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Ronald Stein, P.E. - Archway Publishing. Tustin, CA, US

Ronald Stein, P.E.

Author | Energy Literacy Consultant


To educate the public to be more energy literate.



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Ronald Stein, P.E., Energy Consultant on Energy Literacy, Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations”, policy advisor on energy literacy for The Heartland Institute, and The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and National TV Commentator- Energy & Infrastructure with Rick Amato.

Recent Energy Literacy Op Ed articles may be viewed at:

Ronald Stein, P.E. is an engineer, energy consultant, speaker, author of books and articles on energy, environmental policy, and human rights, and Founder of PTS Advance, a California based company.

Ron advocates that energy literacy starts with the knowledge that renewable energy is only intermittent electricity generated from unreliable breezes and sunshine, as wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture anything for the 8 billion on this planet.

A sampling of recent articles may be viewed at:

World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that that they believe will eliminate the use of the oil derivatives manufactured from raw crude oil that made society achieve so much in a few centuries.

As most know, wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity, but manufacture nothing for humanity.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet.

It’s shocking that policymakers are oblivious to the reality that wind turbines and solar panels do different things than crude oil.
1. “Renewables” such as wind turbines and solar panels ONLY exist to generate occasional electricity under favorable weather conditions, as they CANNOT make tires, toilet paper, iPhones, or any products or transportation fuels to support lifestyles and economies around the world!
2. No one uses crude oil in its raw form. Simplistically , “Big Oil” only exists because of humanity’s addiction to the products and fuels made from oil!
3. Crude oil, on the other hand, manufactures everything for the 8 billion on this planet, i.e., products, and transportation fuels.

Industry Expertise (2)


Renewables and Environmental

Areas of Expertise (6)

Solar and Wind Energy

Fossil Fuels

Renewable Energy

Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels

Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants

electricity industry

Accomplishments (3)

2022 Pulitzer Prize nomination (professional)

Dr. Jay Lehr, following his one-hour Podcast with the co-authors Ronald Stein and Todd Royal has officially submitted the book Clean Energy Exploitations – Helping citizens understand the environmental and humanity abuses that support ‘clean’ energy” as a Nominee for the 2022 Pulitzer Prize competition in the General Nonfiction category. Pulitzer Prize Winners and Finalists will be announced in April 2022.

Founder and Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure (professional)


Ronald Stein has authored hundreds of Op Ed articles that focus on energy literacy and co-authored with Todd Royal: The 2019 book Energy Made Easy – Helping Citizens become Energy Literate; and the 2020 book Just GREEN Electricity – Helping Citizens Understand a World without Fossil Fuels; and the 2021 Pulitzer Prize Nominated book Clean Energy Exploitations - Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses that Support "Clean" Energy.

Renewables only generate electricity, but manufacture nothing for society. (professional)


Recent Op Ed articles on Energy Literacy at:

Education (1)

California State College Northridge: Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering 1964

Testimonials (3)

Ronald Stein, Co-Author of Pulitzer Prize Nominated book - Clean Energy Exploitations - Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses that Support "Clean" Energy | Amazon

All 5-Star ratings for: Clean Energy Exploitations - Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses that Support "Clean" Energy

Ronald Stein, Co-Author of Just GREEN Electricity - Helping Citizens Understand a World Without Fossil Fuels | Amazon

All 5-Star ratings for: Just GREEN Electricity: Helping Citizens Understand a World Without Fossil Fuels

Ronald Stein, Co-Author of Energy Made Easy - Helping Citizens Become Energy-Literate | Amazon

All 5-Star ratings for: Energy Made Easy: Helping Citizens Become Energy-Literate

Media Appearances (5)

Today's Materialistic World Cannot Survive Without Crude Oil.

Rick Amato’s TV show “Politics And Profit  tv


A brief, entertaining, and educational Energy Literacy Conversation for your listening pleasure that you may want to share with others.

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“California Insider Opinion” of Epoch Times

EPOCH Times - California Insider  


A 10-minute discussion with Ronald Stein about Chevron’s Potential Exit from California, Threatening Domestic Fuel Supply. An Energy Literacy conversation well worth listening to.

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The future of humanity in 100 years, without oil, coal, lithium, and cobalt.

Energy and Supply Chain  


An entertaining and educational 30-minute conversation about the future of humanity in 100 years, without oil, coal, lithium, and cobalt.

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An educational, and entertaining 40-minute Podcast discussion about the “Unsold electric cars that may be signaling a death spiral for the auto industry”.

Energy and Supply Chain  online


While the number of new EV models coming online continually increasing, automakers are left waiting for EV buyers to show up as NEW electric cars are piling up on dealer lots.

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Clean Energy Exploitations

Energy News Beat Podcast  online


A educational and entertaining 45-minute discussion between Stu Turley of Sandstone Media’s Energy News Beat Podcast and Ronald Stein about “Clean Energy Exploitations” that brings transparency to the humanity exploitations and environmental degradation in the developing countries that are mining for the exotic minerals and metals required to support "green electricity".

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  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Author Appearance

Partnerships (2)

Policy Adviser to Heartland Institute on Energy Literacy

Heartland Heartland Institute


Policy Advisor on Energy at Heartland Institute.

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Policy Adviser to the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow on Energy Literacy

Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow CFACT


Policy Advisor on Energy Literacy

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Articles (3)

Energy Literacy

Your America TV

Ronald Stein, National TV Commentator- Energy & Infrastructure


Attaining a better understanding about energy literacy and how the world has changed from societies that existed in primeval times, without electricity, transportation systems, or the thousands of products made from the petroleum derivatives that come from a barrel of crude oil.

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Energy Literacy Op Ed articles

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Ronald Stein, Policy advisor on Energy Literacy


The inventions of the automobile, airplane, and the use of petroleum in the early 1900’s led us into the Industrial Revolution and victories in World War I and II. The ‘aha moment’ for every green advocate is that intermittent electricity from wind or solar cannot produce any of the more than 6,000 products manufactured from petroleum derivatives that did not exist before 1900, that are the basis of daily lifestyles and economies worldwide.

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Energy Literacy

Heartland Institute

Ronald Stein, Policy Adviser to Heartland on Energy Literacy


To educate the public to be more energy literate. Energy is more than just intermittent electricity from wind and solar. Energy and electricity include thousands of products made from petroleum derivatives that “makes things and moves products,” and the various fuels required by every transportation infrastructure for prosperous societies. Energy literacy will enhance one’s comprehension that the cost of energy affects everything, from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, transportation, communications, housing, healthcare, and the leisurely living made possible by energy.

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