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Roger Miles

Director and Lecturer | The NGE; and Cranfield University


Hands-on corporate rescue vet., straight-talking Board Dir./Risk PhD makes complex risk issues easy. "Best speaker" rated 20yrs+



Roger Miles Publication



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Roger Miles is regularly rated "best speaker" by event audiences, who say they love his "accessible" and "energetic" delivery, "wow factor" and "really practical" material.

He has twenty-five years’ experience in investor presenting, brand value recovery, and rescuing organizations from “inappropriate behaviour” incidents. As a principal in respected firms advising on trust risk, stakeholders and governance, he has advised global brands on value protection, and served two terms as Director of Communications for one of Europe's largest business sector advocacy groups.

Day-to-day he has reviewed risk comms and strategies for central government, professional firms, and many kinds of businesses; and has regularly led elite manager training in the public and private sectors.

His ground-breaking doctoral research has revealed behavioural patterns of corruption that contributed to the banking crisis.

His skill and delight in explaining complex risk and governance challenges has led to regular demand for his insights, including: As lead instructor and examiner for postgraduate Risk Cognition and Resilience learning; directing thought leadership groups, advocating collaborative strategies for complex problem-solving, and regulators' deployment of behaviour-based control systems. He has contributed to books including Mastering Operational Risk (Financial Times Publications), the Risk Annual 2012/13, and the bestselling Watching the English.

His topical private client work includes a special advisor role on business risk for a global law firm and a national utility provider; senior manager workshops on resolving behavioural challenges; and thought leadership for diplomatic, government and NGO groups.

Industry Expertise (7)

Public Relations and Communications

Financial Services

Public Policy

Legal Services

Government Relations


Government Administration

Areas of Expertise (3)

Understanding Business Risks


Conduct Risk

Accomplishments (5)

Member of the Society for Risk Analysis (MSRA) (professional)

Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) (professional)

Leading UK think-tank advocating social goods

Director of Communications, BBA (professional)

Leading communications for one of EU's largest industry advocacy groups

Partner, RL Reputation Risk Management (professional)

Principal in leading specialist consultancy in brand value recovery

Visiting Lecturer, Cabinet Office (HM Government) Emergency Planning College, and Cranfield University / UK Defence Academy (professional)

Leader on risk cognition and resilience for public and private-sector senior management training

Education (4)

Oxford University: MA (Honours) (Scholar), English

University of London (King's College): PhD, Political Science: Risk

University of London (Royal Holloway): Certified Lecturer, Education

Cranfield University / UK Defence Academy: Accredited Lecturer and MSc Examiner, Risk Cognition

Affiliations (1)

  • Royal Society of Arts, Life Fellow; Society for Risk Analysis; Chartered Institute of Public Relations; Institute of Directors; Evidence Network University of London); Centre for Risk and Regulation (London School of Economics)

Sample Talks (1)

When rules don't work, and what we can do about it

Many commercial organizations, regulators and governments instal control systems and rulebooks expecting them to work right off the starting blocks. Yet controls often stall, or even fail, because human factors - "what people actually do" - get in the way. With many (often offbeat and/or amusing) examples, this session explores how and why controls fail, then guides you how to design controls better for greater safety, corporate harmony and readier compliance. Versions of this talk have received plaudits in forums including HM Government (UK); NATO; International Chamber of Commerce - Commercial Crime Bureau; national and international Emergency Services; Defence Academies; HQs of global banking, commercial and professional firms.



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader


2000 to 5000