Areas of Expertise (12)
Emerging Technology Trends
Technology Adoption
Virtual & Augmented Reality
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Social Media Analytics
Technology Start-Ups
Business Technology Strategy
Innovation & Entrepreneurialism
Technology Organization, Structure & Governance
Dr. Steve Andriole is a go-to media source for all things related to the future of technology and business. He teaches strategic technology, innovation and entrepreneurialism at the Villanova School of Business, and his areas of expertise include cloud computing, social media, emerging technology trends, virtual and augmented reality and business technology strategy. Dr. Andriole also serves as an industry and government consultant on all aspects of digital technology and can speak in-depth about the development, application and management of information technology, as well as digital transformation and the adoption of emerging technologies. He is former Director of Cybernetics Technology at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and has founded and co-founded several technology companies.
Dr. Andriole is a prolific author and has published 35 books and more than 500 articles, monographs, reports and book chapters. Dr. Andriole frequently presents the results of his research at academic and industry conferences and symposia; he also frequently speaks at corporate events, off-sites and strategic planning sessions on technology management, technology trends and digital transformation.
Education (3)
University of Maryland: PhD
University of Maryland: MA
La Salle University: BS
Select Accomplishments (9)
VSB Media Relations Gold Star Award (professional)
Research to Practice Award (professional)
Villanova School of Business Teaching Research Award (professional)
The 20 Most Popular MIT Sloan Management Review Articles of 2017
2017 #17: "Five Myths of Digital Transformation"
Thomas G. Labrecque Endowed Professorship at Villanova School of Business (professional)
Meritorious Civilian Service Award (professional)
U.S. Department of Defense
Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Information Technology (professional)
Information Technology Exhibitions & Conferences (ITEC)
#4 Best Book of 2011 (professional)
By IT-Business by CIO Insight Magazine
Honorary Doctorate (professional)
La Salle University
Links (3)
Affiliations (2)
- Founder & Managing Director, TechVestCo
- Research Fellow, The Cutter Consortium
Select Media Appearances (8)
Taylor Swift, Donald Trump & AI
"We have a set of tools capable of generating fake images, fake videos and fake audios, and these tools have never been easier, cheaper or faster to use... Those attacked and damaged must fight on their own behalf with whatever tools they can find. Until the do-it-yourselfers get some regulatory help, 'fake' will remain a viable tool for those willing to distort reality for their own purposes."
AI Can Fix Immigration, Low Fertility & Retirements
"Automation and its closest friend 'AI' are not the apocalypse... It may be that planned automation can reduce some economic stress—maybe a lot of stress. The technology is ready. The companies are ready. But will the politicians support Operation Automation?"
Cyber Warfare Is the Last Competitive Advantage No One Sees & Why SolarWinds Is the Wakeup Call No One Heard
"Afghanistan was not the US's longest war. Not even close. We've been at cyberwar for half a century—and we're losing. Globally, the US is losing, and the homeland is far from safe."
Why Crisis Managers Fail & Why Preparation Is a Myth
"We now know that the global response to the pandemic was botched. But how about corporations? Were they prepared for the pandemic or the abrupt shift in the marketplace that occurred in 2020?"
"Dread and Cautious Optimism" as Researchers Await Election Outcome
Science Business
Joe Biden's plan doesn't outline specific investments in technology sectors like artificial intelligence or machine learning. "[The plan is more] focused on workers—which is great," said Steve Andriole, professor of business technology at the Villanova University in Pennsylvania. "If he pursues net neutrality, rural broadband, data protection for individuals and antitrust [legislation], I would be happy."
Dating App Bumble to Launch Women-Centric Networking App in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Business Journal
The launch of Bumble Bizz is coming at an opportune time—with growing awareness of women's issues in the workplace, and ongoing problems with compensation inequality and health benefits coverages now receiving renewed attention, according to Stephen Andriole, professor of business, accountancy and information systems in the Villanova School of Business.
Seeking Virtues in Virtual Reality Stocks
U.S. News & World Report
A large part of virtual reality's growing pains may not revolve around the technology so much as the aforementioned price point... "Except for Google Cardboard (GOOG, GOOGL), it's way too expensive—today," says Steve Andriole, a business technology professor at Villanova School of Business in the Philadelphia area. "But within a few years, VR will be as affordable as smartphones, or cheaper. We can expect VR headgear to dramatically shrink in size and price, and eventually be embedded in fashion eyewear."
Oh Snap! Silicon Valley School Makes $24M Off of Investment
Associated Press
St. Francis High School in Mountain View parlayed a $15,000 investment in the company that developed the Snapchat app into a windfall of at least $24 million, capitalizing on a unique venture capital fund set up by the school's investment-savvy parents... Few, if any other schools, have that sort of advantage, said Stephen Andriole, a professor of business, accountancy and information systems at the Villanova School of Business in Pennsylvania. "The only way to do this is through a personal relationship," he said. "The probability of success is quite low."
Select Academic Articles (5)
Implement First, Ask Questions Later (or Not at All)
MIT Sloan Management ReviewStephen J. Andriole
What Executives Should Know About Technology Trends
IEEE IT ProfessionalStephen J. Andriole
The Death of Big Software
Communications of the ACMStephen J. Andriole
Must-Have Technology Capabilities for Digital Transformation
European Business ReviewStephen J. Andriole