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Patricia G. Martínez is a professor of management in the College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University. She previously served as associate dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion for the college.
Patricia’s areas of expertise include topics in organizational behavior, human resource management, and diversity and inclusivity. Her research has been published in Human Resources Management Review, Personnel Review, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Management Research, and the Journal of Management for Global Sustainability. She has held leadership positions in the Western Academy of Management (WAM), Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) and supported The PhD Project’s efforts to diversify the professoriate through decades of serving on committees and in advisory roles. In addition, Patricia serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Management Inquiry and Management Research. In fall 2022, she began as editor at the Journal of Jesuit Business Education.
Her publications in DEI involve an edited scholarly book chapter, “Managing the Hispanic Workforce in the Context of Values, Acculturation and Identity (Gómez, & Martínez, 2017) and several articles examining how Latin American cultural values can define effective leadership approaches in multicultural contexts (Martínez, 2010; 2005; 2003; 2002). She continues her seminal work on the concept of “ethnic citizenship behaviors” which examines how ethnic identity may drive voluntary, discretionary helping behaviors that are targeted at similar others, and which in total, benefit the organization (Martínez, Randel, & Ramirez, 2011; 2005) in areas such as career development, recruitment and retention.
For over 30 years, Patricia has held leadership and advisory positions in multiple DEI programs and initiatives that focus on the educational and career attainment of underrepresented minorities at the undergraduate, MBA and doctoral level. These include Prospanica/National Society of Hispanic MBAs, The PhD Project, and the Latino Business Students Association (UC Irvine and Cal Poly Pomona). She is also faculty advisor for the newly re-launched Latinx Business Association at LMU.
Education (2)
University of California, Irvine: Ph.D., Management - Organizational Behavior 2002
California State Polytechnic University at Pomona: B.S., Management, Information Systems 1991
Areas of Expertise (6)
Human Resources Management
HR Practices as Signals About Employment Conditions
Recruitment & Selection
Effects of Perceived Overqualification on Hiring Decisions
Paternalism in Employment Relationships and Leadership Styles
Life as a Cancer Survivor
Industry Expertise (3)
Human Resources
Management Consulting
Accomplishments (1)
PhD Project Management Doctoral Students Association Nomination (professional)
Patricia Martinez accepted a nomination to serve a two-year term as the senior faculty advisor to the PhD Project Management Doctoral Students Association. The PhD Project was founded upon the premise that advancements in workplace diversity could be propelled forward by increasing the diversity of business school faculty.
Affiliations (7)
- Management Research
- Academy of Management
- Western Academy of Management
- Iberoamerican Academy of Management
- National Society of Hispanic MBAs
- Management Faculty of Color Association (MFCA)
- The PhD Project
Articles (14)
Person-Organization Fit & Employee Hiring Practices in Sustainable Organizations
Journal of Management for Global SustainabilityPatricia Martinez, Cathleen McGrath, Jonathan Rojas, Lauren Anderson Llanos
Research on sustainable people management has focused on the macro level, while overlooking methods to implement sustainability at the operational level, specifically, in its employee hiring processes. We argue that when hiring processes assess applicants’ sustainability values and behaviors, they determine the degree of values alignment or person-organization (PO) fit between the applicant and the organization. Thus, they result in the strategic hiring of individuals who will support the organization’s sustainability efforts.
Gathering data on mentoring needs and experiences of early career librarians: The needs assessment stage of developing a mentoring program.
Academic Library Mentoring: Fostering Growth and RenewalBlas, Nataly & Martínez, Patricia
Mentoring of Library Faculty and Librarians, Volume 2, explores mentorship skills, models, purposes and issues, and program development. Mentoring purposes include support for the pursuit of tenure and promotion, other career goals, and psychosocial concerns. Issues incorporate understanding and addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in mentoring. Chapter methodologies include surveys, program assessments, analysis of practices against standards, case studies of mentor and mentee lived experiences, and case studies of libraries and affiliated entities.
A Faculty-Student Collaborative Study of Employee Selection Practices in Sustainable Organizations
Academy of Management Annual Meeting ProceedingsPatricia G. Martinez, Lauren Anderson Llanos and Jonathan Rojas
This paper presents an example of a research collaboration examining sustainable organizations that facilitates both faculty and students’ achievement of professional and educational goals. Given that our current student generation, “Gen Z,” desires to make a positive impact and are passionate about environmental causes, studying sustainable organizations provides opportunities for this type of collaboration. This project combines students’ senior theses, independent research projects and a faculty member’s research in employee selection practices. We focus on how sustainable organizations can use behavioral interviews and pro-environmental behavior survey measures during their employee selection processes to assess person-organization (P-O) fit and thus, values alignment between individuals and organizations.
Leapfrogging at work: Influencing higher levels in the chain of command
Personnel ReviewSegrest, S. L., Andrews, M. C., Geiger, S. W., Marlin, D., Martínez, P.G., Perrewé, P. L., & Ferris, G. R.
Acts of interpersonal influence are observed throughout organizations, and most typically, in direct supervisor-subordinate relationships. However, researchers have focused less on subordinates bypassing the chain of command and targeting their supervisor’s supervisor with influence attempts. We conceptualize a new term, “leapfrogging,” as subordinates’ attempts to influence and manage the impressions of their supervisor’s supervisor, through influencing the target’s perception of likability (the focus of ingratiation) and competence (the focus of self-promotion). This study focuses on its personal and situational antecedents.
Managing the Hispanic workforce in the context of values, acculturation and Identity
Leading Diversity in the 21st CenturyGómez, C.B. & Martínez, P.G.
Discussions about leading the twenty-first century workforce must include Hispanics, the largest ethnic group which will account for 80 percent of the U.S. labor force growth in the next four decades. In today’s multicultural context, leading Hispanic employees requires knowledge of cultural values and how these are related to social identity and acculturation. Within this context we review research on how Hispanic employees may perceive leadership, organizational justice, teams, and the effect of job factors on motivation. Additionally, we discuss how culturally embedded leadership favors a relational perspective. Paternalistic leadership emphasizes such relational leadership as does the use of interactional justice. Furthermore, differences in attribution styles need to be noted so as to minimize conflict between managers and Hispanic employees. Research also suggests that in teams, Hispanics will emphasize the importance of team maintenance behaviors as well as potentially providing special treatment to in-group members. Finally, extrinsic job factors such as colleagues, benefits, company reputation and managers, will be related to motivation. Nevertheless, all of these factors need to be taken in the context of employees’ levels of acculturation and identification with Hispanic ethnicity and values. As employees are more acculturated and have weaker ethnic identification, Hispanics will display cultural values, job characteristic and leadership preferences which are more similar to U.S. majority members. We conclude with a discussion of several managerial implications.
Creating psychological and legal contracts through human resource practices: A signaling theory perspective
Human Resource Management Review2015-06-23
Despite the surge in research on the psychological contract over the past two decades, there has been little integrative research that has examined psychological contracts in conjunction with legal contracts.
Overqualification, Mismatched Qualification, and Hiring Decisions
Personnel Review2015-06-01
The purpose of this paper is to examine how employers define overqualification and mismatched qualification and whether they are willing to hire applicants whose educational and work experience credentials do not match job requirements.
Overqualified? A Conceptual Model of Managers’ Perceptions of Overqualification in Selection Decisions
Personnel Review Journal Impact Factor & Information2014-08-01
We present a conceptual model for conducting research on how Human Resource and hiring managers form impressions of overqualified individuals and how these impressions affect their treatment of overqualified individuals during selection decisions.
Increasing work flexibility, decreasing organizational investment and employee job attitudes and citizenship behaviors under telecommuting
Loyola Marymount University2013-01-01
This study aims to examine how the amount and type of flexibility in work schedule (flextime) and work location (telecommuting) may be related to receiving fewer training and development opportunities.
Creating Psychological and Legal Contracts Through HRM Practices: A Strength of Signals Perspective
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal2011-09-01
We integrate the concept of signaling theory to propose that organizations create psychological and legal contracts through their human resource management practices (HRM).
Contingent Employment Relationships Between Tour Guides and Tour Operators in Ecuador: Human Resource Management Practices and Attitudinal Outcomes
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal2010-09-01
This study examines a unique contingent employment relationship—that between tour guides and tour operators in Ecuador.
On the Same Page: The Value of Paid and Volunteer Leaders Sharing Mental Models in Churches
Nonprofit Management & Leadership2008-12-15
We examine the idea that mental models shared among paid and volunteer leaders are associated with improved financial performance in nonprofit organizations. Our empirical analysis of thirty-seven churches yields evidence that organizations are more effective if paid and volunteer leaders have a shared task mental model—that is, if they report similar conceptualizations of organizational goals and decision-making processes. These findings suggest that the extent of leaders' agreement on organizational goals and the processes of how decisions are made matter for organizational performance. We argue that it is as important to ensure that everyone is on the same page with regard to goals and how decisions are made as it is to have the “right” goals or right decision processes in place. Implications for practice and future research on shared mental models are discussed.
Predictors of employment & labor law knowledge among diverse employee populations
Business Journal of Hispanic Research2007-01-01
We conducted a study of the explanatory value of demo- graphic predictors for levels of employment law knowledge within the context of the diverse U.S. Hispanic population. Although research suggests that many individuals in the United States do not have an accurate knowledge of employment laws that affect their everyday work environment, these studies generally fail to examine what factors may account for individuals’ level of knowledge of employment law.
Paternalism as a positive form of leader-subordinate exchange: Evidence from México
Management Research, The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management2003-10-10
Despite its persistence as a form of leadership, paternalism has received limited attention within organizational studies. In order to develop a construct definition of paternalism in a contemporary organizational context for this study, a literature review of paternalism is synthesized with qualitative field data collected in Mexican organizations and U.S. organizations that are owned and operated by Mexican immigrants. This analysis is conducted within a framework of leadership, and it suggests that paternalism combines paternalists’ benevolent acts with their subtle control over subordinates’ flexibility in meeting employment terms. Leaders express benevolence through their supportiveness and by providing for employees’ welfare both within the organization and their personal needs outside of the organization. Furthermore, both paternalistic leaders and subordinates frame their relationships in terms of social exchange, offering new insights into the dynamics within these exchange relationships.