Hi there, I'm Sinead - a Digital Trainer, Productivity Coach and Digital Coach and Founder of 8fold - a digital well-being company that helps busy people make the most out of the web and social media - without the stress.
I speak regularly on the social web, productivity and digital balance at conferences and events. If you are looking for a speaker, panel member or host for your event, do get in touch.
I write about mindful 21st century working at my blog and I am the author of From Apps to Zen: 26+ Ideas for Building a Business with Balance and The Business Yogi: How to be Happy at Work. I contribute to articles on digital productivity, lifestyle design and balance on a range of websites and online magazines.
** Contact Me:
Do get in touch if you think I can help you.
Tel: +44 (0) 7795 363 661
Twitter: @sineadmacmanus
Specialties: digital wellbeing; digital health; social media; online tools; new technology; e-learning; web 2.0; productivity; simplicity; work-based stress; mindfulness, social entrepreneurship, yoga
Industry Expertise (3)
IT Services/Consulting
Training and Development
Areas of Expertise (3)
Social Media
Education (4)
University College Dublin: Masters in Regional and Urban Planning, Regional and Urban Planning 1997
School for Social Entrepreneurs: Action Learning 2011
University College Dublin: BA Hons, Geography and History of Art 1995
Birkbeck, U. of London: Professional Diploma, Arts Management 2003
Links (4)
Event Appearances (1)
The Future of Work Has Left the Building
TEDxSquareMile London
Sample Talks (1)
The Future of Work
My talk for TEDx SquareMile.