Québec Solidaire boasts highest number of female candidates Coalition Avenir Québec falls behind other main political parties with 23% female candidates

CBC News  online


Discussion of female candidate in the 2014 Quebec election.

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Thousands gather in Montreal to protest charter of Quebec values

CTV News  tv


Interviewed to discuss societal responses to the proposals to establish a charter of Quebec values.

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Articles (4)

The Federalization of Immigration and Integration in Canada

Canadian Journal of Political Science


Between 1990 and 2010, a gradual process of institutional change has affected Canada's immigration and integration governance regime. The central characteristic of this process is the emergence of a new legitimate institutional group of actors: Canadian provinces. This change corresponds to a federalization of Canada's immigration and integration governance regime. It is a break from the previous pattern of federal dominance and provincial avoidance. It is not the result of diminished federal intervention in immigration and cannot be explained by exogenous shocks. Current explanations of this evolution focus on federal decisions and have trouble explaining provincial mobilization. Using a mechanistic approach to the analysis of social processes and insights on gradual institutional changes, this article demonstrates that provinces have been the central agents bringing about the federalization of Canada's immigration and integration governance regime between 1990 and 2010. Via a mechanism of province building centred on immigration, provinces have triggered and maintained in movement a decentralizing mechanism. The interactions of these two mechanisms, over time, gave rise to the federalization of immigration and integration in Canada.

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La construction provinciale comme mécanisme: le cas de l’immigration au Manitoba

Politique et Sociétés


Dans le cadre d’une analyse de la croissance des activités en immigration et en intégration de tous les gouvernements provinciaux depuis le début des années 1990, cet article propose une revitalisation de la notion de « construction provinciale ». En prenant comme point de départ les critiques de Robert A. Young, Philippe Faucher et André Blais (1984), il y est suggéré de repositionner la construction provinciale en tant que mécanisme social. Par le biais de cette approche mécanistique et suivant l’observation du mécanisme dans dix cas, il est avancé que le mécanisme de construction provinciale opère par le biais de trois composantes à l’échelle d’une province – l’activation, la consensualisation et l’institutionnalisation – et produit des effets variables, en fonction du contexte dans lequel il est enclenché. Le potentiel heuristique de cette approche est illustré en retraçant comment un mécanisme de construction provinciale centré sur l’immigration s’est mis en mouvement au Manitoba à partir des années 1990.

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Bureaucrats as Immigration Policy-makers: The Case of Subnational Immigration Activism in Canada, 1990–2010

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Since the 1990s, subnational governments in Canada have become increasingly active towards immigrant selection and immigration integration. In dialogue with scholarship on immigration policy-making and public administration, this article demonstrates that bureaucrats, acting as policy entrepreneurs, have been instrumental in initiating subnational immigration activism in Canada between 1990 and 2010. By studying immigration policy-making ‘from the ground up’, three types of entrepreneurs are identified based on empirical research in the 10 Canadian provinces: classical entrepreneur, policy puzzler and diagonal innovator. New research questions are generated by the demonstration that subnational immigration politics in Canada is a form of client of mode politics, but where clients are absent and where independent within state actors are the moving forces.

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Beyond appearances: citizenship tests in Canada and the UK

Journal of International Migration and Integration



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