I have quite a varied background including military, government, private & corporate security and surveillance, personal training and sports therapy and now as a professional coach & trainer and a registered hypnotherapist and psychotherapist.
My passion in life now is the therapy work which I carry out throughout the Grampian area and I also provide group workshops for businesses in Aberdeen on topics such as Vision and Strategy, motivation, performance, life-work balance, leadership through transition, leadership through crisis, stress perception and emotional management.
My main aim is working with this suffering with PTSD or any form of trauma on an individual and group basis and talking to organisations about what they can do to hep themselves and their employees in the event of a traumatic incident to the company or to individuals within the company.
I have a wealth of experience in being involved in operational roles in hostile environments and this has put me in the right place to provide a lighthearted approach to a delicate subject while still making a serious point. I like to involve the audience and use hypnosis as part of the presentation to lighten the mood and have a bit of fun.
Industry Expertise (3)
Professional Training and Coaching
Health and Wellness
Accomplishments (2)
Post Traumatic Stress Centre (professional)
I have set up a small PTSD centre in Aberdeen with the aim of expanding to a rural location by the end of 2012. This deals mainly with serving and ex-military who are suffering with or feel they are suffering with PTSD. It is also open to anyone else who needs our help.
Trainer for British Hypnosis Research (professional)
I was very happy to be invited to become a trainer with British Hypnosis Research based at Roehampton University
Education (4)
Open University: BSc Sports Psychology 1997
PPD Learning: 2011
Master NLP Practitioner
Roehampton University: Indirect Hypnosis & Ericksonian Psychotherapy 2010
Behavioural Coaching Institute: 2010
Certified master Coach - CMC
Links (2)
Event Appearances (2)
Stress Perception Aberdeen
Emotional Hostage Aberdeen
Sample Talks (1)
Emotional Hostage
Begins with a story of being kidnapped and how I dealt with my own emotions, my kidnappers and the other people kidnapped with me. I use sound effects and a very descriptive narrative with the lights off for this part. I then move on to how we learn to tag emotions to certain types of experiences and that our initial response is from our subconscious learned experience. I then describe ways that we can take control and have a choice over the emotions that we have and how we can feel about any given experience instead of letting or subconscious force unwanted emotions and feeling on us. I describe how we can change our unconscious response through conscious repetition until the new response becomes unconscious. I then describe the benefits to all of us in our work, personal and social lives of having a choice in everything we do whether that is consciously or unconsciously.
- Keynote
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance