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Stephen Farnsworth - University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg, VA, US

Stephen Farnsworth

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs | University of Mary Washington

Fredericksburg, VA, UNITED STATES

Dr. Farnsworth has spent decades researching how media and politics intersect. Check out his website at stephenfarnsworth.net.




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Dr. Farnsworth is a sought-after political commentator on subjects ranging from presidential politics to the local Virginia congressional races. He has been widely featured in national media, including The Washington Post, Reuters, The Chicago Tribune and MSNBC.

He is author or co-author of seven books on presidential communication. His work, "Presidential Communication and Character: White House News Management from Clinton and Cable to Twitter and Trump," examines how the last four U.S. presidents sell themselves and their policies in an ever-expanding and sometimes precarious media environment.

Among his other books are "The Global President;" "Spinner in Chief: How Presidents Sell Their Policies and Themselves;" "The Nightly News Nightmare: Media Coverage of U.S. Presidential Elections, 1988-2008;" "The Mediated Presidency: Television News and Presidential Governance;" "Political Support in a Frustrated America;" and "Late Night With Trump: Political Humor and the American Presidency."

A professor at University of Mary Washington for nearly two decades, he established the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies. He is recipient of the 2017 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award by the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV), and was recognized for his service to the national political science honor society Pi Sigma Alpha. The University has bestowed four teaching honors, including the Alumni Association Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award, the Mary W. Pinschmidt Teaching Award, the Richard Palmieri Outstanding Professor Award and the Waple Research Professorship Award.

Areas of Expertise (7)

The American Presidency

Internet Politics

Mass Media and Politics

Virginia Government and Politics


American Elections

American Government

Accomplishments (10)

Waple Research Professorship (professional)


Awarded for outstanding research in political science.

Farnsworth Receives Outstanding Faculty Award (professional)


Stephen J. Farnsworth, University of Mary Washington professor of political science and director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies, has received the prestigious 2017 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award by the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV).

Farnsworth Receives National Political Science Association Award (professional)


Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the UMW Center for Leadership and Media Studies, was recognized for his dedication and service to Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, at the American Political Science Association Conference in September 2016.

Recipient, Distinguished Communicator Award (professional)


Awarded by the Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences.

Best Conference Paper Award in Political Communication (professional)


Eastern Communication Association

Best Conference Paper Award in Political Communication (professional)


Southern States Communication Association

J. William Fulbright Research Chair in Public Policy (professional)


McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award (professional)


Awarded by the Alumni Association of Mary Washington College.

Mary W. Pinschmidt Teaching Award (professional)


Presented by the graduating class to the faculty member "who had the greatest impact on their lives" at Mary Washington College.

Richard Palmieri Outstanding Professor Award (professional)


Presented by Mortar Board honor and service society in recognition of exceptional teaching and service to Mary Washington College.

Education (4)

Georgetown University: Ph.D., American Government

Georgetown University: M.A., American Government

University of Missouri: B.A. (Honors), History

Dartmouth College: B.A. (Honors), American Government

Affiliations (3)

  • Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society
  • Fredericksburg Regional Board of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia : Member
  • Former Chair, Political Communication Section of American Political Science Association. 2012-2014

Media Appearances (17)

How federal layoffs could impact Virginia's governor's race (NBC Washington 4)

NBC Washington  online


"Well, the good news for Republicans is that the election is still a long way away. A lot can happen between February and November," said Stephen Farnsworth.

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Democratic Lawmakers Send Youngkin Same Minimum Wage Bill He Vetoed Last Year (Williamsburg Yorktown Daily)

Williamsburg Yorktown Daily  online


“The minimum wage debate has been one of the more controversial issues in Virginia in the last several years,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor and director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies at the University of Mary Washington. “You see significant public support for increasing the minimum wage, but you also see some resistance in the business community to higher minimum wages.”

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Round-Up of Early Trump 2.0

BFM 89.9 in Malaysia  online


"The Donald Trump message over and over again makes the argument that America was better off in the past. Now, depending on who you are, that may or may not be true," said Donald Trump.

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Halftime in Richmond: Virginia lawmakers clash over taxes, health care and gun control

Inside NOVA; The Northern Virginia Daily  online


Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington, noted that Virginia, like many states, is heavily reliant on federal funding for its programs. “A lot of state government programs rely, sometimes in large parts, on federal funding. And if Washington turns off the spigot, that’s a very painful environment downstream,” he said.

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Late-night TV hosts double down on anti-Trump

The Hill  online


“One would expect that a wider range of comedic targets would be appealing from a marketing perspective, but there has been an intense focus on Donald Trump since he first went down that escalator in Trump Tower 10 years ago,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington and co-author of “Late Night with Trump: Political Humor and the American Presidency.”

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Trump's buyout offer sends mixed message to 145,000 federal workers in Virginia

Richmond Times-Dispatch  online


Steve Farnsworth, director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies at the University of Mary Washington, offered two different explanations for the mixed messages that the Trump administration has been sending to federal employees and the public. “One is they really haven’t thought out the plan and they’re just not prepared to do all these things at the same time,” Farnsworth said. “The other option is they don’t really care about thinking out the plan.”

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Federal DEI workers placed on administrative leave following Trump executive order

MSN; WJLA  online


"This is going to be a pretty significant impact for a lot of individuals, particularly in the Washington region, where the headquarters are often where DEI initiatives are concentrated," explained Steve Farnsworth, PhD, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington. “You're looking at a number of people who may be looking at other jobs in the federal government. They may need to be transferred. That could create some dynamics involving bumping people in terms of unions." Farnsworth expects unions for federal employees to file lawsuits.

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Trump's first 100 days in office put spotlight on campaign promises, post-election rhetoric

The Kansas City Star  online


"The first 100 days matter, especially for a new president," Stephen Farnsworth, political science professor at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia, told UPI. "Even for someone like Donald Trump who's been president before, it's an important gauge to see how successful he is at converting campaign promises into policy developments. That 100 days will give us a sense of what those priorities are."

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Young generations honor late President Jimmy Carter's influence and leadership

WJLA  online


"He saw a partner in the District. He sent his daughter Amy to public school, something that presidents do not do other than Jimmy Carter in recent decades. You see, of course, with Jimmy Carter, he worshipped at local churches. He was very much connected to the community at a time that was really, really, important for the District in the rise of home rule," Farnsworth said.

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Virginia elections signal no major shift in voter sentiment in a state watched closely for clues

The Seattle Times; Newsbreak; WFMJ; MSN  online


Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington, said unlike the special elections, Virginia at-large is more competitive, rendering the races a better indicator of where voters are nationally.

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New poll indicates Spanberger, Earle-Sears in tight Virginia governor’s race

Virginia Dogwood; CBS 19 News; WWBT  online


“The poll shows that, once again, purple state Virginia, is in for a pretty compelling election season,” said Stephen Farnsworth, a political science professor at the University of Mary Washington in an interview with The Dogwood.

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2025 Virginia Legislative Preview (Commentary, FXBG Advance)

FXBG Advance  online


If you like legislative gridlock, then you have come to the right place, Virginia.

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Virginia special election could decide control in Richmond

NBC Washington  online


"The odds are that we are looking at a status quo," said Stephen Farnsworth.

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The Media, Messaging, & the 2024 Election A conversation with Dr. Stephen Farnsworth

The Interesting Times  online


"Well, I think first of all when we think about the election, we have to recognize that this is kind of a standard retrospective voting election", said Stephen Farnsworth.

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President Biden pardons his son, Hunter Biden

CTV News  online


"Well, I think one of the things the president should have done is not saying he wasn't going to do it, if he intended to do it," said Stephen Farnsworth.

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Trump Promises 25% Tariff on Canda Once He Takes Office

CTV News  online


"Well, there is absolutely no way to sugarcoat the consequences of something like this. This would be an immense challenge for the American economy and for the Canadian economy," said Stephen Farnsworth.

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Trump, Fox News and why his TV star Cabinet picks are such a big deal (

USA Today  online


Enjoying the ease of an echo chamber in a politically volatile environment is "a very comforting experience" and can be what keeps viewers watching, said Stephen Farnsworth, author of "Presidential Communication and Character: White House News Management from Clinton and Cable to Twitter and Trump."

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Event Appearances (21)

Partisan Trends in Late Night Humor

Virginia Association of Communication Arts and Sciences  Fairfax, VA


The New Virginia: Politics and the Economy after the 2017 Elections

Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance  Lynchburg, VA


Reviewing the 2017 Elections in Virginia

Virginia Civics Summit  Chesterfield, VA


The Trump Presidency, the Mass Media and Public Opinion

The Norwegian Washington Seminar  Washington, DC


The Identity Crises of the Democratic and Republican Parties

White House Fellows Foundation Leadership Conference  Washington, DC


Donald Trump and the Late-Night Political Humor of Campaign 2016: All the Donald, All the Time

American Political Science Association  San Francisco, CA


Virginia’s Candidate Selection Process: Examining Recent Primaries and Conventions

American Legion Boys’ State of Virginia  Radford, VA


President Obama’s Use of New Media: Enacting the Affordable Care Act and Defining Presidential Character

Western Political Science Association  Vancouver, Canada


Politics, Media and the American Political System.

Institute for International Education Visitor Leadership Program for International Journalism, U.S. Department of State  Washington, DC


Media Bias is a Threat to American Democracy

Podius Debates. University of Mary Washington  Fredericksburg, VA


Digital Media, Public Opinion and the US Presidential Race

BI University  Oslo, Norway


The Presidential Candidates, the Mass Media and the Angry Voters of 2016

Mary Talks, University of Mary Washington  Fredericksburg, VA


News Coverage of the 2013 Virginia Governor’s Race Versus Presidential Election News

American Political Science Association  Philadelphia, PA


A Comparative Analysis of the Partisan Targets of Media Fact-checking

American Political Science Association  Philadelphia, PA


U.S. Journalism, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Development

Institute for International Education Visitor Leadership Program for International Journalism, U.S. Department of State  Washington, DC


Late Night Comics Examine Campaign 2016: Donald Trump Dominates the Jokes

American Political Science Association Pre-Conference in Political Communication  Philadelphia, PA


Barack Obama and the Rise of the Diffident Presidential Style

Midwest Political Science Association  Chicago, IL


Studying the Presidency after 9/11: Re-considering Presidential Character in Domestic and International Contexts

9/11 and the Academy Conference at Emory & Henry College  Emory, Va


Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers

American Political Science Association  San Francisco, CA


News Coverage of U.S. Presidential Campaigns: Reporting on Primaries and General Elections, 1988-2012

American Political Science Association,  Washington, D.C.


The Automated Coding of Sentiment in Political News Coverage: Examining Newspaper Coverage of the 2013 Race for Governor of Virginia

American Political Science Association Pre-Conference in Political Communication,  Washington, D.C.


Courses (1)

American Government:

Mass Media Politics U.S. Political Parties & Elections The American Presidency US Constitutional Reform US Politics and Film Consuming News: A User’s Guide

Articles (14)

Donald Trump and the Late-Night Political Humor of Campaign 2016: All the Donald, All the Time.


Stephen J. Farnsworth, S. Robert Lichter, and Deanne Canieso


The Presidency and Social Media: Discourse, Disruption and Digital Democracy in the 2016 Presidential Election, (Dan Schill and John Allen Hendricks, ed.) New York: Routledge, 2018: 330-45.

This One Map Shows the Republicans’ Problem in Virginia

Washington Post

Stephen J. Farnsworth and Stephen Hanna


[Opinion column] “This One Map Shows the Republicans’ Problem in Virginia.” (Stephen J. Farnsworth and Stephen Hanna). Washington Post. (“The Monkey Cage” blog). November 9, 2017.

Support for Medicaid in Virginia Keeps Growing

Washington Post

Stephen Farnsworth


[Opinion column] “Support for Medicaid in Virginia Keeps Growing.” Washington Post. October 8, 2017.

Party Affiliation and Political Class


Benjamin Hermerding and Stephen J. Farnsworth

The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty (R.S. Rycroft, ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2017: 476-9.

Virginia’s 2013 Gubernatorial Race and Presidential Elections: A Comparison of News Coverage.

The Virginia News Letter

Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter


The Virginia News Letter. Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia. 92(3): 1-8 (August 2016).

News coverage of Trump is really, really negative. Even on Fox News

Washington Post

Stephen J. Farnsworth, S. Robert Lichter, and Roland Schatz


[ Opinion column] “News coverage of Trump is really, really negative. Even on Fox News.” (Stephen J. Farnsworth, S. Robert Lichter, and Roland Schatz.)Washington Post. (“The Monkey Cage” blog). February 28, 2017.

Donald Trump will probably be the most ridiculed president ever

Washington Post

Stephen J. Farnsworth, S. Robert Lichter, and Deanne Canieso


[Opinion column] “Donald Trump will probably be the most ridiculed president ever.” Stephen J. Farnsworth, S. Robert Lichter, and Deanne Canieso.Washington Post. (“The Monkey Cage” blog). January 21, 2017.

Farnsworth Published by "The Fix" Blog, Washington Post

The Washington Post


Stephen Farnsworth is co-author of an opinion column, “Late Night Tells Three Times as Many Jokes about 2016 Republicans as Democrats,” published by "The Fix" blog of the Washington Post.

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“The 2015 Election in Virginia: A Tribute to Gerrymandering.”

The Washington Post


A map by Stephen Hanna, professor of geography, and a column by Stephen Farnsworth, professor of political science and director of the University’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies, which both discussed the recent state legislative elections were published in "The Fix" blog of The Washington Post. The column was titled “The 2015 Election in Virginia: A Tribute to Gerrymandering.”

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With Overwhelming Support for Nonpartisan Redistricting, Virginians are Studying Ways to Make That Happen

The Virginia News Letter


Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia

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An Extended Presidential Honeymoon: Coverage of Barack Obama in The New York Times during 2009 and 2010

Politics and Policy


(Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter). Politics and Policy 41 (3): 447-463 (June 2013).

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Virginia Voters and Decentralized Governmental Power: Federal Frustration and State Satisfaction?

Virginia Social Science Journal


Virginia Voters and Decentralized Governmental Power: Federal Frustration and State Satisfaction?

Event-Driven Environmental News in the U.S. and Canada

Electronic Media and Politics


(Stuart Soroka, Stephen J. Farnsworth, Lori Young and Andrea Lawlor). Electronic Media and Politics 1(10): 143-57 (November 2012).

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Authors’ Response: Improving News Coverage in the 2012 Presidential Campaign and Beyond

Politics & Policy


(Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter). Politics & Policy 40(4): 547-556 (August 2012).

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