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Shel Holtz - Holtz Communication + Technology. Concord, CA, US

Shel Holtz

Principal | Holtz Communication + Technology


A unique ability to make the impact of technology meaningful to organizational leaders





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Shel Holtz, ABC (Accredited Business Communicator), is principal of Holtz Communication + Technology. Shel brings to his assignments nearly 35 years of organizational communications experience in both corporate and consulting environments.

Before forming Holtz Communication + Technology in February 1996, Shel was senior communications consultant and the communications practice leader for Alexander & Alexander Consulting Group in San Francisco, California. Other positions include director of corporate communications for Allergan, Inc., a Fortune 400 pharmaceutical company, and at Mattel, Inc. He also has worked for William M. Mercer, Inc., ARCO and Transamerica Financial Corporation.

Shel is a regular speaker on topics surrounding the application of online technology to strategic organizational communication. He also has been on programs for the International Quality and Productivity Center, The American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, the American Gas Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts, the Association of California Water Agencies, and the Western Pension & Benefits Conference, among others. He also spoke regularly on the Lexis-Nexis touring seminar, “Communicating in a Wired World.”

Shel is a five-time winner of IABC’s Gold Quill award, and was named IABC/Los Angeles’s Communicator of the Year in 1988. Shel served six years on IABC’s executive boardShel earned his IABC accreditation (ABC/Accredited Business Communicator) in 1984.

In 2005, Shel was named an IABC Fellow, the highest honor IABC confers on its members.

Shel is a founding research fellow and advisory board member of the Society for New Communication Research” and membership on serves on the advisory board of The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media.

His most recent book is “Tactical Transparency,” co-written with John C. Havens. Shel is also the co-author of “How to Do Everything with Podcasting,” and “Blogging for Business.” Earlier books include “Corporate Conversations,” a guide to employee communications, published by Amacom. “Public Relations on the Net;” and “The Intranet Advantage,” publshed by Ziff-Davis Press. He also wrote the manuals, “Communication and Technology” and “Communicator’s Guide to Intranets” and “Writing for the Wired World,” published by IABC.

Industry Expertise (8)

Training and Development


Social Media

Public Relations and Communications

Media - Online

Corporate Training

Writing and Editing

Corporate Leadership

Areas of Expertise (9)

Social Media

Public Relations

Social Business



Content Marketing

Content Curation


Healthcare and Social Media

Education (1)

California State University, Northridge: BA, Journalism 1976

Affiliations (3)

  • Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media
  • SNCR (Society for New Communications Research)
  • IABC (International Association of Business Communicators)

Event Appearances (5)

Your Company Must Become a Media Company

IABC World Conference  San Diego


Social Media for Travel PR

PRSA Travel and Tourism Section  San Antonio


Best Practices for Mature Social Media

Disney Resorts Communicators Conference  Orlando


Content Curation for Employees

Social Intranet Summit  Vancouver


Hospital Social Media

Mayo Clinic Social Media Conference  Rochester, MN


Sample Talks (7)

Communicating Across Five Generations

By 2020, five generations will be working together, each with their own set of influences, values and expectations. How can organizations communicate effectively to this diverse group of employees?

Social Media and the New PR Revolution

A pre-conference session on the impact of social and digital media on the ways organizations engage with key audiences.

Why Your C-Suite Should Love Open Access to Social Media

Debunking the myths that lead companies to block social media and unveiling the many ways leaders can mine value from their employees' social networks -- ethically and authentically.

Your Company Must Become a Media Company

The new role of content marketing and brand journalism in the organization's communication mix.

Crisis Communication in the Social Media Era

How organizations must rethink their approach to crises.

10 Things You Need to Know About the Mobile Revolution in Healthcare

A review of the dramatic changes to healthcare brought about by smartphones and tablets.

Content Curation

What it is and why your organization needs to become a "trusted guide" in the increasingly overwhelming online environment.



  • Keynote
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Author Appearance


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