Paul is a Keynote Speaker, Communicator, Executive Mentor, After Dinner Speaker and Networker. Paul speaks on two main topics: The Team Ethic including how team choices radically affect your company’s outcome. And networking, from Strategy, practical ‘how too’ all the way to why it is the most cost effective route to market.
He has been involved in Professional sport for over 20 years and run two successful businesses. And it is from this joint Business and Sport background he draws on for his humorous after dinner speaking.
Paul also delivers a keynote on how food giants and supermarkets get people to buy the products that deliver them the most profit, and not the consumer the best value, it’s called Supermarket Sweep.
He has been presenting to groups for many years, worked on radio and written several pieces for newspapers. Paul has worked in and been involved in face to face business networking, for over 20 years. During this time he has delivered a variety of training course, on networking, presentation and communications skills. Specifically how to make your message memorable and helped numerous people succeed in their networking activity.
As a Trainer Paul set up The Paradigm Shakers who use only Subject Matter Experts to deliver training. These are workshops and cover, Public Speaking, Media Skills, Speaking to the Press, Use of Visual Aids, Leadership, Management, Man management and Social Media. The so called ‘soft skills set.
SPEAKER www. and
Communications, Leadership Team & Management Development
Media: Training
Social Media Master class
Customer Service
Demonstrate to win
Speaking Coaching
Presentations skills
Communications skills
Exceeding Expectations
Why some teams always win!
Labels & supermarket scams:
Networking (the most cost effective rout to market)
Networking Strategy:
Customer Service. :
Retain Distributors:
Executive Coaching;
Public Speaking:
Winning presentations:
Networking that works
Winning presentations:
Introduction to sales
Relationship selling
Referral Selling
Team Development
Customer Service Training;
Dealing with difficult customers.
Industry Expertise (3)
IT Services/Consulting
Management Consulting
Areas of Expertise (3)
Presenting With Visual Aids
Networking for Business
Sucess Through Teamwork
Links (4)
Sample Talks (1)
On The Money
Most business presenters today understand business but do not understand presenting. It's a fact that over 90% of business presenters engage in behaviours that, through no fault of theirs, turn audiences off. Once you understand how to present, and how to connect with your audience you are going to notice a difference in the way your audience interact and respond to you. That's just the start, as you are going to get so much more positive feedback and as a result you will have achieved your own presentation goals. You will learn some of the techniques that the great communicators use, and understand how and why they are so sucessful. Business presenter improve their presenting skills and truly connect with their audience.
- Author Appearance