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Robert O'Toole - National Eldercare Professionals Network. Boston, MA, US

Robert O'Toole

President | National Eldercare Professionals Network


Eldercare in an Age of Scarcity: Who Will Care and Who Will Pay?



Robert E. O’Toole, LICSW, is President of Informed EldercareDecisions, Inc., a private company specializing in a range of eldercare issues. A founding member the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, he is a former editor of the Geriatric Care Management Journal.

Bob has contributed chapters to two books on elder care and geriatric care management issues, and has written numerous articles on the delivery of elder care in the private marketplace. His articles have appeared in Geriatric Care Management Journal, Health Insurance Underwriter, Compensation and Benefits Journal, Workspan Magazine, EAP Digest and Inside Case Management, among others.

Bob has developed a specialized area of expertise in the increasingly complex field of aging and long-term care. He provides training and education programs for elderrcare professionals who provide fee based services to family caregivers and has developed specialized services to elders for banks, credit unions, insurance companies, employers and non profit and faith based organizations.
His chapter "Growing the Pool of Private Revenue Sources for the Fee-Based Care Manager: Need vs. Demand in the Private Eldercare Market", will be published in The Geriatric Care Management HandBook: 3rd Edition( Jones & Bartlett; 2011)

An experienced speaker and workshop leader on the financial abuse and exploitation of elders, long-term health care, and related issues, O’Toole has presented to such groups as the National Association of Social Workers, National Employee Assistance Association Conference, American Association for the Continuity of Care, The Voluntary Hospitals of America and the Massachusetts Home Care Association, and the National Patient Advocate conference.

Industry Expertise (10)


Elder Care

Human Resources

Health Care - Providers


Corporate Training



Mental Health Care

Health Care - Services

Areas of Expertise (5)

Uncovering Elder Financial Abuse and Taking Action Against the Perpetrators

Developing Elder Care Support Programs

Adding Services to Elders and Caregivers to Community Bank Marketing Programs

Navigating the Complex Health and Long-Term Care System

Building an Elder Services Business Without Dependence On Billable Hours

Accomplishments (4)

Certificate of Recognition for Advanced Gerontological Studies (professional)

Boston University Gerontology Center

Adele Elkind Founders Award (professional)

National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers

Public Speaking and Writing (professional)

Bob has contributed chapters to two books on elder care and geriatric care management issues, and has written numerous articles on the delivery of elder care in the private marketplace. His articles have appeared in Geriatric Care Management Journal, Health Insurance Underwriter, Compensation and Benefits Journal, Workspan Magazine, EAP Digest and Inside Case Management. Bob has developed a specialized area of expertise in private financing of long-term care for those not eligible for publicly

President, Informed Eldercare Decisions,LLC (professional)


Bob O'Toole delivers keynote conference speeches, workshop facilitation and in-house consultancy in the areas of teams, networks, collaboration, business war games, leadership skill games and predictive simulation based on 2 highly regarded books: 1. "Eldercare in an Age of Scarcity: Who Will Care and Who Will Pay" 2. Collaborative Eldercare Provider Networks "How to create high performance teams and virtual groups based on nature's most successful designs" 3. Expanding the Eldercare Mark

Education (3)

Boston University: MSW, Social Work 1971

Awarded Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gerontolgy 1984 Activities and Societies: Vice President, Student Government

University of Kentucky: Bachelor of Science, Social Work 1967

Boston University: Post Masters Certificate in Advanced Studies in Gerontology, Social Work and Gerontology 1984

Lecturer in Health care Studies, Northeatern University 1985-1990 Adjunct Professor of Gerontology, Stonehill College 2000-2006

Affiliations (3)

  • National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
  • National Association of Social Workers
  • National Eldercare Professionals Network

Sample Talks (3)

Adding Services to Elders and Caregivers to Community Bank Marketing Programs

Community banks are losing their most valuable depositors. Older customers age 55+ own 80% of all assets in community banks. Large banks and other financial giants have now developed elder care services to attract these affluent older depositors away from community banks. Forward thinking local banks can compete with their larger competitors and prevent the loss of their affluent depositors and build closer relationships with this critical customer segment.

"Eldercare In an Age of Scarcity:Who Will Care and Who will Pay

America is rapidly moving to a two-tiered system of long-term care services. One provides a range of high quality services for those who can afford to pay, while the other offers very limited services and often poor quality care. This is, perhaps, the major domestic issue facing Americans today and will loom larger as the impact of caring for a rapidly aging population becomes more urgent.

Building Private Elder Services Income With More Than Billable Hours

Many would be " eldercare entrepreneurs" offer fee based services such as geriatric care management,(GCM) elder law private practices, and home care franchises. These business models operate on the "billable hour" model. Hourly rates range from $24 for a home care aide, $125-$200 for private GCM services, and $175-$400 hourly for elder law focused estate planning and guradianship/conservator services. Only a small percentage of those in need can afford to purchase fee based services.



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Corporate Training


0 to 3500 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee