Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change and Visionary & Strategist
Author of Bare Naked Bliss, Suzanne Toro, is a creative, global visionary with a strong commitment to the human spirit, global transformation and healing our relationship with the planet. Her life purpose melds broadcasting, writing, food alchemy, teaching and facilitates inner peace and healing. Her 12 years of experience as a business owner of a Marketing and Branding Company, extensive sound and energy healing studies and intuitive nature are all capabilities she utilizes in her daily endeavors.
Leader and Creative Entrepreneur
Author of Bare Naked Bliss, an introspective guidebook that provides men and women with the tools to finding deeper connections and discover their inner authentic selves through the power of food, meditation, laughter and forgiveness.
Creator of BeSimply Radio, a program dedicated to the exploration of the issues that affect our local and global communities with the intent to inspire, raise awareness and cultivate 'self' love.
Creator of revolutionary Bare Naked Dinners, a tantalizing culinary experience designed to inspire conversation and laughter, during which guests can lower their walls and open up to one another in a positive and enriching manner while dining on a sumptuous cuisine.
Developed course content and lead International Yoga, Meditation and Travel Retreats.
Studied under Deepak Chopra.
Leader of the creative production for of the Black Eyed Peas, and in that time has produced four hit music videos.
Integral component of Jeepney Music, a global music label created by with the mission of giving back to the global community while providing emerging artists with opportunities. Former COO-Creative Director.
Founding Director of the Apl Foundation, collaboration with Give2Asia and Ayala Foundation.
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design from Arizona State University- College of Architecture integrated with additional studies in Business and Marketing, Graphic and Industrial Design.
Language Studies in Italian, Eastern Healing, Philosophy and Ayurvedic Health Principles, Yoga Instructor and Certified Meditation Instructor with Chopra Center and Deepak Chopra
Seva Work: Apl Foundation,, Alliance for New Humanity, Burma Project, OurFutureNow, Peace for Kids, Conscious Alliance, Be the Cause, Seva Cafe
Industry Expertise (10)
Architecture and Planning
Media - Online
Media - Broadcast
Health and Wellness
Corporate Training
Graphic Design
Areas of Expertise (8)
Support Group Facilitation
Self Empowerment
Female Empowerment
Inner Wellnes & Meditation
Self Awareness
Food Alchemy
Creative Visionary
Training and Team Building
Accomplishments (2)
Former COO of Jeepney Music Label (professional)
Company of of the Black Eyed Peas
Author of Bare Naked Bliss (professional)
Author. She is currently working her next book a teaching parable.
Education (1)
Arizona State University- College of Architecture: Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design 1994
Graduated with Honors
Links (4)
Event Appearances (16)
The Alchemy of Food: Reconnecting to the medicine of community and food
Food Alchemy Workshop Long Beach, CA - The Factory
Guided Community Meditation
Drum For Love- Guided Meditation and Mandala Dedication Long Beach, CA
Adventures with the Feminine Women's Retreat
Adventures with the Feminine Women's Retreat Angelus Oakes, CA
Master of Ceremonies: Mayan Invocation
MC- Mayan Invocation with Avesa Event Los Angeles, CA
How Can We Serve?
Association For Global New Thought- Michael Beckwith Palm Desert, CA
Primordial Sound Meditation Instruction
Seduction of Spirit- Chopra Center Meditation Workshop Ireland
Reconnecting and Inspiring Teens from Center
Teen Now San Diego, CA
Merging Worlds...Emerging Artists & Giving
Jeepney Music Label Launch Los Angeles, Ca
Bare Naked Bliss
Bare Naked Bliss Changing Hands--Tempe, AZ
Reducing Stress and Cultivating Creativity with Team Work.
Taco Bell Corporate- Stress Management Workshop Irvine, CA
Primordial Sound Meditation Workshop
Primordial Sound Meditation Workshop New York- Chopra Center
FoxNews: BareNakedDining
Interview on the alchemy of eating AscendedHealth Venice Beach, CA
Educator & Host: Adventures of Feminine Retreat
Divine Play: Adventures of the Feminine Angelous Oakes, California
Red Tent Circle Facilitator
Movie Priemier: The Things We Do Not Talk About Granola Babies Costa Mesa, California
Moving Thru Transitions
Moving Thru Transitions: Ready for FLIGHT! Kava Yoga
Ayurveda Cooking Class
Finding Balance with Food Kava Yoga
Sample Talks (5)
Global Transformation- The Power of Service
Suzanne Toro stands as a leading figure in the global giving community. Facilitating change and connectivity for many NGO’s and non-profit organizations. She established and managed, The Apl Foundation, a philanthropic organization founded by of the Black Eyed Peas that is committed to giving back to communities within the Philippines and throughout Asia with a focus on education, environment, culture and immediate relief. Each year, the team evaluates select project-in-need throughout the world and provide financial aid and awareness generated within local and global communities. In addition, to her work with the Apl Foundation, Suzanne assists in creating connectivity and awareness for the Free Burma Project, a project designed to ensure the Burmese are set free and that their needs do not go overlooked from the public to the state department. Connections include Amnesty International and Burmese refugees., Gift, and works with Indigenous Communities.
Creative Entrepreneurship-Mirroring Mother Nature
Suzanne is Author of Bare Naked Bliss, an introspective guidebook that provides men and women with the tools to finding deeper connections and discovering their authentic selves through the power of food, meditation, laughter and forgiveness. Suzanne Toro, former COO and Creative Visionary behind the global music label Jeepney Music, is the leading force behind the label’s creative production and has produced three hit music videos with Jeepney’s founder, of the Black Eyed Peas. She lead the team in their dedication to providing emerging artists and DJs with opportunities they might not have otherwise had due to lack of funding or resources. Creator of revolutionary Bare Naked Dinners, Suzanne provides guests with a tantalizing culinary experience designed to inspire conversation and laughter while encouraging inner awareness, during which guests can lower their walls and open up to one another in a positive and enriching manner while dining on a sumptuous cuisine. Suzanne is the founder of BeSimply Radio, a program dedicated to the exploration of the issues that affect our local and global communities with the intent to inspire, raise awareness and create essential life changes.
Female empowerment
As an entrepreneur, former manager of of the Black Eyed Peas, former COO of Jeepney Music and single mother of two, Suzanne Toro is a concrete example of a woman compelled by action. Her ability to survive the perils of the music industry and the unfair expectations the industry places on women is a true inspiration, all the while balancing a busy home life and flourishing creative endeavors.ï¾ As author of guidebook Bare Naked Bliss, Suzanne empowers women to take charge of their own lives by taking past pains and morphing them into extraordinary life changes.
Social Issues - Moving Through Transitions
In her uniquely intuitive way, Suzanne Toro utilizes her firsthand experiences with personal tragedy to offer her audience a powerful storytelling experience. By sharing her own accounts, Suzanne inspires others to find hope and inspiration in their darkest and finest hours, offering the understanding that though we will suffer many pains, it is from within those pains where we gather strength, inspiration and deep knowledge about ourselves. She has direct experience in these areas to speak to audiences and conduct workshops with content to help provide inspiration and transformation for the following areas: rape, death (including suicide and murder), eating disorders, self-esteem, abuse, cancer (disease), fertility, divorce and depression.
Inner Wellness- Meditation and Food Alchemy
As a spiritual coach, visionary and strategist, Suzanne Toro possesses an extensive portfolio of experience in inner wellness. She guides individuals back into balance from the inner to the outer self. She melds breath work, meditation, creative expression, laughter, food and sound to deliver her wisdom and helpful everyday tools for living in balance. She is a Certified Meditation Instructor with the Chopra Center and studied Ayurveda Health with Deepak Chopra and Saul David Raye. She is also trained in Theta Healing and has taught healing practices both remotely and in-person. She currently is melding sound, visual arts and energy in her wellness talks. Talks can be focused on but not limited to: Stress Management, Bringing Life into Balance, Healing the Feminine and Masculine with Creative Expression, How to Meditate, The Alchemy of Food Reconnecting to our Roots.
- Keynote
- Moderator
- Panelist
- Workshop Leader
- Host/MC
- Author Appearance