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Tamara Walker - Oklahoma City, OK, US

Tamara Walker

Oklahoma City, OK, UNITED STATES

Ask MomRN Show Host; Founder/CEO of MomRN




Type-A Parent Conference 2012 Breaking into Podcasting (or How to Be an Online Radio Star!)


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Kermit the Frog and MomRN - Ask MomRN Show Women, The 5G Network: Tamara Walker, Love Does Not Hurt - Confessions LIVE Relationship Forum Flu shot info from MomRN.mp4




Tamara Walker has been online since 2001 as her alter ego, “MomRN”, providing practical information and advice for raising a happy, healthy family. Tamara is the founder of and Host of the Ask MomRN Show. She is a speaker, radio and television personality, registered nurse, CPR & child safety instructor, and brand social media manager and consultant. Tamara speaks to thousands of parents each week and interviews expert and celebrity guests on the Ask MomRN Show. She is a frequent contributor for parenting and health websites and print publications. Tamara has been featured in two books on influential digital moms, Power Moms by Maria T. Bailey, and The Digital Mom Handbook by Audrey McClelland and Colleen Padilla, and has had two appearances on the Rachael Ray Show as well as other national programs. Tamara also enjoys working with brands as a spokesperson, brand ambassador, blogger, and social media manager and consultant.

Industry Expertise (7)

Media - Broadcast




Health and Wellness


Media - Online

Areas of Expertise (9)










Accomplishments (6)

Dale Carnegie Course: Effective Communications & Human Relations (professional)


Dale Carnegie 12 week course graduate. Was awarded 5 speaking awards during the course.

American Heart Association Certified Instructor (professional)


Certified to teach BLS for Healthcare Providers, First Aid and CPR Heartsaver Courses

Power Mom (professional)


Featured as a Power Mom in Power Moms: The New Rules for Engaging Mom Influencers Who Drive Brand Choice by Maria T. Bailey

Featured Digital Mom (professional)


Featured as a Digital Mom in The Digital Mom Handbook: How to Blog, Vlog, Tweet, and Facebook Your Way to a Dream Career at Home by Audrey McClelland and Colleen Padilla

Acting: Movie extra & Television extra (personal)

I've appeared as an extra in 4 movies. I've also had a speaking role in a local Oklahoma City television show.

All About You Co-Host (professional)


I have co-hosted an hour-long television talk show twice on KSBI-TV in Oklahoma City.

Education (1)

Oklahoma Baptist University: Bachelor of Science, Nursing 1991

Affiliations (4)

  • American Heart Association Instructor Network
  • Aim For Success Advisory Board Member
  • FlyLady & Friends Network
  • Wonderfully Made Foundation

Testimonials (6)

Gwen Riley, Event Organizer | TEACH 2007 Homeschool Graduation and Beta Sigma Phi Luncheon 2009

Tamara Walker was wonderful enough to accept an invitation to speak at two very important occasions for me. The first time was for my daughter's high school graduation in 2007. The second time was for my Beta Sigma Phi sorority luncheon of about 200 ladies in the summer of 2009. Tamara Walker can captivate an audience with her genuine charm and heartfelt words. Her warm smile and graciousness puts everyone at ease while always maintaining her professionalism. I certainly recommend Tamara for any occasion, that of an intimate gathering or a filled to capacity cathedral. Sincerely, Gwen Riley

Aprille Franks-Hunt, CEO & President of Women ReCHARGED | Confessions LIVE Relationship Forum for Women

Our audience loved Tamara's marital tips for couples! She was relate-able and gave women practical tips on how to have healthier loving relationships! You can't go wrong with Tamara's down to earth style!

Kealey McIntire, Former Host, All About You on KSBI-TV OK52 | All About You television talk show & Confessions LIVE Relationship Forum for Women

Tamara was so much fun to have as a guest co-host on All About You. She offered fresh perspective on various topics and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. We liked her so much that we asked her to return for a second appearance. I had the pleasure of attending Confessions Live, The Relationship Forum with Tamara. I heard her speak about the touchy subject of intimacy after children. She did an excellent job of giving out some advice on how to keep the romance going after you've had kids. She even got a few laughs out of the audience during what could have been an uncomfortable talk! My husband and I have two children and I've found some of this advice useful. Tamara is a great speaker & fun to be around. I would definitely recommend her.

Sara Broers , Founder, All In An Iowa Mom's Day, Speaker | Type-A Parent Conference 2012

I had the pleasure of listening to Tamara Walker at the Type A Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, in June of 2012. She led a session that was called "Breaking Into Podcasting." I decided to attend because it is something I have contemplated doing, but did not know the basics of where to start. Tamara's session was perfect. She broke down the process of starting podcasting in terms the average person could understand. Tamara was knowledgeable about how to get started in podcasting and she also shared great resources that were out there for anyone interested in dipping their feet into podcasting. If you are looking for a speaker that speaks in terms that the average person will grasp, Tamara is your gal.

Sinita Wells, Writer and Creator of I Am a Woman FIRST | Confessions LIVE Relationship Forum for Women

Tamara's vast knowledge and passion for the growth and development of a healthy family structure is phenomenal. She provides a true commitment to sharing her expertise when she speaks. Watch out Mrs. Tamara Walker is on the move. Well done. Sinita Wells writer and creator of I Am a Woman FIRST

Melissa Schrupp, Child Care Owner & Provider | Child Care Providers of Edmond June Meeting

Tamara Walker spoke to the Childcare Providers of Edmond which is a group of Licensed Home Childcares in June of 2012. Tamara is very educated in the topic of Abduction Prevention and taught each of our members valuable life saving information to keep our children safe! She presented the information with great clarity and exuberance. We all walked away with the tools needed to protect our loved ones. We would gladly invite Tamara back to speak in the future and we highly recommend her to everybody as a fantastic speaker! The Childcare Providers of Edmond

Event Appearances (6)

Keeping the Intimacy in Your Marriage After Having Kids

Confessions LIVE Relationship Forum  Oklahoma City


Breaking into Podcasting (or How to Be an Online Radio Star!)

Type-A Parent Conference 2012  Charlotte, NC


Breaking into Parent Podcasting

BlogWorld and New Media Expo LA 2011  Los Angeles, CA


Beyond Stranger Danger: Protecting Kids from Child Predators

Child Care Providers of Edmond  Edmond, OK


Graduation Commencement Address

TEACH Graduation Ceremony  Oklahoma


Be Yourself Because Everyone Else is Already Taken

Beta Sigma Phi Society Ladies Luncheon  Oklahoma City, OK


Sample Talks (5)

Beyond Stranger Danger: What Parents, Teachers, and Child Care Providers Must Know to Protect Kids from Child Predators

Would your child know how to respond if confronted with a child predator? Has he been taught the danger signals to alert him to a potential threat? Does she know what to do if attacked? Does he know what is safe and what is dangerous to post online? In our ever-increasingly connected society, kids must learn how to safely interact with everyone they know and meet. Tamara goes way beyond the outdated "stranger danger" concepts to teach you how to effectively protect kids from child predators.

How to Keep Your Identity as a Woman After Becoming "Mom"

Becoming a mother is the most life-altering experience for many women. Being known as (Insert Your Kid's Name Here)'s mom is an honor. Unfortunately, many moms get so wrapped up in motherhood, they lose sight of who they were before becoming a mom and who they are as a woman. Kids grow so fast and will leave the nest. If you don't know who you are, you could find yourself with an identity crisis. Learn how to keep your own identity intact as a woman first and you'll be an even better mom.

Keeping the Intimacy in Your Marriage After Having Kids

One of the first things to suffer after the birth of a child is the loss of intimacy between the parents, both in and out of the bedroom. Research has shown that two of the top causes of stress in a marriage are kids and sex (and/or lack of it). So how do you keep the closeness and communication going when Junior keeps you awake half the night and/or sleeps in your bed? Learn how to restore and maintain emotional and physical intimacy as a couple to keep your marriage strong even as parents.

Watch Me! Discovering What You Are Capable of Accomplishing When the World Doubts You

Tamara Walker's inspirational story of growing up with only one leg and overcoming society's preconceived limitations of having a physical disability to become a registered nurse, television and radio personality, speaker, and mom. Tamara's "Watch Me" attitude kept her focused on achieving her goals despite opposition from those who thought her disability would hold her back. Find out how to develop your own "Watch Me" attitude and discover what you are truly capable of accomplishing!

Who Really Wants to Be Perfect Anyway? Embracing the Beauty of Being Imperfect in a "Perfect" World

We see it everywhere, society's images of "perfection" and the pressure to measure up to air-brushed, manipulated photos of models and glamorous stars on TV who've spent hours having their hair and makeup done by professionals. We see it everywhere we look - except our own mirrors. And that's when the pressure becomes too much. We strive to live up to an unrealistic standard then hate ourselves for falling short. Find out how to truly accept yourself, flaws and all, and dump perfection forever!



  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC


1000 to 6500 *Will consider certain engagements for no fee