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Steve Hein - Georgia Southern University. Statesboro, GA, US

Steve Hein

Executive Director of Center for Wildlife Education | Georgia Southern University


Steve Hein utilizes his artistic talent, business skills and a tremendous sense of fun to his work at the Center for Wildlife Education.






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Steve Hein brings his passion for falconry, artistic talent, business skills and a tremendous sense of fun to his work at the Center for Wildlife Education. Steve earned a degree in Business Administration from Georgia Southern University. He holds Federal and State Licenses as a Master Falconer, and practices this ancient art with tremendous enthusiasm. As a wildlife artist, Steve received the Georgia Governor’s “Artist of Excellence” award: won the 1987 and 1988 Georgia Wildlife Management Area Stamps; was chosen in 1986, 1987, and 1990 Georgia Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year; and worked on a national level with Ducks Unlimited, Quail Unlimited, and the National Wild Turkey Federation. Corporate patrons include Nations Bank and Coca-Cola. Serving as the Center’s director since its inception in 1991, Steve is past president of the Statesboro Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, has completed the Leadership Bulloch, Leadership Southeast Georgia, and Leadership Georgia Programs, and is a past chair of Leadership Southeast Georgia. He is currently serving his second term as a council member of the Bulloch County Board of Education. Steve and his wife Kathy have four children, Adam, Meredith, Colleen and Mallory.

Areas of Expertise (3)

Wildlife Art


Georgia Wildlife

Media Appearances (3)

Falconry in Georgia: A Hunt Like No Other

Garden and Gun  


Majestic as the scene is, the story of how falconry, the ancient “sport of kings,” came to Sea Island begins with a slightly less regal group: dozens of aggressive boat-tailed grackles, scavenger birds that were swiping french fries from the resort’s youngest pool guests—and giving management heartburn in the process. Looking for a solution, Sea Island turned to Steve Hein, a master falconer and the executive director of Georgia Southern University’s Center for Wildlife Education and the Lamar Q Ball, Jr. Raptor Center. Hein had a long-standing relationship with the resort and was also a mentor to fellow falconer Jon Kent, Sea Island’s director of outdoor pursuits. In 2011, Hein began the Raptor Patrol, which kept the birds at bay by stationing Harris’s hawks and peregrine falcons near the beach club’s pool under the control of a licensed falconer...

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An eagle, the band and the refs: Oddities in college football guarantee-game contracts

USA Today  


The Eagles wanted to have their mascot Freedom – a southern bald eagle – accompany them to the game. Freedom takes flight from the press box before every Georgia Southern home game, and usually goes to one or two road games a year, along with handler Steve Hein. And since Clemson is less than a four-hour drive from Statesboro, he is scheduled to be on hand, Georgia Southern athletics spokesman Bryan Johnston said...

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Ga. Southern Center for Wildlife Education turns 20

WJCL 22  


"I think being university affiliated is key," said Steve Hein, Executive Director, Center for Wildlife Education. "We're about education, so there was a very real need and remains a very real need to educate tomorrow's leader about the importance of the environment."...

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