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Polle de Maagt

Founder & Prime Minister | Ministry of World Domination

Gent Area, Belgium, Oost-Vlaanderen, BELGIUM

Changing companies to be less about ads, more about acts.



Hello and thanks for visiting my profile. My name is Polle de Maagt and I am an independent digital / brand consultant based in Ghent, Belgium. I try to change companies to be more about acts and less about ads. Because I believe companies have a lot of unused potential. Because I believe that the most succesfull companies connect with their consumers. And because I believe it isn’t about remarkable talks, but about remarkable acts.

After working for Belgian trendwatching agency Trendwolves, I joined Dutch/Belgian advertising agency Boondoggle to work on clients like Rabobank, Nike and KLM.

I was stupid enough to fall in love with a Flemish girl and moved to Ghent to join InSites Consulting, a pretty remarkable research agency. Not to do research, but to change companies to be more consumer connected, based on extensive research and tested models and frameworks.

And now, I work as an independent consultant, with a range of agencies and clients to make the world more consumer connected.

Areas of Expertise (3)

Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy

Online Marketing

Education (4)

Willem II College: 2000

Fontys Hogescholen: 2006

College of Multimedia: 2002

Universiteit van Tilburg: MA, Communicatie & Informatiewetenschappen 2007

Affiliations (10)

  • NIMA students
  • College of Multimedia
  • NIMA
  • DeMeter
  • MA-Tilburg
  • Twitter
  • M.A.N.
  • Fontys