With over 30 years in the healthcare field, Paul has talked on a wide range of topics pertaining to healthcare delivery, drug development, personalized medicine, and interactions with Thought Leaders. "Being a jazz musician in my spare time has helped me learn when to hold a solid way forward, and when to improvise during a changing environment." said Paul. Being trained in benchmarking processes and futures research has allowed Paul to not only look backwards at who is best-in-class, but also who will be leading the pack in years to come.
Having held a leadership role in a variety of responsibilities, both professionally and in the community, Paul has developed insight in working with Thought Leaders in the healthcare.
Paul’s educational background includes a Masters of Science in biomedical science from the University of Guelph (1977), and more recently a Masters of Public Health from the Gillings School of Global Public Health from the University of North Carolina (2010). From his early days at Merck, starting as a sales representative, then Product Manager to Sales Director and Director of Product Management, to his role as Global Director of Marketing, Group Director of Business Planning and Strategy to Worldwide Commercial Director for Predictive Medicine at GlaxoSmithKline, Paul built a 25-year record of achievement in pharmaceutical sales, marketing, and strategy development.
After leaving the Pharmaceutical Industry, Paul founded two healthcare consulting companies in 2005 and 2006. Clear Point Health channels his wide range of expertise in marketing, strategic planning, clinical operations, personalized medicine, biomarkers and companion diagnostics, while Thought Leader Select allows him to be creative on the value of working with Thought Leaders in Healthcare.
Paul Meade writes a recurring series, Industry Insights, on the Thought Leader Select Blog featured at the company's website, He writes about topics ranging from the best ways to define and find key opinion leaders in medicine to predictive pieces on the future of healthcare in the United States.
Industry Expertise (9)
Management Consulting
Medical Devices
Corporate Leadership
Health Care - Services
Public Policy
Health Care - Providers
Areas of Expertise (10)
Medical Ethics
Personalized Medicine
Pharmaceutical Development
Biomarkers and Companion Diagnostics
Key Opinion Leaders
Thought Leadership
Public Health
Sunshine Act (Ppsa)
Healthcare System
Accomplishments (1)
Meritorious Service Award (professional)
Awarded by Civil Air Patrol
Education (3)
University of Guelph: M. Sc, Biology 1977
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: MPH, Public Health 2010
Certificate in Ethics
Acadia University: B. Sc, Biology 1975
Affiliations (5)
- Civil Air Patrol
- World Future Society
- Institute for Advanced Career Development
- Canadian Business Association of North Carolina
- Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
Event Appearances (2)
Ethics of KOL Engagement
ExL Pharma 2nd KOL Relationship Summit Philadelphia, PA
Interactions in the Age of Transparency
20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists San Diego, CA
Sample Talks (1)
Ethics of KOL Engagement
Achieving the Right Balance between Developing a Positive Working Relationship with KOLs and Ensuring their Ability to Maintain their Professional Independence
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance
- Corporate Training