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Richard Cash - nRich Educational Consulting, Inc.. PALM SPRINGS, CA, US

Richard Cash

President | nRich Educational Consulting, Inc.


Engaging, Exciting and Educating Speaker on 21st Century Skills: He will change the way you think and learn!



Richard M. Cash, Ed.D. has served as a K-12 Public School Administrator and taught elementary through college level. He also worked as a children's theater director. He is a private consultant to many school districts, and educational organizations around the world. His areas of expertise are gifted learners and programming, curriculum development, differentiated instruction, creativity, and brain compatible classrooms. Richard recently authored the book Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century, published by Free Spirit Publishing, Inc. (

Industry Expertise (3)

Training and Development

Professional Training and Coaching


Areas of Expertise (5)


Differentiated Instruction

Brain Compatible Learning

21st Century Skills

Gifted Education

Accomplishments (4)

Advancement in Teaching Award (professional)

Advancement inTeaching Award (professional)

National Children’s Play Writing Contest (professional)

Early Leader in the Field of Gifted Education (professional)

Education (4)

University of St. Thomas: Master of Arts, Curriculum and Instruction 1995

Univeristy of Minnesota-Minneapolis: Bacholar's of Science in Education, Elementary Education 1988

University of St. Thomas: Doctorate in Education, Educational Leadership 2001

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: Bacholar of Art, Theater 1981

Affiliations (3)

  • WCGT
  • NAGC
  • ASCD

Event Appearances (4)

Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century

NAGC Annual Conference  New Orleans, LA

Engagement and Motivation: Keys to Succes in the 21st Century

World Council on Gifted Education  Prague, CZ

Advanced Levels of Curriculum for Advanced Level Students

Mawhiba Annual Teacher Training  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Thinking Tools for the 21st Century

ASCD Annual Conference and Exhibit  San Francisco, CA

Sample Talks (1)

Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century

Traditional forms of explicit knowledge inadequately prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. This session will demonstrate how teachers can facilitate learners’ construction of knowledge through deep levels of understanding & application in novel situations. Templates will be offered for advancing student cognition. Participants will also receive ready-to-use strategies & ideas to stimulate creativity, critical reasoning & invigorate solution finding.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance
  • Corporate Training


3000 to 10000 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee