Industry Expertise (3)
Public Relations and Communications
Travel and Tourism
Areas of Expertise (4)
Road Trips
Travel and Tourism
Winter Driving
Strategic Communications
Education (2)
Mohawk College: Hons. Diploma, Broadcast Journalism & Communications 2005
Carleton University: Bachelor of Arts, History, History and Canadian Studies 2001
Media Appearances (12)
Winter car care tips
CTV Winnipeg tv
Nadia Matos from CAA Manitoba discusses some proper winter car care tips covering tires, wipers, fluids and the battery.
Winter safety products at CAA Manitoba
CTV Winnipeg tv
Nadia Matos from CAA Manitoba returns to share some of their winter safety products available from CAA.
CAA Manitoba seeing ongoing surge in calls due to cold weather
Global News Winnipeg tv
"The average call volume for CAA Manitoba on a winter day is about 300, on Sunday we had about 1,600 calls, on Monday, 2000." CAA Manitoba's Nadia Matos talks about the ongoing demand with a surge in battery boost calls, and other winter problems plaguing vehicles.
What to remember when booking winter tire swap: CAA
Durham Radio News online
Drivers in Durham Region may still have autumn scenery on the mind, but winter comes fast, according to CAA. “It starts to get a little bit colder, but then all of a sudden it shifts really quickly,” said Nadia Matos, Manager of External Communications at CAA South Central Ontario, in an interview with Durham Radio News. “That’s why we’re reminding people that you want to prepare as much as you can in advance. Part of that is making an appointment to change your winter tires over.” While Matos suggests switching tires once the temperature has fallen to around seven degrees Celsius for a full week. She noted you should book the appointment beforehand. “We know there’s always a rush around that time,” she said. She recommends retorquing your wheels about 100 or 150 kilometres after the tire swap. “You really want to avoid the potential tire separation,” she said. The tire swap provides an opportunity to check the condition of your tires, and check for cracking, fraying or erosion. If you need to replace them, Matos points out it is safest to do so in sets of four. “With only two tires, it does impact your handling and stability and they’re not fully optimized,” she said. Ultimately, winter tires are meant to make it easier to stop on snowy ground, shortening your breaking distance by around 25 per cent. “That can be two car lengths,” explained Matos. “It can really make all the difference in helping to prevent a collision.”
How to save money while travelling in the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario
CityNews Toronto online
“Our members are feeling the pinch in all different areas and so it really critical over the summer months that if you are taking a road trip that you do a little bit of planning ahead of time to help alleviate some of that pinch,” Nadia Matos, a communications manager with CAA South Central Ontario, said. CityNews asked Matos what motorists can do to help control unavoidable gas costs. She said there are smaller things we can all do, starting specifically with how we drive. “Fuel consumption really starts to increase at around 90 km/h, so whenever you can and you’re going on long stretches of the road, you keep your car on cruise control,” she said. “That’s going to help your fuel economy and you also want to avoid that ‘jack-rabbiting’ either on the highway or in the city limits, and that’s that really hard acceleration or the hard braking. That stuff actually lowers your fuel economy anywhere from 10 to 40 per cent.” One way to curb poorer fuel economy is to travel along a route parallel to an Ontario 400-series highway. For example, instead of going to Ottawa along Highways 401 and 416 drivers can take Highway 7 with a little bit of a lower speed limit and rates of travel. Matos said keeping tabs on air in the tires by making sure it’s as close to the manufacturer’s recommendations can boost fuel economy. She said reducing the amount of cargo you carry can both help with gas too, adding an extra 100 pounds can mean a one-per-cent bump in fuel consumption. Lastly, Matos urged people to be prepared for roadside emergencies should something go wrong. “It’s about making sure that you have plenty of water to nonperishable snacks if you are going on a road trip, making sure that you have those things ahead of time and really anticipating, ‘OK, is my car in good working condition? You know, where am I going on my destination? Where are the locations that if I need help where I can stop in?” she said.
Safety tips for drivers as holiday storm approaches
CityNews Kitchener online
Nadia Matos, Manager of External Communications for C.A.A. South Central Ontario, told CityNews 570 that the automobile service organization typically receives 4,000 calls for assistance on an average day between the areas of Kingston and Windsor, but during inclement weather, that number doubles and sometimes triples. “If you don't have to go out, don't go out,” Matos advised. “Rearrange your travel plans so that you're safe indoors. However, it's the holiday season. We know a lot of people are going to be out driving visiting family or doing some last minute shopping.” Matos suggested that those who do have to drive this weekend stay on main roads that are more likely to be plowed and salted. Other tips for drivers suggested by Matos included topping off windshield washer fluid and replacing old windshield wipers before hitting the road, as well as having a fully charged phone and a backup charger. One of the most important items to have in the car is an emergency kit, including warm blankets, a shovel and jumper cables. She also added that while on the road, drivers should go slower, give plenty of space between them and the vehicle ahead, and avoid using cruise control.
Ontario woman buys electronic rust control device, but her car still rusts
CTV News Toronto online
CTV News also reached on to CAA and Nadia Matos, manager of External Communications said “It is very hard for us to recommend electronic modules as we have not seen any data that proves it is a viable way to reduce rust or that it works better than other options.” “Our recommendation is to spray your vehicle every year, in the summer months with Krown Rust Control. A vehicle that is annually treated will last longer and will run better. It uses a patented method to protect your vehicle from the dangers and mechanical failure that rust can cause. This gives the owner the opportunity to keep it for an extra five years or more and to save thousands of dollars,” said Matos.
'We're booked up every day, all day': Motorists urged to winterize vehicles
CTV News Windsor online
CAA has partnered with several police forces and the Ministry of Transportation to help inform Ontarians that now is the time to get your winter tires installed, check your vehicle’s battery and have a stocked emergency kit with all the essentials needed for the winter months. “Now's about the time that you want to start thinking about booking your appointment with your mechanic,” said CAA South Central Ontario spokesperson Nadia Matos. “To get a set of four matching winter tires and while you're there you may as well get him or her to check your car battery.” “The average car battery lasts about three to five years, and even a fully charged brand new battery loses about 30 to 35 per cent of its power on those very cold winter mornings. So really now when you're getting your winter tires ready and as you're getting prepared for the winter driving season, it's crucial that you talk to your mechanic and make sure that your battery will make it through the winter months.”
Putting safety first this winter
Toronto Star online
Four thousand per day: that’s the average amount of calls the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) receives in its South Central Ontario region during winter. And while that number doubles during severe weather, Nadia Matos said the reasons behind those surges are not always what you might expect. “Surprisingly, it’s not the big winter snowfalls that trigger the most calls for roadside assistance,” said Matos, external communications manager for the CAA. “Where we tend to get hit hardest with requests is when that deep, deep freeze comes on, which can take a significant toll on car batteries and make it all the more common for people to get stuck.” It is for this reason, said Matos, that having a well-thought-out emergency kit in your car — particularly in Ontario — is of the utmost importance. She said that there is no better time than now to eliminate as many risks as possible before the first flakes of snow touch the ground. “Most drivers are aware of the basic supplies that one should have in their car in case of an emergency,” said Matos. “Items such as matches, a blanket, reflectors, water and some non-perishable items like granola bars are important to have in your vehicle all year.”

Car theft in Toronto is up 60 per cent. Here are four ways to make sure your car isn’t next
The Toronto Star online
Most of the time it's a crime of opportunity, says Nadia Matos, media and public relations consultant at CAA Club Group. To prevent theft, you want to make your vehicle less appealing as a target. But, ultimately, if a thief wants your car, they'll find a way to make it happen. Here are some expert tips to slow down car thieves: Be careful with your keys. To prevent theft, Matos' first piece of advice is to never leave your car unattended with the keys inside. "We hear about that all the time," she says. Matos recommends drivers purchase a "Faraday box" or bag, also known as signal blocking pouches, that can prevent your signal from being hijacked. And, if you have two cars in your driveway, park the most valuable vehicle inside the garage, Matos adds. Purchase preventative or recovery devices. Matos recommends car owners consider installing an immobilizer, if your vehicle doesn't already have one (many newer models do). This is an electronic security device that will only start the engine if the correct key is used, making it harder for anyone to steal your car. "What it does is help to prevent thieves from bypassing the ignition and hotwiring the vehicle," she said. Keep important car information handy. If your car is stolen, you'll want to contact the police as soon as possible, Matos says. In those instances, it's important to have key information on hand to support the police search for the vehicle. Matos advises owners to take a photo of their car and keep it in a safe place along with its VIN number.

Car rental agencies predict ‘carpocalypse’ in Canada this summer as they run out of vehicles
The Toronto Star online
Nadia Matos, a spokesperson for CAA, said renters are spending at least 20 per cent more during peak rental times compared to before the pandemic. Yet, demand for rental cars is still high this summer, particularly on the east coast. "Our travel call centre tells us that most of the major rental companies are sold out for the summer months," she said.
Special devices, black market tech and guns: The tools behind the GTA’s car-theft crime wave
The Toronto Star online
Nadia Matos, a media and public relations consultant for CAA South Central Ontario, said car owners should always consider investing in some anti-theft devices that can make it a little harder for would-be thieves. A steering wheel lock can stop a thief from driving your car. An electronic alarm can make noise and deter unauthorized entry. Car owners should ensure their vehicles have an immobilizer — an electronic security device that only starts the engine if the correct key is present, preventing thieves from hot-wiring a vehicle the old-fashioned way. Getting a kill switch professionally installed in the vehicle is also helpful. Matos also echoed police advice to keep keys far away from doors and out of range from any amplification device. "If your car has a wireless key fob, keep it in a Faraday box or pouch to block its signal, which prevents it from being hijacked," she said, adding that installing a GPS tracking device on your vehicle can help locate and recover it, if it's stolen. (A Faraday box is a container that blocks your key fob's signals from escaping.)