Phil La Duke is the author of
I Know My Shoes Are Untied: Mind Your Own Business! and Lone Gunman: Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention.
Mr. La Duke is an internationally recognized expert on culture change and performance improvement topics, particularly worker Safety and Lean Manufacturing. La Duke has over 30 years international experience and has provided training in five countries and in four languages, and has presented at over 20 international professional conferences including the American Society of Safety Engineers (multiple repeat assignments, the National Safety Council (multiple repeat appearances), the Canadian Society of Safety Engineers, the Society for Manufacturing Engineer’s Lean and Green Symposium at EASTEC, Automation Alley, the Instituto De Minera Segurido (conference on mining safety in the Andes in Lima, Peru), ENFORM, Society for Applied Learning Technologies Washington Interactive Technologies conference, and Office Expo, in Dublin Ireland and Techlive (also in Dublin, Ireland).
La Duke is also a sought after speaker for corporate leadership and safety conferences
In addition to his speaking engagements La Duke has nearly 350 works in print (he is published on all inhabited continents) and is a popular consultant and expert in a wide range of topics; H+S Magazine has interviewed him as an expert in worker safety on multiple occasions. Go magazine sought La Duke’s expertise on workplace productivity; Business And The Environment newsletter interviewed La Duke as an expert in problem solving and crisis management and he has been an expert guest in on the Life Coach Hour where he talked about project planning. La Duke’s popular speech, Selling Safety In Tough Times was the subject of several magazine articles, as was the enhanced presentation of the same topic that he made in Lima, Peru
Mr. La Duke is an accomplished and engaging author who is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur, Facility Safety Management, Industrial Safety & Health News, and H&S magazines; La Duke’s column, The Safe Side, appeared monthly in Fabricating & Metalworking for over four years. La Duke has been published in trade journals including Loss Prevention Journal (Bruges, Belgium), SALT Journal, (Washington D.C.) and ASSE Journal.
La Duke was contracted as a Production Safety Consultant for Transformers V. He is a graduate of University of Michigan and is the author of the popular blog
Industry Expertise (15)
Writing and Editing
Professional Training and Coaching
Human Resources
Employment Services
Corporate Leadership
Training and Development
Social Media
Management Consulting
Corporate Training
Health Care - Services
Media Production
Talent Management
Areas of Expertise (20)
Talent Attraction
Talent Acquisition
Cross - Cultural Management
Program & Project Management
Labour and Environmental Standards
Instructional Design
Marketing & Branding
Corporate Leadership Training
Corporate & Business Strategy
Movie Business
Worker safety
Corporate Leadership
Trainging Development and Design
Adult Education
Corporate Culture
Cross generational training and management
Talent Management
Talent & Gamification
Accomplishments (10)
Appointed to Wayne State Biomedical Research Safety Board (professional)
Represent the community on the Biomedical Research Safety Board. Review research protocols and safety procedures.
Cited As An Expert in the Best Selling Book Super Teams by Dr. Paul Marciano (professional)
Interviewed and cited as an expert in worker safety, specifically in Lock Out Tag Out.
Published on All Six Inhabited Continents (professional)
Authored works published in North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia
Named to ISHN magazine's Power 104 List (professional)
Named to the largest worker safety magazine's list of the 104 most influential people working in worker safety world-wide.
Referenced In a Textbook on Film Production (professional)
An article I wrote that was published in ISHN magazine was referenced in "The Complete Guide To Film and Digital Production: The People and The Process"--Third edition, but Lorene M. Wales
Authored Peer-Reviewed Article on TQM (professional)
Authored the magazine article, Deming’s 14 Points for Safety Applying Total Quality Management to Reduce Workplace Risk for Facilities Safety Magazine. September 2010 (
Brought Gamification and Tablet-Based Training to a Major Healthcare System (professional)
When it came to training 150,000 seats (a person in a specific class) in less than 6 months time without disrupting hospital operations and getting doctors who were notorious for avoiding training to complete the courses, I hired a company that used gamification of courses like anatomy and physiology, and ICD-10 coding. We were successful in providing all training on time and under budget in so doing changed how physicians reacted to training forever.
Named to European Society of Process Safety Engineers (ESPSE) list of recommended reading (professional)
The European Society of Process Safety Engineers (ESPSE) included one of my published articles on its list of recommended reading.
Voting member of the Michigan Institute of Urology Biomedical Safety Board (professional)
Review and oversea safety protocols for urology research
Voting member of the WG Clinical Industrial Clinical Biomedical Safety Board (professional)
Represent the community on a board that overseas safety protocols of experiments performed on recombinant DNA using human test subjects subjects
Education (14)
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI): Certificate, Ethics 2017
Required training for Biomedical Research Safety Board Members
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI): Certificate, Basic Institutional Review Board (IRB) Regulations and Review Process 2017
Required training for Biomedical Safety Review Board Members Certificate, OSHA 30-hour for General Industry Safety 2016 Certificate, OSHA 30-Construction 2016
Chevron General Orientation Appalachia, Michigan Business Unit: Certified Instructor, General Orientation Train-the-Trainer 2012
Trinity Health: Certified Instructor, Lean For Leaders 2011
AHIMA: Certificate, ICD-10 Bootcamp 2011
Advantage Way: Certificate, High-Impact Learning 2011
Outcome Engineering: Certified Instructor, Building A Fair and Just Culture Train the Trainer 2011
General Physics: Certificate, Program Management 1997
National Safety Council: Certificate, Job Safety Analysis 2005
University Of Michigan: BGS, Education 1996
University Of Michigan: Certificate of Training Design and Development, Adult Education 1996
Affiliations (4)
- National Safety Council
- Board Member, Wayne State University Biomedical Research Safety Board Member
- Michigan Democratic Party
- American Society of Safety Professionals
Links (7)
Languages (4)
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Hungarian
Testimonials (39)
Mark Miller, Chairman & CEO | The Carlysle Group
Writer, reporter, HR professional, columnist -- Phil has done it all. He is creative, unorthodox and exceptional. He is without a doubt one of the best writers I have ever known. He also is one of the best presenters I have ever known. And his sense of humor is beyond compare. Long after the program is over, or the column is read, or the training session has wound down, people remember Phil -- his spot-on advice, his intelligent messages, his unique take on everything from the mundane to the sublimely complicated.
Brett Radlicki, Manager, Multi-media Learning Solutions | Trinity Health
Phil makes things happen. He has an ability to bring groups together, cut through confusion, and add efficiency. Phil's background with safety and leadership brought a completely unique perspective to our team. This perspective fostered some very creative problem solving and allowed Trinity Health's Talent Development Team to build many critical partnerships.
Roxanne Pals, President and Founder | 3 Consulting Inc.
Phil is full of ideas and an innovator. He is alot of fun to work with and full of energy. If you need a new approach to learning, Phil is your guy!
Michelle Power, Manager | FordDirect
I am pleased to highly recommend Phil La Duke. To say that Phil is results-driven is acutally an understatement! Phil brought increcible passion to Trinity Health, and transformed several aspects of our organization during the time we worked together. A very good example of this is a program he helped design and deliver which provided skills and confidence to hospital registration clerks in requesting payment at the time of service. Prior to the program, registrars were not just resistant, they flat out refused to ask what they perceived an invasive question to patients. Compounding this problem, was the woefully low amount of successful collections, post-service. Phil completely turned around this problem. He collected metrics to show a remarkable increase in registar confidence AND a near 100% effectiveness in collections. In addition, people raved about the training - that it was informative, fun, and to the point - just like Phil.
Mike Riley, Editor In Chief | Fabricating and Metalworking Magazine
As a columnist for Fabricating & Metalworking Magazine for the past three years, Phil has compiled an excellent and insightful body of work on workplace safety that is one our most-read and highly referenced sections of content. His unique approach of integrating the behavioral science of human factors into the practical economics of systems management provides an unprecedented and finely balanced dual examination of both fields - something that, quite frankly, I have never seen anywhere else. The discussion of safety has never been so enjoyable. And this quality of work is always delivered on time, the highest mark of performance in the world of churn and deadlines that we in publishing inhabit. Most importantly, he walks the talk: Phil is able to apply all of the principles and concepts he analyzes in writing inside the real world, through the process engineering, training and consulting side of business, where the value of his work is actually lived out and profited from in the companies he works with. Look up "high performer" in any dictionary and you'll find Phil's photo.
Danny McEachtren, Health and Safety LUDL | United Auto Workers (UAW)
Phil is a pleasure to work with. He is a Professional and I mean a true Professional in Safety Communication, and I would love the chance to work with Phil anytime I get a chance. Thanks, Phil for all you have done here at Daimler Trucks Of North America in helping us keep our employees safe.
Dr. James Leeman, President | The Leeman Group
Phil provided my occupational safety and health management graduate class with his wisdom and candid insights on how major institutions have failed worker safety and safety professionals. Phil's energy, experiences, and perspectives pushed my students' thinking into areas that challenged their own thinking about their roles and relationships with their employers, the government, professionals associations, and the employees they advise. Phil brings realistic perspective to all situations he encounters.
Scott MacAllister, President | United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 5286
I Scott McAllister would like to highly recommend Phil LaDuke he was a very important part in putting togather the B.E.S.T program at the Daimler LLC Great at what he does as a Safety Professional.
John Minderhout, Translator and JD candidate | Self-employed
Phil was dynamic and innovative, full of energy and good ideas that were useful to his colleagues. He was interested in his work, and conscientious, too. It was great working with him!
Mary Ellen Dolan, Organizational Development and Training Consultant | Dolan & Associates
Phil is an accomplished professional who provides high quality training and quality consulting. He is efficient and effective in designing and delivering innovative organizational solutions.
Barb Fleming, Director | O/E Learning
Phil is an enthusiastic speaker who has consistently provided an engaging session each of the last 5 years for the Michigan Safety Conference. He is knowledgeable and well prepared. These attributes are all reflected in the positive evaluation scores and comments that he has received.
Soeren Schmitz, Vice President and General Manager | Pacific Consolidated Industries
"I worked with Phil on three projects and was very pleased with the results. The first project was a training course in World-Class Manufacturing. The participants were a mix of operations leadership and shop floor personnel with a wide range of skill levels and many of whom had difficulties with the English language. Phil's engaging style and ability to translate fairly complex topics into easy to relate examples engaged all the participants and was very well received and effective. The second project that I hired Phil to support was Leadership Strategy and team building exercise that Phil designed and facilitated based on my needs. Again I was very satisfied with the results and found the session worthwhile and effective. And finally, I brought Phil in to conduct "applied 5S" sessions with select technicians in key areas. In this project Phil was able to "win over" some of the more resistant workers and convince them that 5S would make their lives easier. "
Robert Salter, Manager Worker Health and Safety | Henry Ford Healthcare System
I have had the privilege of working with Phil on several safety-related projects while at Henry Ford Health System. Phil brings a wealth of knowledge, background and insight to each venture. Phil has been thorough in anticipating issues, planning and project management to get us to the desired result. Aside from effective leadership and project oversight, Phil also has a friendly demeanor which is an asset when working with a team. Phil has a solid character, exceptional research and writing skills and the personality needed to help get things done.
George Drexel, Chief Strategy & Systems Improvement | Veterans Administration
With all of Phil’s expert knowledge and experience there is one thing that stands out. Phil is highly skilled at bringing a group of people together to accomplish an objective. Often colleagues have different objectives, purposes and opinions of how things should be or work (as we all have experienced). Phil has demonstrated the ability to do what is very challenging in business, to get people moving in the same direction to accomplish a goal. Phil is a leader and a valuable asset at anything he does!
Robert Hicks, VP Product and Process Strategy | Adient
Phil is a talented hard-working individual that is an active learner and great communicator. Phil has a great sense of what is right and was always very helpful to me personally and professionally when dealing with difficult situations. He has an upbeat attitude and is very innovative in seeking new opportunities and identifying new business ideas. I enjoyed my time working with him as a friend and a colleague.
Dave Holden, Safety Specialist | Williams International
Phil coached our team in implementing a safety management process that was based on shifting day-to-day safety responsibility to manufacturing operations, instead of our previous safety department driven program. As part of the overall program, Phil also led us in developing root-cause analysis skills in addressing the causes of our safety incidents. Four years later, the result has been a 74% reduction in our total incident rate, and an 83% reduction in OSHA recordable incident rate. The SafetyIMPACT process has been very successful for us.
Paul Hunkele, Program Manager- Security Vehicles | Ibis Tek
I attended many training sessions conducted by Phil for my own personal development. Phil is a very effective and employs an entertaining style that engages the group in the lesson. The result for me was better retention. I would recommend Phil for any organization seeking a dynamic, effective and dedicated training and development professional.
John Weber, Powered Applications Business Development Consultant | Fallbrook Technologies
Phil was very responsive and thorough in developing the message flow, assisting with dialogue, coaching and production detail associated with producing a service video for consumers who purchased a Toyota convertible system developed by ASC. Phil was a pleasure to work with for this project.
Rachel Rojas, Jr Administrator | Apple
Phil is a conscientious and dedicated instructor. He has a depth of knowledge that is reflected exceptionally well in his teaching ability.
Rob Freeman, Senior Instructional Designer | Ally Financial Inc.
Phil's approach to training and performance improvement is a refreshing combination of design expertise, creativity, and bottom-line results. I have known and worked with Phil for over 15 years, and it's been my pleasure to see the impact he has made with many clients on a wide variety of projects.
Marty Straub, Registered Engineer and Project/Program Manager | ASC Inc.
Phil is one of the best instructors I've worked with in any setting - college, government, or corporate. His high-energy delivery and ability to understand and communicate complex concepts turned training sessions into motivational experiences. Phil is like the favorite professor whose classes always filled up early, and whose lessons and methods still leave impressions years later.
Roland Barger, Business Development Manager | Grand Traverse Plastics
Phil provided an organization wide strategic training resource. Phil developed, composed, and delivered training modules consistent with the companies business needs. Phil could deliver effective training sessions for process intensive subject matter and provide oversight for the organizations training goals.
Corey Brusman, COO | Yokoama Industries America Inc
Phil is a very effective and engaging trainer. Phil can make any training subject enjoyable and fun. People attending his sessions walk away with practical knowledge that can be applied to their daily job functions.
Carrie Kohler, Project Management Specialist | GP Corporate Strategies Inc
Phil was a great resource on my projects at O/E Learning. He is an excellent writer and brings a creative aspect to all of the material he is given, both technical and non-technical.
Brian Krichbaum, President | Process Coaching Incorporated
Phil is one of the greatest trainers / corporate educators I have ever worked with. He has the ability to draw people in and teach difficult concepts with ease. His managerial abilities are equal to his classroom skills. He helped develop a supervisor enhancement programs that raised the performance level of our production facilities.
Roger Blair, Artist | Self-Employed
Phil was great to work with... lots of energy and creativity for the project at hand. He understands performance and how to get the best out of people. Phil takes his work seriously, but has fun doing it... something the world needs more of.
Cal Schalk, Vice President, Manufacturing | Williams International
Phil has great working knowledge of the safety program and good real world experience on how to make it work for your business.
Susan White, Program Manager | Flex-N-Gate
Phil spearheaded the training for all employees at ASC. His enthusiastic, hands on approach was unique and captivating. As a student in many of the classes he held, I always felt as though I was learning with Phil instead of being taught. He is a highly effective trainer and a pleasure to work with.
Ogie Gajewski, Manager, Organizational Development | Credit Acceptance
Phil was great to work with. He shared a world of knowledge not only from a training and instructional design perspective but also from the automotive perspective. He was the creator of many well received courses, had a great presence with his audience when facilitating, and was well respected among his peers and customers.
Robert Nalette, Director, Human Resources | Fisher and Company
Phil is highly creative, self-motivated and very insightful. Quite simply, he is the best I have ever seen regarding training curriculum design and his presentation skills are outstanding. Phil's experience goes well beyond traditional "training". He would be a tremendous asset to any organization looking for expertise in organizational change, process improvements, organizational development and public relations. Phil would be dynamite (in a good way) in a corporate turnaround situation. He possesses exceptional leadership abilities and motivational skills. In this day of global competition, Phil can drive organizational cost-cutting initiatives to improve the bottom line. He is equally at home in the boardroom and the shop floor. A truly well rounded individual.
Bill Sagy Sr., Plant Manager | ASC Incorporated
Phil was a great and inspiring teacher and facilitator managing his department with tremendous attention to detail. When he actually came to the plants and conducted training sessions he was overwhelmingly received for his touch of comedy interspersed with an uncanny ability to relate to the plant level associates. He conducted his Director role in Training and Development and consistently came in at or below his budgets. There was not a person at ASC that did not smile and talk about some of the training antics that engaged the groups and created a dynamic learning environment.
Marilynn Opdyke, Owner, | Opdyke Consulting
Phil is an exceptional trainer who brings both energy and enthusiasm to his programs. He is a true professional in the design and development of effective training and the management of the function, and understands its strategic role in an organization. And he could always be counted on to bring an element of fun to his work - both in front of a group or behind the scenes. Great to work with!
Doug Clark, Manager, HR, IT & Training | BAE Industries
I have always known Phil to be an individual who takes his craft, in this case training and safety, very seriously. Phil is always on top of the latest industry trends and as a result is able to pass along valuable and current information to his clients. I feel that Phil is intelligent and engaging and I highly recommend him personally as well as professionally.
Christine Simpson, Curriculum Director | Trinity Health
Phil brings energy, intelligence, creativity, and professionalism to his work. He has the remarkable capability to both create the vision and bring it to life. He can sell, implement, and continuously improve the vision, as well!
Darryl James, Health and Safety Consultant | Daimler-Chrysler (retired)
Phil was part of the development team that helped to produce the process that laid the foundation for a highly successful injury reduction process during my tenure at DaimlerChrysler. He has continued to refine that process through his personal form of creativity that is continuously focused on customer value.
Brian Henriksen, CEO &President | Global Recruiters Network of Ann Arbor
Phil has an excellent understanding of the role of Training in a professional organization. He works closely with the functional leadership to determine their needs and then develops customized training to support those needs. Phil is an excellent trainer himself. He adds humor to the class and is able to keep the attention of those in attendance, regardless of the subject.
Rod Edie, Retired | ASC
Phil, while personally teaching one of the many classes I've attended at ASC, created an endless learning experience from start to finish. Not only did he project confidence and educate many associates, but he performed it in a manner that has stayed with me for many years. Many can say they do not remember much about the classes they took from others, however, Phil's teachings have endured and I have incorporated much of his style in my own managing techniques. Great experiences !
Lloyd McCaffrey, Director | Williams International
Phil has provided valuable training to our company to improve our safety in our two plant locations. He was very effective in his training initives and everybody could relate to his training techniques. We are a much safer company today as a result of his efforts.
Fred Meinberg, President | Techworld Language Solutions
Intelligent, creative, dedicated, hardworking, along with a good sense of humor. Phil has it all and then some. I look forward to working with Phil again in the future.
Media Appearances (11)
Interview: How To Be a Successful Safety Writer
Purpose Rockstar radio
An interview with Purpose Rockstar an organization dedicated to inspiring and supporting under priviledged and at risk teens and young adults
Develop Your Action Plan
Life Coach Radio radio
Interview on creating a personal life plan
Talentclick Interview With Safety Leader Phil La Duke Part 1
Talentclick online
Interview on my view of safety.
Interview at ENFORM 2013 at Banff
KNI Media online
Interview by a leading safety vendor on my 12 New Years resolutions
NSC 2014 Speaker Q&A with Phil LaDuke: The safety pro is not the janitor
BNP Media print
Interview with Industrial Safety & Hygiene News magazine on my speech at the 2014 National Safety Council.
Up & Comers
BNP Media print
Added to the list of young (or relatively young) thought leaders in the EHS field
Defining mistakes, failures & disasters Complex safety features may contribute to dire consequences
BNP print
Quoted as an expert in worker safety in an ISHN article on learning from mistakes
Talent Click Interview Part 2
Talentclick online
Part two of my interview on the state of safety.
Most Provocative Blog Posts of 2013
BNP Media print
Two of my blog posts were chosen by the editors of Industrial Safety & Hygiene News magazine as the most provocative of 2013
Super Teams: Using the Principles of RESPECT to Unleash Explosive Business
McGraw Hill Publishing print
Cited as an expert in worker safety and engagement by Dr. Paul Marciano in his seminal work Super Teams: Using the Principles of RESPECT to Unleash Explosive Business
Fans Tip Their Hats to "Henry" One Last Time
The Detroit News online
Interviewed and quoted on the closing and relocation of Henry The Hatter, the oldest hat retailer in the US and a Detroit fixture, thatI profiled for Entrepreneur magazine

Event Appearances (29)
Challenging Safety Improvement
Great Plains Safety& Wellness Keirney, NE
A Culture Of Myths
Great Plains Safety& Wellness Conference Kearney, NE
A Culture Of Myths,
National Safety Council International Conference and Expo Philadelphia, PA
Cause Safety
The Michigan Safety Conference Novi, MI
Complacency: The Smug Killer , Worcester, MA 2017
The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Worcester County Chapter PDC Worcester, MA
Engaging HR and Other Employees into Safety
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Association, Lansing, MI
It’s Not What You Do; It’s How You Do It
Michigan Safety Conference Grand Rapids MI
Leveraging Technology In The New Hire Orientation Process
Society for Applied Training Technology (SALT) Washington Summit Washington DC
Creating Safety Cultures In Off-Shore Operations
The Woodlands, TX National Safety Council Texas Conference and Expo
The 3Cs of Safety
The National Safety Council International Conference and Expo Atlanta, GA
Selling Safety In Tough Times,
National Safety Council International Conference and Expo Orlando FL
Safety As A Competitive Advantage,
National Safety Council International Conference and Expo San Diego, CA
The Importance of Compliance
EH&S Today Leadership Conference Greenville, SC,
Your Mother Doesn’t Work Here: The Importance of Housekeeping and Safety
National Safety Council, Chicago, IL
Why We Violate The Rules,
Great Plains Safety& Wellness Conference Kearney, NE
Why We Violate The Rules
Michigan Safety Conference Lansing, MI
Your Mother Doesn’t Work Here: Why Housekeeping Matters
National Safety Council Texas Exposition and Conference Galveston, TX
Why Won’t My Customer’s Call Me Back ,
Office Expo Dublin, Ireland
Selling Safety In Tough Times
XIV Seminario Internacional De Seguridad Minera Lima, Peru
You Get What You Measure,
National Safety Council International Conference and Expo Orlando, FL
Using Safety To Drive Lean Implementation
Society Manufacturing Engineers EASTEC Lean and Green Symposium, East Salem, MA
The Role of Safety In Operations Excellence
Automation Alley Troy, MI
The Seventh Value
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Baltimore, MD
Taking Control Of Workplace Safety, 2009,
Canadian Society of Safety Engineers Annual Conference and Expo Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
The Role of Training in the Safety Process,
Society for Applied Training Technology (SALT) Washington Summit Washington DC
Six Secrets Of the World’s Safest Companies: What They Know and You Should Too,
Michigan Safety Conference Grand Rapids, MI
Safety & Social Networking,
National Safety Council Texas Exposition and Conference , Austin, TX
Maintaining a Safe Workplace Despite Radical Downsizing,
Michigan safety Conference Lansing, MI
Not Just Average
Michigan Safety Conference Grand Rapids, MI
Sample Talks (1)
What Working On A Major Action Motion Picture Production Has Taught Me About Life
This engaging and entertaining motivational speech is ideal for executives or enterprise wide audiences. Mr. La Duke spent nearly a year as a consultant to the production of a major motion picture and draws parallels from his experience to life lessons.
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance
Research Focus (1)
Creating Safety Cultures In Off Shore Operations
This article appeared in the Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering and explored the challenges of creating a safety culture in remote locations
Courses (57)
Advanced Project Planning Workshop
Developed and taught a 16-hour workshop in which participants developed a project plan for an actual project to which they were assigned.
ASC 5-Phase Project Management Orientation
Developed and implemented a course in the new project management process used at ASC Incorporated.
Better Presentations
Developed and taught this workshop style approach to making better presentations. The course was split into two sessions with a presentation recorded on video between the two sessions.
Better Writing
I developed and taught this course which was an applied, no-nonsense approach to business writing. Rather than focusing on grammar and punctuation, this course focused on getting results from one's written correspondence.
Bloodborne Pathogen Program
Taught an awareness level (government mandated) course in the hazards associated with, and safe handling of, blood.
Building A Fair and Just Culture
Taught this four-hour module course on Just Culture to senior leadership and executives for a major healthcare system.
Confined Space Entry Safety
I taught an application level course in confined space entry.
Control of Hazardous Energy/Lock Out Tag Out
Developed and taught a course in Energy Control and Power Lock Out
Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures
Developed and taught multiple courses in the evacuation procedures in the event that an emergency evacuation of the facility.
Core Supervisor Skills
Developed and taught an application level course that provided the basic skills required for an individual to be an effective supervisor. It was designed to help the new or experienced supervisor provide the appropriate feedback and guidance to his or her staff.
Creative Problem Solving
Taught a 24-hour course in creative problem solving techniques.
Customer Service
Developed and taught numerous courses in customer service. These courses were application-level courses that provided the basic skills required for an individual to be better oriented toward providing outstanding customer services by becoming more emphatic and customer focused.
Employee Relations
Developed and taught a course in how to manage employee relations for supervisors and managers.
English As a Second Language
English as a Second Language is an immersion-style language training course designed to hone the English language skills of non-native speaking employees
Ethics and Legal Requirements
Developed and taught a basic course that uses case studies and a fun and competitive environment in which participants compete to see who can correctly define whether the characters in a case study has behaved, acceptably, unethically, illegally, or ill-advised.
Failure Modes Effects Analysis
Taught a 16 hour course in Failure Modes Effects Analysis development and implementation.
Finance for Nonfinancial Managers
Developed and taught a course in zero-sum budgeting for managers who did not have a background in finance.
Finding Common Audit Violations & Safety Hazards
Developed and taught this application level course in finding and mitigating hazards in an industrial environment.
Fork-Lift Safety
Taught this course that teaches the principles of safe operation of industrial vehicles.
Goal Setting
Developed and taught an introductory course in goal setting and assigning priorities.
Hazard Communication
Developed and taught multiple courses in hazard communication (Federally mandated).
Hazardous Material Handling
Developed and taught this OSHA mandated training course in the safe handling of hazardous materials.
Heat Treating
Taught a technical course in heat treating metals.
Hot and Cold Durability Testing
Developed and taught a course in how to use Hot & Cold Durability test chambers to perform quality checks on automotive components. Taught the course both in English and Hungarian.
Incident Investigation
Developed and taught several courses in how to conduct an incident investigation after a workplace injury or environmental spill
Interactive Communication (Team Work #2)
Developed and taught this course is part of a three part curriculum in team work. This session focused on developing the effective communication skills to effectively collaborate with others.
Interviewing and Recruiting
Developed and taught this course for hiring managers. The course focused on how to ask open-ended questions, avoiding illegal questions, and to analyze participants responses so that the hiring manager can make a wise and timely decision.
Introduction To Manufacturing
Developed and taught this class in basic manufacturing for individuals who were working in a manufacturing environment for the first time. The course consisted of five modules and lasted one week.
Installing and changing TS-2 Conveyor Belts
Scripted and directed this video-based training course in the proper way to install and replace an industrial conveyor belt.
Introduction To Project Planning
Developed and taught a basic course in how to develop a simple project plan. The subjects included precedence diagrams, Gantt charts, resource loading and leveling, budgeting, and contingency planning.
Developed and taught a manager-level course in leadership characteristics and strategies.
Joint Leaders' Orientation To BEST
Developed a course to introduce new leaders to a company's proprietary worker safety system. The course included the scripting and production of a 15 minute video.
Managing Performance
Developed and taught an intermediary Course on how to manage the performance of your team.
Manufacturing Material Characteristics
I taught this advanced level course in the characteristics of materials used in the manufacturing processes.
Motivation, Recognition, & Reward
Developed and taught a basic course in employee motivation for managers and supervisors.
Operation and Maintenance of Automated Equipment
Developed and conducted operator and maintenance training for a major automated robot cell manufacturer
Operation and Maintenance of Industrial Wire Winding Equipment
Developed and taught a course on the proper setup, operation, and maintenance of an industrial coil winder machine. This course included the production of a 15-minute video.
Point of Service Collections
Developed and presented Point of Service Collection training for healthcare workers.
Power of Supervision Training
Developed and taught a comprehensive course for on supervision for managers and front line supervisors
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Awareness
Developed and taught a course on the process used by OEM manufacturers to ensure the quality of the parts produced by vendors before the parts can be mass produced.
Preparing for Statistical Process Control
This is a course in basic mathematics skills that are required to perform Statistical Process Control tasks.
Problem Solving
Oversaw the development and taught a four module course in creative problem solving. I taught this course in English, Spanish, and French.
Quality Awareness
Designed and taught a basic course in quality.
QS-9000 Awareness
Developed and taught a basic course in management systems, and specifically QS-9000 (the automotive industry's version of ISO-9000)
QS-9000 Internal Auditing
Developed and taught a course in becoming a certified Internal Auditor for QS-9000
Report Writing
Devevloped and taught a course in writing technical reports including Product Change Request (PCR), Problem Reports, and an A3.
Robot Cell Operation and Maintenance
Developed and taught a four-hour course in how to safely operate and maintain an automated robot cell in an automobile manufacturing plant.
Sexual Harassment Avoidance
Developed and taught this basic course for hourly employees. This course focused on the company's policy toward sexual harassment, behaviors that can be legally construed as sexual harassment, and simple methods to avoid committing sexual harassment or being falsely accused of such behavior.
Stress and Conflict Management
Developed and taught an introductory course in managing stress and conflict deescalation for managers and front-line supervisors.
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Developed and taught an applied course in statistical process control.
Statistical Process Control 2
Developed and taught an advanced level course in Statistical Process Control.
Supervision And the Law
Developed and taught a foundations of labor law and how it is applied in today's workplace
The Science of Selling
Wrote and delivered a course in the science behind the sales transactions to personal aircraft sales managers.
Time Management
Developed and taught a basic course on time management
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Developed and taught a course in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Using Differences To Build A Stronger Team---Teamwork #3
Developed and taught this third in a series course on team work. This course focused on the value of Team Diversity.
Understanding Float Bath Technology
Developed a basic course on the manufacture of glass using Float Bath technology. This course involved the development of a video and animation.
Articles (67)
3 Ways That Success Can Kill Your Company
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Sometimes success can come at such a high rate of speed that your company fails to flourish and implodes
4 Things About Cultivating Thought Leaders The Company Might Regret
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Many companies love to boast that they employ thought leaders in their industry, but before you decide you want thought leaders on staff, you might want to be careful what you wish for.
5 Business Lessons I’ve Learned From Surfing
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Surfing isn't just for dread-locked beach bums, in fact, many of the board rooms contain their fair share of surfing. What's the connection? You'll have to read the article to find out.
5 Leadership Secrets Stolen From Other People
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
There are books out there on leadership secrets ranging from Attila the Hun to Bullwinkle. This article attempts to suss out the very best of the best.
5 Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Launch
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Even the best marketing campaigns or product launches can run afoul of these five common mistakes.
5 Questions to Decide If You Need a Business Partner
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Partners can either be the best thing to happen to your business or the worst. This article describes how best to determine whether or not you need a partner.
5 Steps to Becoming A More Effective Safety Leader
OHS Professional (p. 8-11)Phil La Duke
This article commissioned by the most prestigious Occupational Safety Magazine in Australia identifies five steps one can take to become a more effective safety leader.
5 Tips for Hiring the Talent You Need In a Tight Labor Market
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
While politicians talk about creating jobs, business owners worry about finding employees. This article offers five solid tips for attracting the best talent.
10 Ways to Reinvent Your Safety Incentive Program
ISHNPhil La Duke
Safety Incentive programs are notoriously bad, this article explores ways to make them better
A Culture Of Myths
Fabricating and Metalworking Magazine2010-11-10
Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International explains why safety is not any company’s number one priority, nor should it be. (La Duke will make a presentation at the Michigan Safety Council in April, 2011).
Adapt Or Die: Chilling Lessons from the Ice Industry
Entrepreneur Magazine2014-10-01
Sustainability is a real concern among businesses today. It should be: even the most successful companies can find themselves in ruins unless they take steps today to ensure their continued success. In this article I wrote for Entrepreneur magazine I explore the lessons learned from the three companies who survived the mass extinction in the ice industry.
Deming’s 14 Points for Safety Applying Total Quality Management to Reduce Workplace Risk
Facility Safety Management magazine2010-10-09
Many consider Edward Deming the father of modern manufacturing, the inventor of the Total Quality Management theory, and the principle architect of the ‘quality revolution.’ His philosophy, which was summarized in 14 points in his book Out of Crisis, is the foundation of lean principles. But underlying Deming’s philosophy was his deep seated belief that variation is the root cause of most of the problems in manufacturing. While his 14 points were intended to address quality issues, they are equally pertinent to safety issues:
Developing An Environmental Plan
Fabricating & Metalworking2010-08-12
With so much attention focused on going green and so little definition of exactly what that means, Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene shows why many firms find themselves trying to do too much without really having a concrete goal in mind or the ability to commit the necessary resources to achieve their goals.
Engagement: The Key To Changing Your Safety Culture
Fabricating & Metalworking Magazine2011-01-15
Engagement is different from motivation. Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene examines why a motivated employee will work hard for a week to win a prize, but an engaged employee will work hard every week because it is good for the organization, and what’s good for the organization is good for them.
Making Safety Talks Better
Fabricating and Metalworking Magazine2010-11-15
Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International explains why the first step in improving your safety talk program is to end it. That’s right. Or, at the very least, restructure it to the point where it is unrecognizable as having roots in what you are currently doing. Here’s how and why.
Safety As A Business Output
Michigan Manufacturing Association2015-06-16
Safety is often viewed as an external consideration to business. In this article, Phil La Duke explores worker safety, not as something outside our business systems but as an output of well-managed business elements.
The 14 Points fo Workplace Safety
Alliance Communications2013-06-13
Article published in Fabricating & Metalworking regarding my take on Deming's 14 points applied to worker safety
The Changing Face of Safety Measurement
Fabricating & Metalworking Magazine2010-05-12
Safety professionals who lack basic data on their company?s safety efforts are not likely to convince management that intervention requiring a significant cash outlay is necessary or warranted. Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International explains why they better do a meticulous job of measuring safety indicators and understanding what these indicators show.
Using Technology to Streamline New Hire Training and Course Evaluation
Journal of Applied Learning TechnologyPhil La Duke
article in scholarly Journal
Values Are Learned In the Halls, Not Off the Walls
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Once upon a time someone proposed a management systems approach to making companies more successful. Conventional wisdom held that companies that had clearly defined corporate missions, vision statements, and values held a significant advantage over others that did lacked these philosophies. The idea seemed so revolutionary and ingenious that companies rushed to create these ideological statements, but sadly, as is so often the case, what was a great idea was poorly executed.
Voting is A Right, Use It Wisely
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
If you are active on a social media site, watch television, listen to the radio or … well, if you’ve been conscious for the last two months, you have been bombarded by information about the presidential election. In fact, you’ve likely received so much information that you may be burnt out and ready to check out.
Wake up the life you save might be mine
ISHNPhil La Duke
Tens of millions are spent reminding workers to work safely and be mindful of the many hazards they will inevitably face in the course of their workdays, but scarce little focus has been cast on one of the biggest contributors to workplace injuries: the lack of sleep.
Wake Up the Life You Save May Be Mine
ISHNPhil La Duke
Tens of millions are spent reminding workers to work safely and be mindful of the many hazards they will inevitably face in the course of their workdays, but scare little focus has been cast on one of the biggest contributors to workplace injuries: the lack of sleep.
Want To Change The World? Maybe Try Being An Intrapreneur ?
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
A growing number of young people are eschewing university studies in favor of pursuing a career as an entrepreneur. It’s hard to argue with the decision to avoid crushing student loan debt in pursuit of an education that often leaves graduates with poor employment prospects and little career direction.
Welding Safety: Reducing the Risks While Welding
Health & Safety InternationalPhil La Duke
Welding is perhaps one of the most obviously dangerous activities going, so the importance of having the correct PPE and training takes centre stage.
What Being An Entrepreneur Has Taught Me
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
I always said I would never start my own business because I didn’t want a jerk for a boss, but on a several occasions the entrepreneurial drive (or perhaps worms) has driven me from the ostensibly secure halls of corporate American out onto the mean streets of entrepreneurship. Out there, fighting tooth and nail for every scrap of work with the ravenous brutes that are the mom-and-pop shops and gigsters of Entrepretopia, I’ve learned a thing or two.
What Do You Owe Your First Employees: Is Joining A Start Up Worth It (
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
The allure of joining a startup can be intoxicating. The dream of lucrative rewards associated with being in on the ground floor draw many people to smaller firms, where they are willing to take a smaller salary in exchange for promises of wildly unbridled success as the firm grows.
What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Worker Safety
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Entrepreneurs can get so wrapped up in building the company that they fail to realize that a fatality or high profile injury can ruin their reputations and derail their success.
What Exec Ever Said Lets Just Be Profitable Enough?
ISHNPhil La Duke
I've heard many executives talk about becoming "safe enough" but since injuries are a wasted expense that drain productivity and profitability, that's the same as saying "I want to just be profitable enough"; and no executive says that for long.
What Happened?
Fabricating & MetalworkingPhil La Duke
During the chaos that often follows a workplace injury, poor incident investigation can often leave us scratching our heads. To improve incident investigation, Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International explains how to address the five most alarmingly common mistakes that people make under the pressure of the moment.
What Should Tomorrow’s Safety Pro Be Studying Today?
ISHNPhil La Duke
A look forward at the challenges today's students will likely face as they prepare to enter a career as a safety professional.
What Would Doris Do?
ISHNPhil La Duke
I parody about a mail delivery woman who drove recklessly and endangered lives.
5 Tips for Hiring and Retaining Millenials
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Millenials are a different breed, or are they? This article offers tips for attracting and retaining millenial talent
What's Wrong With Safety Training And How To Fix It
Fabricating & Metalworking Magazine2006-09-15
Training and worker competency has long been overlooked as a critical factor in ensuring worker safety. In this article safety and trainingexpert details the current shortcoming of many safety training courses and provides expert suggestions for making safety training more effective, engaging and meaningful.
When Good Sales Promotions Go Bad
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Some of the best sales promotions fall flat. This article explores the pratfalls to avoid when implementing a sales promotion.
When it Comes To Safety, Fix the Problem Not the Blame
Fabricating & Metalworking magazinePhil La Duke
Too many organizations worry about finding someone to blame after an industrial accident instead of finding out what needs to be fixed so that it won't happen again.
When It Comes To Unsafe Behaviors, There’s Plenty Of Blame To Go Around Too Many Safety Professionals Act Like Institutional Eunuchs
ISHNPhil La Duke
Safety professionals are fixated on unsafe behaviors and yet they share much of the blame for why people behave the way they do.
When You Understand Stress You Can Manage It
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Nothing this side of a coma is effective at "avoiding'' stress so you better learn what it is and how you can endure it.
Where's The Value In Safety Day
ISHNPhil La Duke
Many organizations are designating a day as "Safety Day" but is there value to doing so? This article explores the pros and cons of safety day.
Who Needs An Environmental Hygienist?
Fabricating & MetalworkingPhil La Duke
Part of a series on the basics of safety this article explains the role and function of an industrial hygienist.
Who Needs a Safety Guy?
ISHNPhil La Duke
This article explores why a safety practitioner is necessary for a business to be successful.
Why Does Multi-Level Marketing See Millennials as Easy Pickings?
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Multi-level marketing are targeting millenials as easy prospects luring them with promises of easy riches fast.
Why Housekeeping And Static Electricity Are No Longer No Big Deal
ISHNPhil La Duke
'nuff said
Why Safety Fails: When Good Safety Systems Go Bad
ISHNPhil La Duke
This article explores why well designed safety systems fail despite doing many of the right things.
Why Smart Workers Make Deadly Decisions: Biases, Blunders And Cognitive Traps
ISHNPhil La Duke
Yet another article about why people make decisions that expose them to situations that put them at risk of dying on the job.
Why We Violate the Rules
Fabricating & Metalworking magazine2010-09-12
Why do people, including safety professionals themselves repeatedly ignore safety protocols? Phil La Duke of Rockford Greene International explains why less is more in safety, especially if the problem is the rule rather than the person.
Why We Violate the Rules Revisited
Fabricating & MetalworkingPhil La Duke
In many cases, rules actually produce unintended consequences that are far worse than the behaviors we are trying to shape. Let's think through this food for thought together.
Why We Violate The Rules Revisited
Fabricating & MetalworkingPhil La Duke
There are very good reasons that people don't follow the rules. This article is a follow up to an article I wrote several years prior.
Why Won't My Customer Call Me Back?
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
The cruel truth is that nobody is going to be in trouble for forgetting about your proposal.
Why You Should Care About Student Loan Debt
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Student loan debt threatens to be the next great banking crisis, and yet many people believe it won't effect them; they are wrong.
Worker Safety Is an Entrepreneurial Imperative
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
We can't responsibly wait for a tragedy to make us safety conscious.
Working In the Line Of Fire
Fabricating & Metalworking2014-10-24
Line of fire injuries remain an enigma. here are some reasons why – regardless of engineering controls, guarding or bypass interlocks – workers that continue to put themselves into the line of fire will eventually die on the job.
Working In the Line of Fire
Fabricating & MetalworkingPhil La Duke
Don't be confused by the same name, this course is a different article than the one that appeared in ISHN (I just write them, I don't name them) . This article also covers the reasons that people place themselves in the line of fire, i.e. positioning their bodies in the path of crush and pinch points.
Working In The Line Of Fire
ISHNPhil La Duke
This article explores the mindset of workers who deliberately place themselves in harm's way.
World-Class Safety
ISHNPhil La Duke
There are a lot of companies out there looking to create a state of "world-class safety". This article explores the hows and whys
You Can Embrace Failure But Don’t Expect A Big Hug From the Business World When You Do
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
There are no second acts in life, but if you learn from your mistakes you may just find success along the way.
You Can't Always Get What You Want: The Art of Negotiation
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Negotiation isn't about winning. That's why so many people do it so poorly.
You Have to Bring More to the Table Than Your Bright Idea
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Every business begins with an idea, but many end with just an idea.
You Shall Be Judged By the Company You Keep
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Your company's references must be managed, evaluated and checked to make sure it's helping to get new clients.
You Want to be Published? Be Careful What You Wish For
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
I get a lot of email from earnest young writers (and marketing professionals) asking me to get their works in print. This articles focuses on the harsh realities of the publishing world.
You’re Not the Boss Of Me: It’s Not the Message It’s How It’s Delivered
ISHNPhil La Duke
Messaging is key for safety professionals and this article explores ways one can be more effective communicating important messages.
6 Attitudes That Can Get You Killed At Work
Workers’ Compensation InstitutePhil La Duke
An examination of the attitudes that often lead to workplace fatalities.
5 Ways to Avoid Cash Flow Log Jams
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Improper management of cash can destroy a small business. This article explores ways to manage cash appropriately.
Instinctual Safety
HSME MagazinePhil La Duke
Nobody talks much about instinct in the context of safety. While we’re quick to point out the need for common sense when it comes to safety, seldom do we consider the unconscious reactions that plunge us in a microsecond from safety into certain death. Instinct is so little considered that psychologists argue precisely how many “instincts” a human has at birth, if any. And yet how else can we explain the actions of so many people when they rush into danger to save the life of a co-worker or even a stranger? Bravery? Foolhardiness? Stupidity?
I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business
Marriah PublicationsPhil La Duke
When I mention that I wrote a book on worker safety people's reactions aren't exactly "OOOW! How can I get a copy?" But this isn't just a book about safety, it's also a social commentary on safety in the workplace today. I know, that doesn't exactly have the same draw as Fifty Shades of Gray either. But if you have a job, have a loved one with a job, might one day get a job, then you really should read this book just out of self preservation. If you've ever heard a safety guy say anything so stupid that you were incredulous that it came out of the safety guy's mouth, you should read this book. If you don't have a job or intend to get one, what are you doing on this site; you don't have money to be buying books. THINK!
6 Questions A Customer Asks Before Making a Major Purchase
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Knowing the questions a customer will ask him/herself is crucial in making a sale.
6 Rules for Effective Feedback
EntrepreneurPhil La Duke
Feedback is a powerful and effective tool that so many people get wrong. These tips will make you better at giving feedback.