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Ramana Midde - Ramana Midde. Secane, PA, US

Ramana Midde

Ramana Midde


Millimeter Changes of Life : The Secret to Success & Happiness


Ramana Midde is chairman of three companies based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, including Ramana Midde International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.

He has studied, researched, written, and spoken for more than 10 years in the fields of business, philosophy, psychology, and personal development.
He conducts personal and professional development seminars across the United States. His exciting talks and seminars on leadership, selling, self-esteem, goals, strategy, creativity, and success psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

Prior to founding this company, Ramana was the president of a million-dollar software services company. He has had a successful career in the IT industry. He has worked in the US, India, and Canada.

To learn more about Ramana Midde, please visit
If you have any questions about Ramana Midde International’s learning programs and services or would like to invite Ramana Midde to speak at your organization’s event, please send an email to , with a brief description of your event or information request.