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Stephanie van Willigenburg - University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, CA

Stephanie van Willigenburg

Professor of Mathematics | University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC, CANADA

Researcher, mentor, educator. Bringing balance to the equation.


Steph van Willigenburg obtained her BSc Hons (1994) and PhD (1998) from the University of St Andrews, Scotland. From there she did postdoctoral fellowships at York University and Cornell University, before taking up an Assistant...

Industry Expertise (2)



Areas of Expertise (5)



Representation Theory

Women in STEM

Women in Mathematics

Accomplishments (8)

2023 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (professional)

International Award for contributions to algebraic combinatorics, mentorship and exposition, and inclusive community building.

2017 Krieger-Nelson Prize (professional)

National prize for exceptional research by a female mathematician.

2013 Renewed Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. (professional)

International award for experienced researchers allowing you to carry out short-term research in Germany.

2008 Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (professional)

International award for experienced researchers allowing you to carry out long-term research in Germany.

2007 Killam Teaching Award, UBC (professional)

For outstanding contributions made in teaching for faculty in Science at UBC.

2004 Peter Wall IAS Early Career Scholar (professional)

Wall Scholars are chosen among leading UBC researchers from all academic disciplines, with the objective of creating a dynamic and diverse intellectual community at the Institute.

2002 University Faculty Award, NSERC (professional)

The NSERC University Faculty Awards Program was designed to increase the representation of women and Aboriginal peoples in faculty positions in the natural sciences and engineering by encouraging Canadian universities to appoint promising researchers in those groups to tenure track positions.

1997 Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Scholar, Leverhulme Trust. (professional)

Fellows spend a period of 12 to 24 months on advanced study or research at a centre of learning in any overseas country.

Education (2)

University of St Andrews: PhD, Mathematics 1998

University of St Andrews: BSc, Mathematics 1994

Languages (1)

  • English

Media Appearances (1)


Canada Science and Technology Museum  tv

Part of a video series.

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Event Appearances (3)

Not wired that way

2020 UBC Young Women for STEM  UBC, Vancouver

An introduction to quasisymmetric Schur functions.

2016 Plenary speaker, AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting.  Salt Lake City

A tour of quasisymmetric Schur functions.

2015 Plenary speaker, FPSAC 2015.  Daejeon, South Korea

Articles (1)

An Introduction to Quasisymmetric Schur Functions


An Introduction to Quasisymmetric Schur Functions is aimed at researchers and graduate students in algebraic combinatorics. The goal of this monograph is twofold. The first goal is to provide a reference text for the basic theory of Hopf algebras, in particular the Hopf algebras of symmetric, quasisymmetric and noncommutative symmetric functions and connections between them. The second goal is to give a survey of results with respect to an exciting new basis of the Hopf algebra of quasisymmetric functions, whose combinatorics is analogous to that of the renowned Schur functions.

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